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Is marriage on it's deathbed?

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A basic nut. The staff there tells me that she stays in the store for hours just walking around and complaining about everything.


I do stick with the fact that male/female relations are at a crisis point though. Just look around you honestly and ask if I am wrong.

ALL relations. Not just male/female ones. You just make the mistake of ascribing everyone's bad behavior to a gender relations problem when it isn't necessarily so.

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ALL relations. Not just male/female ones. You just make the mistake of ascribing everyone's bad behavior to a gender relations problem when it isn't necessarily so.


This is true but it seems that these problems are especially bad. People like you and I who have great relationships are rarities.

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Look! This thread has come full circle! It's just like all the discussion between the first post and the last never even happened! What a surprise!

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Look! This thread has come full circle! It's just like all the discussion between the first post and the last never even happened! What a surprise!


I have two theories here:


1. Woggle has no life and makes up these arguments for entertainment




2. His feelings are real and if he keeps up all this excess time that he spends on here spreading hate and looking for it online then his wife will eventually leave him due to him neglecting her and ignoring her. The reality of it is that by ignoring her he is slowly forcing her to leave him which will in turn prove his fears to be correct and then he can throw at us a big ole' 'HA I TOLD YOU SO'

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I have two theories here:


1. Woggle has no life and makes up these arguments for entertainment




2. His feelings are real and if he keeps up all this excess time that he spends on here spreading hate and looking for it online then his wife will eventually leave him due to him neglecting her and ignoring her. The reality of it is that by ignoring her he is slowly forcing her to leave him which will in turn prove his fears to be correct and then he can throw at us a big ole' 'HA I TOLD YOU SO'


Well, I hope his moment of self righteousness is worth the sacrifice of his M.

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Look! This thread has come full circle! It's just like all the discussion between the first post and the last never even happened! What a surprise!


Because these issues still exist.


Gender relations are just fine and men and women like each other a lot


Marriage and relationships are all happy and there is barely any cheating, abuse and strife


Single men and women who are honestly looking for love and don't intend to be players or play games have it easy and never run into any drama or people who want to use them.



Is this what people want to hear from me? Is this what I need to believe in order to not be accused of hating women?

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Because these issues still exist.


Gender relations are just fine and men and women like each other a lot


Marriage and relationships are all happy and there is barely any cheating, abuse and strife


Single men and women who are honestly looking for love and don't intend to be players or play games have it easy and never run into any drama or people who want to use them.



Is this what people want to hear from me? Is this what I need to believe in order to not be accused of hating women?

No. We would like honest discussion. It's not all or nothing in EITHER direction. You should be the first one to know that according to your claims of how wonderful your wife is. Let's at least celebrate the GOOD while discussing the bad. And that doesn't mean the occasional, "Oh, yeah, but only you and I have good relationships." There are MANY good R's. Let's discuss how those work and how the bad ones don't work. Let's not make these broad claims about one particular gender or another. You ALWAYS bring up examples of horrible women (and I have a VERY hard time believing there are huge numbers of women crowing about cheating on their H's and high fiving each other over it). There are MANY horrible men. Hell, you were friends with a guy who was running amock screwing numerous married women, but you made excuses for him and continued to be his friend merely because he let you sleep on his couch for a little while! Open your eyes fully, Woggle, and quit scrutinizing women with a microscope while ignoring the obvious horrible behavior in many men. Let's talk about ALL the stuff that goes on in R's, good, bad, indifferent. Please! Every woman is NOT your mother or your ex.


There. That felt good. Although I doubt any of it will sink in. :(

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Because these issues still exist.


Gender relations are just fine and men and women like each other a lot


Marriage and relationships are all happy and there is barely any cheating, abuse and strife


Single men and women who are honestly looking for love and don't intend to be players or play games have it easy and never run into any drama or people who want to use them.


Is this what people want to hear from me? Is this what I need to believe in order to not be accused of hating women?


How about a healthy middle ground?


Men and women have difficulty understanding each other's POV, but we sure do keep trying to make it work. From a historical perspective, we've moved toward egalitarian relationships, and away from stereotypical roles in relationships. We're progressing and adjusting, slowly.


THe divorce rate is still high, but seems to be dropping recently. Thank goodness for divorce so that men and women can get OUT of bad relationships. And with the relative ease of divorce, we can assume that the half of marriages that last are pretty satisfying.


The dating game is tough, but every year a couple more of my single friends/relatives find a good partner, and settle down.


It isn't all good or all bad. Like life itself, love is messy, and challenging, and rewarding, and sometimes devastating, but always hopeful, and often amazing.

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I do believe that many but not all women deep down have a you go girl attitude towards women cheating on men. I am sorry but that is what I have seen. If a female celebrity were ever in a cheating scandal it would show this. She would have a lot of supporters.

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Because these issues still exist.


Gender relations are just fine and men and women like each other a lot


Marriage and relationships are all happy and there is barely any cheating, abuse and strife


Single men and women who are honestly looking for love and don't intend to be players or play games have it easy and never run into any drama or people who want to use them.



Is this what people want to hear from me? Is this what I need to believe in order to not be accused of hating women?


There are good & bad people in ALL groups! Just because somebody acts in a self serving manner doesn't automatically mean that hate based gender crimes have been committed.


I don't want to be married or to have a relationship... I meet a lot of guys who share that feeling & are just as honest & upfront about their status as I am. This doesn't mean that either of us "hate" the opposite gender, it just means we're not down for any sort of committed relationship.. we aren't looking for "love"

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I do believe that many but not all women deep down have a you go girl attitude towards women cheating on men. I am sorry but that is what I have seen. If a female celebrity were ever in a cheating scandal it would show this. She would have a lot of supporters.


Not many. A small, vocal minority.


It is what you've seen because it is what confirms your bias. You look up the articles, read the venomous comments, and pay attention to the worst of the worst.


The rest of us don't pay those whack jobs any attention at all....

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I do believe that many but not all women deep down have a you go girl attitude towards women cheating on men. I am sorry but that is what I have seen. If a female celebrity were ever in a cheating scandal it would show this. She would have a lot of supporters.


And you don't think male celebrities like Tiger Woods have "you go, you're the man" supporters? Sorry but I saw plenty of blistering commentary on the internet from men outraged by the prospect that Elin was going to score a huge divorce settlement. Plenty of comments that she should get next to nothing because she married a pro athlete & it's widely known that none of them are faithful.


Female celeb's ? LeAnn Rimes is still the focus of intense criticism & scorn for her behavior! She might live it down but sticking it out long enough to live down a scandal isn't the same as having bad behavior endorsed & supported. Heck, every time I see a pic of her " home wrecker" is the first thought to come to my mind.

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And you don't think male celebrities like Tiger Woods have "you go, you're the man" supporters? Sorry but I saw plenty of blistering commentary on the internet from men outraged by the prospect that Elin was going to score a huge divorce settlement. Plenty of comments that she should get next to nothing because she married a pro athlete & it's widely known that none of them are faithful.


Female celeb's ? LeAnn Rimes is still the focus of intense criticism & scorn for her behavior! She might live it down but sticking it out long enough to live down a scandal isn't the same as having bad behavior endorsed & supported. Heck, every time I see a pic of her " home wrecker" is the first thought to come to my mind.

Absolutely spot on SS1!

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The fact is that for the financially wealthy, marriage serves minimal benefit in comparison to the burden. A healthy long term relationship is absolutely achievable without marriage.


Yes rich people can just "cuddle up" with their money at night and watch TV. No need for a commitment to anyone or anything except their money.:rolleyes:

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Yes rich people can just "cuddle up" with their money at night and watch TV. No need for a commitment to anyone or anything except their money.:rolleyes:

And some people wonder why they can't get a date. :confused:

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I do believe that many but not all women deep down have a you go girl attitude towards women cheating on men. I am sorry but that is what I have seen. If a female celebrity were ever in a cheating scandal it would show this. She would have a lot of supporters.


good for you and continue to believe what you choose to believe but in the seven years you have been here now just about everyone here has disagreed with you on your version of what the real world is like is regards to men and women. You will never see it because you purposely choose to ignore any rational advice here that is given to you. I hope that you enjoy living in fear and hate because you sure do go out of your way to be surrounded by it.

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good for you and continue to believe what you choose to believe but in the seven years you have been here now just about everyone here has disagreed with you on your version of what the real world is like is regards to men and women. You will never see it because you purposely choose to ignore any rational advice here that is given to you. I hope that you enjoy living in fear and hate because you sure do go out of your way to be surrounded by it.


He doesn't just ignore advice - he blatantly ignores conversations he actually has. It's maddening. He's a frikkking broken record and also does not receive anything - no input, all outgo.

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Sounds like you are angry with the world and right now you think that must be the case for everyone else. But it isn't. Although many people are opting to live together instead of getting married, it still stands that 90% of individuals get married at least once in their lifetime. Maybe there is a 50% divorce rate, but it's not stopping people from trying to be that other 50%. I see all kinds of friends getting married all the time. Although marriage has a religious basis, it's not stopping people from being traditional and wanting a financially and emotionally committed relationship. Your negative views may be why you're so unhappy with your marriage.

Edited by setsenia
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He doesn't just ignore advice - he blatantly ignores conversations he actually has. It's maddening. He's a frikkking broken record and also does not receive anything - no input, all outgo.

And even when he finally DOES acknowledge some truth to what others say he ALWAYS ends it with "...but..."

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It's not that I ignore comments but when I look at certain things I notice that much of what I believe is true.


Also men are very sensitive to big divorce payouts because we can imagine ourselves in that position but there is still no excuse for his cheating. I am not even that familiar with Leanne Rimes but if somebody who was well known outside the country world cheated on her husband there would be a lot of you go girl comments. If Meryl Streep had an affair let's see what would happen.

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And even when he finally DOES acknowledge some truth to what others say he ALWAYS ends it with "...but..."

I am not even that familiar with Leanne Rimes but if somebody who was well known outside the country world cheated on her husband there would be a lot of you go girl comments.
Just like I said. :rolleyes:
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It's not that I ignore comments but when I look at certain things I notice that much of what I believe is true.


Also men are very sensitive to big divorce payouts because we can imagine ourselves in that position but there is still no excuse for his cheating. I am not even that familiar with Leanne Rimes but if somebody who was well known outside the country world cheated on her husband there would be a lot of you go girl comments. If Meryl Streep had an affair let's see what would happen.


and there you go again with your hypothetical scenarios to keep yourself surrounded with fear and bitterness.


If any of what you say about yourself is actually true then your wife is either very naive or blind/deaf. How is she supposedly OK with you spending so much time spreading your hate on here and looking at other websites? How does she not get involved in your life and go to counseling with you? (Assuming that you actually do go)


It is IMPOSSIBLE for someone who has such a bitter view on marriage and life to be 'happily' married. Say what you want and believe what you choose but it is impossible.




:laugh: on the 'but' comments.

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I am not saying anything will happen but lets pretend that something happened between you and CE. Who do you think the women here and in your life offline would side with?

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