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Is interracial dating with asian men not popular?

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yeah i'm a korean guy and my whole life i have only found like 3 girls outside of asian girls who have wanted to date me. Not to be cocky but I've been told a lot that I'm really good looking by asian and hispanic girls. Then I asked one of my asian girl friends why I could only date within the circle of asians if there were a lot of girls who liked me. She told me I had a look that's very appealing to asian and latina girls, but probably not to other races. She has a white friend and her opinion of me and some of my full asian friends were that "they're good looking..FOR asian guys". My mixed asian friends reap all the benefits having every single kind of race going after them. My conclusion is that the majority of white and black girls just don't look at asian guys in that kind of way no matter what great qualities they may have. The media portrays the asian woman as beautiful, but if you see an asian guy on TV then he's either doing kung fu, or has glasses that cover his whole face and he's a math genius. So i've come to grips that I just while I look at white girls, black girls or whoever that I'm they're just eye candy for me and nothing more.

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Originally posted by korean1980

The media portrays the asian woman as beautiful, but if you see an asian guy on TV then he's either doing kung fu, or has glasses that cover his whole face and he's a math genius.


Well, KOREAN1980, it is up to you and I to help break these stereotypes isn't it? I know lots of asian gurls who are ****ing butt-ugly.


I am of asian indian descent but grew up here and I am nothing like the typical stereotype of asian indian men.


Break the mold man.

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its b/c ur quite and shy like the typical asian guy thats why. WF like guys that are chatty and outgoing lahhah. asian gals tend to like guys with educations and brains and now how and less of the nice body . WF are more into the six pacls the body.


Originally posted by korean1980

yeah i'm a korean guy and my whole life i have only found like 3 girls outside of asian girls who have wanted to date me. Not to be cocky but I've been told a lot that I'm really good looking by asian and hispanic girls. Then I asked one of my asian girl friends why I could only date within the circle of asians if there were a lot of girls who liked me. She told me I had a look that's very appealing to asian and latina girls, but probably not to other races. She has a white friend and her opinion of me and some of my full asian friends were that "they're good looking..FOR asian guys". My mixed asian friends reap all the benefits having every single kind of race going after them. My conclusion is that the majority of white and black girls just don't look at asian guys in that kind of way no matter what great qualities they may have. The media portrays the asian woman as beautiful, but if you see an asian guy on TV then he's either doing kung fu, or has glasses that cover his whole face and he's a math genius. So i've come to grips that I just while I look at white girls, black girls or whoever that I'm they're just eye candy for me and nothing more.

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[font=courier new][/font]Well I guess I'm a rarity, But here I am...a southern "white girl" who's dating an Asian man. Japanese, to be exact. I knew this guy for quite a while before we ever started dating, but until a girlfriend of mine mentioned to me that she thought this guy was really sexy, it never even occurred to me to think of him in this respect. Not out of racial prejudice, but because I simply thought he was too "nice" and that seemed a little boring.


I am thirty-six years old and not once in my life did it ever occur to me that I should date an Asian man. I think a lot of it was simple logistics. One doesn't meet many Asians in the south, period. But I think another reason is that Asian guys are so delicately beautiful, that it almost seems feminine, which is not generally a big turn-on for your average white female.



Now that I have been dating a Japanese man for a year or so, I find myself constantly checking out Asian guys! I guess the big thing that has changed is that now my eyes have opened to the possibilities. The joke between me and my boyfriend is "once you go Jap, you never go back".



I'm very, very pleased with my Asian boyfriend. Really though, he's not my "Asian boyfriend". He's just a great guy that I happened to fall in love with.



Oh yeah, Japanese pillow-talk rocks.

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Originally posted by korean1980

yeah i'm a korean guy and my whole life i have only found like 3 girls outside of asian girls who have wanted to date me. Not to be cocky but I've been told a lot that I'm really good looking by asian and hispanic girls. Then I asked one of my asian girl friends why I could only date within the circle of asians if there were a lot of girls who liked me. She told me I had a look that's very appealing to asian and latina girls, but probably not to other races. She has a white friend and her opinion of me and some of my full asian friends were that "they're good looking..FOR asian guys". My mixed asian friends reap all the benefits having every single kind of race going after them. My conclusion is that the majority of white and black girls just don't look at asian guys in that kind of way no matter what great qualities they may have. The media portrays the asian woman as beautiful, but if you see an asian guy on TV then he's either doing kung fu, or has glasses that cover his whole face and he's a math genius. So i've come to grips that I just while I look at white girls, black girls or whoever that I'm they're just eye candy for me and nothing more.





First off I am a Black woman. With that being said it is all about confidence plain and simple-it does not matter what ethnicity you happens to be. I personally like men in general. I see the beauty in all. It is uninformed and biased to say that, 'He looks good for a Korean, a Chinese, a Black person, etc.' Don't listen to whomever said that because they are leading you astray. If you want to date outside of your race you have to put yourself in the way of opportunity. Exude confidence. If you ain't got it fake it long enough and either you find that you had it all along or you faked it long enough to at least break the ice.


I can't speak for White women, but from a Black woman's perspective I can. I personally never knew until just recently that Asian men had an interest in Black women. I have discussed this with my Black female friends and they have said pretty much the same. You see it is like we, Asian men and Black women, have been noticing one another but for each there have been barriers most notably the fear of rejection or of the unknown. Out of all of my female friends that I had spoken to, each of whom have dated Black men exclusively all of their lives, only 1 of them said they would not date an Asian. Only 1. I talked to about 10 different people at separate times.


So what does that tell you... We do 'see' you and we find you attractive, but somebody has to flash that smile and give the other that 'GO' sign. Its that simple. Another thing if you wanna know what Black women or White women for that matter think- ASK THEM (directly). 'All of that friend of a friend said' type of exchange can often be misleading. You wanna know go to the source and don't just as a few ask many.


Good Luck to you!


**PS I think Korean men are among the sexiest**

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my favorite line I use and I get shot down plenty of times from both sides (asian and non-asian) :

" Once you go yellow, you'll always be mellow" but I still keep on trying.

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America the problem today is social huarache. The white people obviously are on top, why? Because they present them selves in a successful manner that pleasing to them selves and pleasing to weak ignorant conformists. (hollywood,) you hear about it everyday people loosing weight to look great, people overeating because they're depressed they don't live in their soap opera ideal life. Making your self look good by making others look bad is like a woman sleeping her way to the top. Now I’m half white, and I probably wouldn't be who I am today if I wasn't, and yes I have a white father. Eventhough I really don’t look white I've noticed that the majority of racial problems come from who else the white side of the family and not just family, but strangers as well. Now get this my sisters our whiter then me and they have a much better life. It's sad but true. But i'm a stronger person and when you put all the glamor aside and take the time to get to know me instead of judge me I'm awsome. Does my whiteness play a role I think it does. I think all asian/white males will have difficulty more so then thier asian/white sister. I believe that if you don’t have an identity in this world your going be a lost miserable soul and that’s what I’m going through right now. Imagine being this conflict with all the white asian stereotypes and not being able to put the pieces together its quite humty dumpty. But I’m not going to sell out who I am for people who think they're superior, better and become a puppet who pleases their master. I'm a strong man and that's what all men need to be. You must have resolve in this social engineering. Do you really want to lose who you are for your master to be happy? I don't, I'm not going to back down, because white America or white Hollywood says I should be like this, look like that, It’s shallow bull****. What's going to happen when there is no more white America or white Hollywood when America is populated with more minorities and they run the show? will people now buying into this idea of whiteness conform to the new cool or hip? like people today? it's not a true way to live. If Hollywood wants to cash in on making white look good blacks look fine (only because they have to) and Asians look bad they will have to deal with the future repercussions and believe me there will be problems years down the road. I only hope people will wake up and realize the world isn’t Hollywood there no chances to get the scene right there’s only one and that’s what you live with the rest of your life. And what's also funny is what's the fuss over this Asian male white female thing? White females are nothing special they're just on a higher pedestal right now. Quit making a big deal if a white woman doesn't like you it's probably a good thing most white woman are fake weak and ignorant anyhow they'll sellout to make anyone happy. I remember 10 years ago when black woman were unappealing, and now they're hot stuff. Don't worry Asians Save the best for last we will get ours its about to blow up. What also funny is when they say being smart, knowing martial arts and all the stereotypes are bad, dont belive it, it's awsome and if you lose it to be more white then wont the white be more asian? Its happens everyday.

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Well I'm a 100% Chinese both in genes and culture. I came from China four yours ago when I was 16. Most of the discussions here I have read were all about native born Asian Americans. Well I think at least it's easier for them to date American girls since there's no cultural gap. But it's much harder for new immigrants because they usually find themselves in a situation that they don't have anything to talk about with their American friends, or cannot understand the comedy shows. I'm a new immigrant like that, for the past four years I often fell into that situation and I still do. People like me have very few choices of life-long partnership - I don't think that needs to be explained.


I came here as a young teenager not yet psychologically matured, so I was lucky not to get into drugs, drinks, parties and things. I had been very open to American culture, I learned to watch football (which is boring to me anyhow), wore like other American guys except that I like to fasten my T-shirt under the jeans, I play American poplular songs, I have a lot of American friends... I tried my hardest to accept American culture and place myself as one of them. But no (white)girls would date me. Well I like them a lot, since I prefer women that are tough, matured and independent. My gal friends would give my hugs but nothing more. May I conclude now that it is my looking that scares them away? I'm not that ugly... just not hot looking cuz I wear glasses.

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Originally posted by [Ros]Kurt[X]


I tried my hardest to accept American culture and place myself as one of them. But no (white)girls would date me. Well I like them a lot, since I prefer women that are tough, matured and independent. My gal friends would give my hugs but nothing more. May I conclude now that it is my looking that scares them away? I'm not that ugly... just not hot looking cuz I wear glasses.


American Culture does not equate to White. There are many beautiful women out there who would probably date you if you open your eyes to them.


Latinas are gorgeous, Middle Eastern women, African-American, Black women, Asian women. Your only option is not White women. They are just 1 of the many options out there for you.

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I'm an American girl and I have to say I find East Asian men extreamly attractive. I love the morals and values of more traditional ones because I'm old fashion and I find the stereotypical American man distasteful. I don't want a man who drinks, smokes, sleeps around, is obssesed with sports, and has a huge ego. I admit there are a lot of exceptions to this stereotype, I hate stereo types, but there has to be some truth to them for them to be created. I'll also admit I along with other women find Johnny Depp hot which posses many qualities I previously mentioned as not liking. However, I feel the "Americanized" east asian man can sometimes feel they have to transform themselves into this American man role, when really, at least for me, if he held on to his values, became a christian, treated me right, and would stick up for me, he would be my Prince Charming. I feel it's okay for Asian-Americans to assimilate but, I would hope they don't pick up on the bad qualities, and just try to stay true to themselves. My views on Asian men are constantly questioned by my parents and peers. Yet, there is just something about East Asian men that get to me. I must agree though, that the majority of people do find the cultural instead of physical differences the most unappealing.

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everything has two sides... the type of asian men that you like might end up bore you to death maybe? They don't tend to be as masculine as american guys. We asians grew outside USA(I'm not talking about asian americans, I consider them as pure american) are good fathers and husbands but definately not the best playmates. the american stuff - party, dancing, loud music, fanned sports, etc - are not posses by us cuz we face a lot of pressure and just don't have the mood to do it.


In the other hand, I feel kind of unfair if we have to be assimilated. Being assimilated means to spend a lot of time and energy trying to learn american culture, while giving up whatever belief is in conflict with it - that can be painful. I have pretty much gotten used to american culture, except religion. I don't oppose any one to practice religion but I just can't be made to believe in it - cuz I didn't grow up in such environment. If my wife was christian, I will go to church with her, pray for her, do any religious practice with her but I won't really be converted. I think, this is actually what made us chinese guys good - we aren't stubborn (lol), and may take any opinions in consideration. Just like what you said, stay true to themselves. I don't think it's "true to themselves" if someone forces himself to be converted or deceive himself that he is a christian, is it?


PS: there ain't no perfect man

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Originally posted by [Ros]Kurt[X]

PS: there ain't no perfect man


no ther is not any perfect man ROSKURTX.


unfortuantely it is all based on DNA. women look for the best DNA they can find. it is gentically inbred. most white-european women don't want kids that have funky eyes or darker skin cause it puts the kids at a disadvantage in western society.


that is the bottom line. I know cause i am asian-indian.


if you want to date white-european women who already have pure-bred white kids that will work.

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Originally posted by alphamale

no ther is not any perfect man ROSKURTX.


unfortuantely it is all based on DNA. women look for the best DNA they can find. it is gentically inbred. most white-european women don't want kids that have funky eyes or darker skin cause it puts the kids at a disadvantage in western society.


that is the bottom line. I know cause i am asian-indian.


this might be true in your own personal experience, but it is still your own opinion, not scientific fact. just thought i should emphasize this.


and for my own opinion: cynicism and pessimism will put you in an even greater disadvantage, whether it be dating or any other endeavour.

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Originally posted by runner

this might be true in your own personal experience, but it is still your own opinion, not scientific fact. just thought i should emphasize this.


I don't need science to know that most people want their kids to look like themselves.

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Originally posted by alphamale

I don't need science to know that most people want their kids to look like themselves.


That would not explain why Asian women are more successful than Asian men. And I think if you don´t mind dating someone of another race you also don´t mind having your kids look like him. It´s not that you don´t want to date someone, because you don´t want your kids to look like him; you don´t date that guy, because you are not attracted to him.


That thread should be closed :rolleyes:

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no, scientific studies have already confirmed that human always want their offspring to be whiter. That's why asian women want to marry white men. But for white men, they don't careful whether their children are white or dark, because they are MEN, they have infinite number of sperms, while the number of women's eggs is fixed since the girl is still a baby.


P.S. for men making an offspring is only at most 20 minutes of fun having, while for women making an offspring takes them 10 months of awkwardness and pain of delivery, plus 18 years of childbaring.

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Originally posted by [Ros]Kurt[X]

no, scientific studies have already confirmed that human always want their offspring to be whiter. That's why asian women want to marry white men. But for white men, they don't careful whether their children are white or dark,


bingo! women want the best for their children-to-be. In western society you are at a disadvantage if you have darker skin or funny eyelids or an afro. so if you are an asian woman you want to move your children up the evolutionary ladder by having your kids fathered by a white-european man.

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Originally posted by alphamale

bingo! women want the best for their children-to-be. In western society you are at a disadvantage if you have darker skin or funny eyelids or an afro. so if you are an asian woman you want to move your children up the evolutionary ladder by having your kids fathered by a white-european man.


well then what can we dark-skinned, funny-eyelided men do? right hand rule for the rest of our life?

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Well what's wrong with me then? I don't want my babies coming out white?!?! I want them to be dark skinned, dark haired, bright brown eyes and looking (most likely) hispanic, like whoever their father may be....(when that time comes)....




I'm sure I'm not all alone on this one....what an odd thing to think parents want their children to be "whiter" :confused:

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Originally posted by Barby

Well what's wrong with me then? I don't want my babies coming out white?!?! I want them to be dark skinned, dark haired, bright brown eyes and looking (most likely) hispanic, like whoever their father may be....(when that time comes)....




I'm sure I'm not all alone on this one....what an odd thing to think parents want their children to be "whiter" :confused:


you are minority XD

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This thread has definitely been interesting to read. :)


I'm white and have dated 2 Asian men (1 Chinese and 1 Vietnamese) as well as a few other ethnic varieties. ;) My last relationship was with the Chinese gentleman that I just noted, and if things had gone well, having a child(ren) with him would not have been an issue. Personally, I think they would have been gorgeous. A healthy child would have been the desired off-spring. The darker skin color or eye shape would not have mattered as the child would have been a product of love.


What I have noticed is that Asian men do not approach white women as easily as other ethnic groups do. Attitude and willingness to walk up and say "Hi" goes a long way.

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Originally posted by FireCat

What I have noticed is that Asian men do not approach white women as easily as other ethnic groups do. Attitude and willingness to walk up and say "Hi" goes a long way.


right FIREKAT. And why is that? It is because usually the asian guy gets shot down 99% of the time by the white woman. And he could have everything going for him, looks, job, personality, etc...but it does not matter cause he's the wrong race.

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Originally posted by alphamale



right FIREKAT. And why is that? It is because usually the asian guy gets shot down 99% of the time by the white woman. And he could have everything going for him, looks, job, personality, etc...but it does not matter cause he's the wrong race.



I always thought it was because they find the typical "white" woman unattractive..maybe they're getting shot down cuz they're going for the un-obtainable model type women??

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Originally posted by Barby

I always thought it was because they find the typical "white" woman unattractive..maybe they're getting shot down cuz they're going for the un-obtainable model type women??


all races of men find white women the most attractive, its drilled into their heads thru advertising and the media, etc....


why is tiger woods married to a blond haired anglo saxon vixen? would she be with him if he was average joe schmoe on the street making $40K per year? heck no!


japanese men have a total cultural fetish about blonde women. a good number of star black athletes and musical artists date and marry white women.


the thing is that many of these non-white dudes can't get white women unless they are rich or famous or whatever.

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Originally posted by alphamale



right FIREKAT. And why is that? It is because usually the asian guy gets shot down 99% of the time by the white woman. And he could have everything going for him, looks, job, personality, etc...but it does not matter cause he's the wrong race.



I can't speak for other women, but obviously, I can speak for myself. ;) I've never looked at race when dating someone. I've always looked at how they carry themselves, how they treat others, how they treat me, sense of humor, etc. I find many Asian men absolutely gorgeous. :o



why is tiger woods married to a blond haired anglo saxon vixen? would she be with him if he was average joe schmoe on the street making $40K per year? heck no!


:laugh: I guess I'm unique in that I don't care what a man makes per year or what his job is. Is he happy in his job? Can he take care of himself financially? If the answers to both of those questions are yes, great. If not, that's his issue. (Sorry if that comes off rude.) I can take care of myself financially and am not looking for a man to pay my way through life.


Oh...and it was mentioned in another thread about Asian men always paying on a date. Again...I guess I'm unique in that I prefer to go Dutch so that he's not thinking the only reason I'm with him is his paycheck/account balance and knows that I'm with him because of who he is.

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