Community Forums
Hot Topics
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic
- 13.5k posts
Discussions surrounding health and well-being, crisis response, societal impact, and other aspects of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic.
- 'Reclaiming Trust: How Dexdert Net Recovery Restored My Bitcoin and Hope'
- By richardwilliam89718,
Confronting Social Injustices & Intolerance
- 2.9k posts
Exploring inequities and injustices in the balances of societal power and privilege: Educated and informed discussions on the many complexities that impact how we treat ourselves and others. Actively listen, engage to learn, and empathetically respond.
Business and Professional Relationships
- 59k posts
Networking and maintaining a positive environment in the work place is important! Surviving the 9-to-5 within.
- By prelog milivoj,
- 63.2k posts
Having issues with a friend? Get it off your chest!
- 53.2k posts
Parents too demanding? Sibling driving you mad? Tell us!
- 40.5k posts
Discuss tips, concerns, and all the mayhem involved in raising kids.
- Issue on sleeping arrangement
- By BaileyB,
In Search Of...
- 163.9k posts
Considering starting to date someone new? Having trouble forming friendships, find companions, lovers, or associates? Is someone pursuing an unwelcome relationship with you? Talk about your experiences here.
- does cold approach work
- By Foxhall,
Friends and Lovers
- 73.3k posts
Progressing into "Friends with benefits" and beyond: When platonic relationships become more intimate.
- Can a Kiss Ruin Everything?
- By ExpatInItaly,
Getting Married
- 41.5k posts
Cold feet to pre-marital stressors—the place to discuss all the issues that come with saying "I do."
- I said yes
- By basil67,
- 2m posts
Dating, courting, or going steady? Things not working out the way you had hoped? Stand up on your soap box and let us know what's going on!
- Calming anxiety in the early days
- By unbeknown,
Long-Distance Relationships
- 88.6k posts
Coping with geographical distance can make or break a LDR. Share your experiences and questions here.
- We've connected but haven't met officially
- By basil67,
The Other Man / Woman
- 542k posts
The other side of the story: Support and discussion for those who find themselves involved with a committed partner.
- Why is my coworker acting so awkward around me?
- By Lottemarine,
Breaking Up, Reconciliation & Coping
Breaks and Breaking Up
- 741.6k posts
It happens to most everyone at some point in life! Share your experiences!
Separation and Divorce
- 232.2k posts
Considering ending your marriage? Going through a divorce? Let us know!
- Divorcing for the Affair Partner?
- By stillafool,
Second Chances
- 169.7k posts
Called it off but doubting the decision now? Someone wants you back? Let us know about it!
- Fiancee is talking to her ex
- By ExpatInItaly,
- 323.9k posts
Learning to deal with one's emotions and loss.
- Feeling isolated, I'm all ears
- By basil67,
Mind, Body & Soul
Self-Improvement and Personal Well-Being
- 89.6k posts
Start off with a great foundation! The place to ponder the journey towards improving yourself!
Physical Fitness, Health & Weight Management
- 65.2k posts
Staying fit and physically healthy is essential! Remember, we aren't subsitutes for your physician! As always, talk to your doctor before following any suggestions or advice!
Sexual & Reproductive Health and Practices
- 328.1k posts
This three-letter word isn't taboo here! Ask questions and give answers! (Registration Required)
Gender & Sexual Identity
- 18.5k posts
Discussions pertaining to gender roles, sexual identity formation and development: Men vs. women, et al. (Registration Required)
Spirituality & Religious Beliefs
- 57.3k posts
Contemplate your place and purpose in the universe.
- Where is my mom.
- By fadi20,
Addiction & Recovery
- 13k posts
Recognizing, conquering, and coping with addictions, substance abuse & dependence.
- How do you full that empty void?
- By Leihla_B,
- 23.9k posts
Support for and discussion of psychological, physical, and sexual abuse.
- By MsJayne,
General Relationship Discussion
- 377.2k posts
Everything else under the sun. Not sure where to post? This is the place!
- DamagedGirl1234
- By Els, Questions and Comments
- 1.9k posts
The place to post any questions or comments you may have regarding or the Community Forums. Please Contact Us privately with any inquiries related to your personal account.
- Where is my post
- By basil67,
- 32.7k posts
A collection of the original messages posted on's LoveTalk Forum from 1997-2001.
- would it just be better to be alone?
- By unnamed,
The Water Cooler
- 489.6k posts
Political Proselytization & Warmongering
- 156.8k posts
Politics, the art of the possible. Discussions involving local, national, and international governmental political affairs, issues, wars, elections, etc.
Personal Rants and Confessions
- 170.5k posts
Something you just need to gripe about and get off your chest? This is the place to let it all come out.