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Let it out, Lis...and then you and me and toj and everyone else has to do something together: Start taking our steps away from it all.


You are so right Lupa, I just wish I knew how to do it. I've not had a good day today, very down. I go to see the counsellor next week, so I'm hopiing this will help.

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I have no idea how to become an established member etc?

The established member just comes with time. Me and Lupa just got them. All i think it means is that you can use the PM. You should be any day now i think. If you click my username on one of my posts you can add me as a contact. Then you can see my profile and pics. Just one now but I'll put more up as I get time. Your already in my contacts.


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You are so right Lupa, I just wish I knew how to do it. I've not had a good day today, very down. I go to see the counsellor next week, so I'm hopiing this will help.

Just give yourself a break Lisa. Do something you enjoy or talk to someone about something other then this. Shoot me an E-mail if you like, I'll send you some jokes or something. [email protected]

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Thanks. I am doing other things, have been out all day today off road with my dad again, had driving lesson last night and out with a friend tomorrow, going swimming then back here for dinner. I think like PW said I can't escape it, I just have to feel it.

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Thanks. I am doing other things, have been out all day today off road with my dad again, had driving lesson last night and out with a friend tomorrow, going swimming then back here for dinner. I think like PW said I can't escape it, I just have to feel it.

That's very true, but you can't let it rule you either. (Look whos talking:rolleyes:) If you need to have a cry, go and do it and get it out of your system. I've wasted to many days feeling bad and lonely, and to accomplish what. Nothing more then making me miserable.


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Hey, it's Friday and you got off work early Tojaz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!

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My heart nearly stopped! I thought, how much more does this man have to suffer! Well, that's good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D

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My heart nearly stopped! I thought, how much more does this man have to suffer! Well, that's good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D


Awwwwww, thats awfully sweet of you to worry about little old me.:love::love:

No it's a great opportunity and can lead to much more money if I play my cards right. Only bad part is the hours are long so i won't be able to play tag with you like this during the week :(.


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Swimming and driving lessons are great ways to get him out of your system. I'm more of the , I'll have another beer, not good!!!


Click my name and view my profile. Get some piccies up Lisa, ur an established member with that many posts!!!


Tojaz, you are a handsome one, and I had seen Dereks pic as well, both handsome devils. ;) It's great putting a face on those you care about.

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Awwwwww, thats awfully sweet of you to worry about little old me.:love::love:

No it's a great opportunity and can lead to much more money if I play my cards right. Only bad part is the hours are long so i won't be able to play tag with you like this during the week :(.




No worries. The long hours may even be a blessing in disguise, keep your mind occupied?

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Swimming and driving lessons are great ways to get him out of your system. I'm more of the , I'll have another beer, not good!!!


Click my name and view my profile. Get some piccies up Lisa, ur an established member with that many posts!!!


Tojaz, you are a handsome one, and I had seen Dereks pic as well, both handsome devils. ;) It's great putting a face on those you care about.

I think I've had my share of beer for the year, not to mention wine, whisky, mouthwash, kerosene, what else you got?:rolleyes:


What are the rules for being established, Lisa has way more posts then i do but I'm established and she isn't.


Your a bit of a qutie too H&D, never would have guessed you as a grandmother.:confused:


No worries. The long hours may even be a blessing in disguise, keep your mind occupied?

Didn't really think about it like that, but a 12 hour day is going to be a bit much for awhile.



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Swimming and driving lessons are great ways to get him out of your system. I'm more of the , I'll have another beer, not good!!!


Click my name and view my profile. Get some piccies up Lisa, ur an established member with that many posts!!!


Tojaz, you are a handsome one, and I had seen Dereks pic as well, both handsome devils. ;) It's great putting a face on those you care about.


Nice to put a face to your name H&D. If I do put pics on, is it only people in my contacts that can view them?

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Nice to put a face to your name H&D. If I do put pics on, is it only people in my contacts that can view them?

Yep! Not even an option unless you both have added each other.

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Yep! Not even an option unless you both have added each other.


Thanks Tojaz, well I'm off to bed. Night all.

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Well, I had a good day, it was fun seeing my friend and swimming, I think she is sick of hearing me go on about things though! Thank goodness for you guys here on LS, if it weren't for you I would have no one to talk to about this.

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Thats OK, were here for ya. Turned into a nice day here, cleaned the house and cut the grass. Yay.:mad: Went to see my counselor too. I think even she's getting sick of hearing me whine about the ex.


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We're all going to move to Hilton Head Island, SC. We'll get a decent place a couple of blocks off the beach, split the rent/mortgage, and become locals.


Screw this place...

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I do love southern hospitality, How are the ladies down there?

Thursday night at the Big Bamboo was enough to give a guy who just had his teeth bashed in some hope.


They were everywhere, it was awesome.


...I just have no game right now. lol.

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The three of us should just get a place together and b*tch all the time. lol.


Yeah that would be good. I just don't understand why everyone expects me to just get over this quickly. I mean I was with the guy for longer in my life than I have been without him in my life, since 15 years old, I've never been a single adult! (I am dreading dating, scared witless). I mean 18 years, think of a child you knew when they were born till their 18 th b'day, it's one hell of along time and they expect me to shut up about things and get over it in 4 months! I can't help how I feel.

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