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  1. Past hour
  2. In the fast-paced and often treacherous realm of the digital age, where promises of swift riches and effortless profits frequently mask insidious deception, I found myself trapped in a web of fraud after encountering Fast Swift Cyber Services —a true beacon of hope amidst the chaos of deceitful schemes. My odyssey with Fast Swift Cyber Services began painfully, following a staggering loss of 420,000 that resulted from an encounter with a con artist posing as a crypto investment expert. Captivated by alluring promises of immense returns and financial security for my future, I unwittingly relinq
  3. ExpatInItaly

    What would you do?

    You don't trust him, clearly. Whether or not it's warranted changes little. Where there's no trust, there's no relationship. I don't see how you can move forward with this relationship.
  4. Today
  5. basil67

    What would you do?

    I'd be really surprised if he's cheating while he's away with his family. Do you know for sure that he's with them? Are there photos of him and the group?
  6. ShyViolet

    My ex gf is so hot/cold? What to I do?

    How many times do you need this woman to tell you it's over and she wants nothing to do with you, before you believe her? No healthy relationship involves this much turbulence and switching between extremes (I miss you, I want nothing to do with you). It's obvious that its too far gone to salvage. Stop allowing her to keep coming in and out of your life over and over. If she can't make the decision once and for all that it's over, and stick to it, then you need to be the one to make the decision.
  7. Digital assets reign supreme and the allure of cryptocurrency investments beckons, the threat of fraud and deception looms large. Many have fallen victim to the cunning schemes of fraudulent investment websites, entrusting their hard-earned money to promises of lucrative returns, only to be left empty-handed and disillusioned. I, too, once found myself ensnared in this web of deceit, losing a staggering $210,000 to a cryptocurrency fraudster who vanished into thin air, leaving me with nothing but regret and despair. Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Digital Tec
  8. Gaeta

    Fear I am being ghosted

    Morten, are you even reading what people are writting and asking?
  9. Ingrid A

    What would you do?

    @Lotsgoingon Lying can be effortless for this folks. Sadly, this isn’t the first time my radar has gone “off”. But, it is the first time I’ve been blocked. Thank you for your words of wisdom. It’s not listening to what he says, but observing his behavior and how it makes me feel.
  10. Lotsgoingon

    What would you do?

    Whatever you do from here on, you do NOT want to just ask him about your concerns. Cheaters lie so easily. Lying is a basic part of cheating!!!! Cheaters often plan their lies and practice them quietly all along. So if he is cheating, he'll have a good lie ready to give you, one that is possibly (possibly!) plausible enough. Your task is to observe carefully AND to pay attention to discomfort in your body, pay attention to that fear you might have deep down. Pay attention to any inconsistencies in his behavior or communication from here on out.
  11. NuevoYorko

    What would you do?

    Can you just kind of let go of this and get on with your day to day life? Reconnect with him when he's back and talk it over. If you have to "keep your eyes and ears open" in order to be in this relationship, it seems to be impossible. You are long distance and have shared "several weekends" together in real life. How can you even know what warrants concern or not when your everyday lives do not intersect at all? From my perspective, you're either going to have to let this all go, or forget the whole thing. Which leads me to ask: why have you chosen to be in a long dis
  12. Ingrid A

    What would you do?

    Thank you, @Lotsgoingon. This is exactly what first came to mind. It was so bizarre. I have never been blocked before. Fortunately, I have a cell phone for work and it could simulate a “being blocked” scenario with my personal phone. The results were consistent with my number being blocked. Also, having to hang up on a call to put a “headset“ in makes no sense. Most people can put in their headset while they’re still on a call. And then to immediately, literally one minute later, get a text that there is a “emergency” is very odd. The story he came back with was that a young child,
  13. mortensorchid

    Fear I am being ghosted

    Today he was moved to a LTac facility. It's a nursing home more or less. I saw him, he's confused still. He doesn't know my name, he doesn't know why he's in the place. He thinks I am a doctor sometimes, sometimes he thinks I am his mom. This is ... Not good. This is where he is going to stay because he's... Shutting down bit by bit. I a vacuum someone said? Yes. I am numb, unfeeling. I tell him I love him. And this is the end.
  14. balletomane

    Fear I am being ghosted

    I did a double take when I read this. First you make this vulnerable unwell man sound like he's an interesting object or curio that you've picked up ("I showed her him in his hospital bed"), and then you start gossiping about his condition ("I told her about the cirrhosis...They asked me if he drinks..."). You have no idea if he wants friends to visit right now or which people he'd invite if he did, and you certainly don't know if he'd be comfortable with you discussing his medical information at his bedside with someone you've only met once or twice. That was a serious breach of his privacy.
  15. Quite on the contrary, my opinion is based exactly on how our brains work. When people are truly in love, they will satisfy their desire for renewed “crushes” with each other. They’ll fall in love with each other over and over again, reinvigorate their feeling. When something is wrong in a relationship and love is lacking, their brains will channel that desire outside, towards other people, even subconsciously and seemingly against their will and intentions. I do mean only people who are in love. Not people who are “in love”.
  16. Yesterday
  17. The world of cryptocurrency is known for its volatility, where many individuals have unfortunately fallen victim to online scams, losing their hard-earned coins and assets. I too found myself ensnared in this perilous landscape when I became a victim of a fake Telegram crypto investment scheme. It was devastating I lost all my crypto coins, including Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), and EthereumMax, amounting to a staggering $254,000. This loss plunged me into despair, pushing me to my lowest point. My family and I faced the imminent threat of homelessness as I had invested my life savings and e
  18. In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital world, where promises of quick wealth and easy gains often conceal malicious intent, finding oneself ensnared, Cyber Asset Recovery emerged as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of fraudulent schemes. My journey with Cyber Asset Recovery began in the wake of a profound loss—a staggering $325,000, the culmination of a harrowing encounter with an individual masquerading as a crypto investment guru. Entranced by promises of exponential returns and financial security for my retirement, I had unwittingly handed over access to my accounts, only to be r
  19. Lotsgoingon

    What would you do?

    I'm sorry: but his hanging up suddenly and then blocking you (for hours!) is consistent with a guy who is with another woman. My first thought is that he blocked you because he didn't want the "other woman" (the one he might be with) is right there with him) to see your name pop up on his phone. Also whispering? Who the heck has to whisper in these days of cell phones? If I have to whisper to someone, I'll give the person a reason in real time. "Hey, I'm in my cousin's hotel room. I gotta talk softly." That's the way it sounds to me. I'd keep my eyes and ears open to other odd behavior i
  20. When I found myself in a dire situation, having lost access to my Bitcoin, I turned to FAST SWIFT CYBER SERVICES, who became my guiding light. I had lost a staggering 7 BTC and 25,000 USDT ; it felt as though my whole world was crumbling around me, and hopelessness enveloped me. From our very first interaction, their team exhibited a remarkable blend of professionalism, empathy, and dedication that truly distinguished them. FAST SWIFT CYBER SERVICES took the time to delve into my circumstances, patiently listening to my concerns and addressing every one of my questions. They provided a co
  21. [email protected] Gave my Family & Friends Hope I made a mistake in my life that I felt cannot be remedied by investing in a fake Crypto platform unknowingly. When I discovered it, I felt at that point that my life had ended. Because it was my life savings of about 150,000usd. The important thing was that I did not give up when it happened, I did lots of research, asked the right questions to the right people until I was lucky enough to be in contact with (CLEANSPYTECH) tech team, they worked tirelessly to help me recover my lost money. , this team came through for me and succeeded
  22. As others have said everyone has their own boundaries. I'd have no issue with a GF meeting a male friend one on one as long as they were always friends and there wasn't a history going on with them, likewise I wouldn't be comfortable dating a girl who's not ok with me having a relationship with my long time female friends. The buck would stop with her having travelling male friends over to stay in her bedroom or similar stuff, as happened with my ex-girlfriend. It sounds like you're doing as well as you can as in you can't help feeling jealous. Just recognising this as probably somewhat u
  23. ExpatInItaly

    Narcissistic abuse and trauma bonding

    He'll probably just find someone else to torment.
  24. ExpatInItaly

    My ex gf is so hot/cold? What to I do?

    I would bet any money she's been seeing someone else and she comes to you for attention when she's not getting it from him.
  25. You would be well within your rights to do so, by the way. She should be woirred about that. Her choices have consequences she might not like. It is not fair of her to take away your right to make an informed decision for yourself, which is precisely what she is doing by refusing to be honest.
  26. flitzanu

    My husband has a friendship with a younger woman

    devil's advocate here, just two points of consideration. 1. this insecure scenario about a "younger woman" is also heavily relying on 100% believing that your 25 year old niece wants to have sex with your husband, who is her uncle. regardless if your husband may believe she is attractive, the onus would be on the niece finding her much older uncle attractive enough to sleep with. is this the most reasonable outcome of this observation that you came up with? 2. would this thread exist if it wasn't your niece, but your nephew? maybe i'm with @Gebidozo on this one, that this seems t
  27. FredEire

    No matches

    Indeed, but it's one think using SEO to push your business up the Google ranks and another having big data seeping into your personal life. Don't want to derail the thread too much into politics but I don't think social media and OLD have enriched society, quite the opposite. In my personal life there's evidence all around me that's quite plain to see.
  28. mark clemson

    My husband has a friendship with a younger woman

    Every couple's a little bit different. If my wife were to attempt kick me out of the house for merely talking with a young woman, I'd take her up on it and leave, and consider myself MUCH better off without a level of jealousy, distrust, and controlling behavior that TBF sounds almost deranged and/or an "excuse" to become emotionally abusive to me. BUT different things work for different people and perhaps the supposed father in this marriage is fine with this. Or perhaps just to insecure to leave. There are male domestic abuse victims out there who can't find in themselves to leave,
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