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Every picture is big to you.


Shoot I know. :laugh: I'm wearing heels from now on when it comes to group photos or I'm standing on a chair.


But it's all about perception.


Perception? Haha :laugh:

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My h is 6'4" so I like them tall. However I would consider anything under 5'10" short for a man.


Avg male height worldwide is 5'9".


I'll say it again. Personality trumps height every day of the week. I often wonder about women who perceive very tall men as being better able to protect them. The first question out of my mouth would be "What do you do that requires someone to walk around defending you?" lol.


As I said before, I've seen short guys with tall women and everything in between. The only thing that really mattered was personality. The rest is gravy.

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Anything under 5'8" is not comfortable for me. Not exactly "short" but short enough to deter dating I'm sure. I'm short, but would be weirded out if a man was shorter than my girlfriends.

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Avg male height worldwide is 5'9".


I'll say it again. Personality trumps height every day of the week. I often wonder about women who perceive very tall men as being better able to protect them. The first question out of my mouth would be "What do you do that requires someone to walk around defending you?" lol.


As I said before, I've seen short guys with tall women and everything in between. The only thing that really mattered was personality. The rest is gravy.


Ofcourse height isn't everything, but the thread is about height and people will have their preferences.

And although the average male worldwide is 5'9", the average male in my eyes is also 'short' (which would statistically be incorrect). The thread is not about objectivity but about personal opinions.


Perception? Haha :laugh:


Did I use the wrong word? I meant to say that tallness is in the 'eye of the beholder'.

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Ofcourse height isn't everything, but the thread is about height and people will have their preferences.

And although the average male worldwide is 5'9", the average male in my eyes is also 'short' (which would statistically be incorrect). The thread is not about objectivity but about personal opinions.


It's all a matter of perspective. If you come from a tall family, anyone shorter than you will seem "short" in your eyes.


I love that I am "only" 5'10". Having to see the things "tall" people have to deal with on a daily basis. And all I have to do to "seem" tall to others is wear boots.


I've dated women as tall as 6'2". It never bothered them because they always saw me for WHO I was, not "what" I was. I think those who focus on height as being a major attraction factor tend to see people from the outside in, instead of inside out.



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Any guy who is below average in height will spend much of his life struggling to get the respect that comes automatically to others. And real love from a woman will be nearly impossible to gain. If a woman is with you, it's because she's settling, or looking for something different for a while, or because she has some kind of inadequacy that makes her unattractive to taller, superior men.


But I agree with those who say height isn't everything. If you have a good personality, at least people will be more able to sometimes "overlook" your problem.

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I can't help but wonder if a man's height is more a status thing than anything else for women...? Physically- a 6'2" guy and a 5'10" guy doesn't make any difference for me. It also means I may have to be prepared he gets more offers and hit on more frequently from the ladies than I may be comfortable with.


I completely understand looking up to him is a good thing, but if you've got a 5'1" girl-why does she need to look up 1 1/2 feet??

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Any guy who is below average in height will spend much of his life struggling to get the respect that comes automatically to others. And real love from a woman will be nearly impossible to gain. If a woman is with you, it's because she's settling, or looking for something different for a while, or because she has some kind of inadequacy that makes her unattractive to taller, superior men.


But I agree with those who say height isn't everything. If you have a good personality, at least people will be more able to sometimes "overlook" your problem.


I'm not sure what your deintion of below average height is, but if we are speaking avg height-around 5'10" I disagree with all of the above. I know it sounds crazy, but anything over 5'10" is just extra, not necessary. Americans are so obsessed with excess to show status-excess boobs, excess height, excess butt, Europeans are so much classier.

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Any guy who is below average in height will spend much of his life struggling to get the respect that comes automatically to others. And real love from a woman will be nearly impossible to gain. If a woman is with you, it's because she's settling, or looking for something different for a while, or because she has some kind of inadequacy that makes her unattractive to taller, superior men.


But I agree with those who say height isn't everything. If you have a good personality, at least people will be more able to sometimes "overlook" your problem.


This seems uncharacteristically harsh coming from you, johan, but I also can't tell if it's meant tongue-in-cheek. :D

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when combined with men who are too young/old, married or homeless, really diminishes my own personal dating pool. ;)




married or homeless!


I wanted those smiles to be the laughing faces but when I click and drag they turn into web addresses!

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Any guy who is below average in height will spend much of his life struggling to get the respect that comes automatically to others. And real love from a woman will be nearly impossible to gain. If a woman is with you, it's because she's settling, or looking for something different for a while, or because she has some kind of inadequacy that makes her unattractive to taller, superior men.


Settling? I dount that. If you've got a great personality that is why she is with you. Who's to say she isn't "settling" for a tall guy? I mean, if height is the major reason she is with him then in fact, she is settling.


But I agree with those who say height isn't everything. If you have a good personality, at least people will be more able to sometimes "overlook" your problem.


If someone has a problem with my height it's THEIR problem, not mine :)


And men who are shorter than 5'9" who have a great personality need not worry about their height. They're already ok with it.


If some woman told me she wouldn't go out with me because I am shorter than her "height requirement" it's not my loss, it's hers :)

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I can't help but wonder if a man's height is more a status thing than anything else for women...? Physically- a 6'2" guy and a 5'10" guy doesn't make any difference for me. It also means I may have to be prepared he gets more offers and hit on more frequently from the ladies than I may be comfortable with.


I completely understand looking up to him is a good thing, but if you've got a 5'1" girl-why does she need to look up 1 1/2 feet??


Agreed. Doesn't seem to be a problem in Europe. Only over here do we obsess about "status." Gotta have the chick with super huge fake boobs, the latest slick car, the tallest guy, etc.


The problem with this train of thought it it's never enough and it doesn't fill the void. Once you have something, you'll always want something better.


One thing I have really changed over the years is my "satisfaction" level. I don't compete with anyone for anything anymore. I don't need the latest/greatest thing. I do my own thing and if it isn't the cool or popular thing to do, so be it. I don't have to make anyone happy but myself.

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This thread is sort of funny to me.


I'm a shortie.


Over my years I have dated men taller and a couple even shorter then me.


(I will say there is a Napolean disorder to watch out for...not limited to just undertall men.)


There is no height vs. integrity factor going on. That I can assure you as my guess that there are no boob size vs. sexual satisfaction factor (although I can't vouch for that one).


If someone is hung up on an 'attribute' on either side, then it is a flag.


I will say I once danced with a guy and it felt like I was dancing with his penis. He was...too tall for me. :laugh:

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I only found out about this whole "tall men=superior" thing THIS year from guys at work. A lot of guys I then asked about it said they would NEVER date a woman taller or almost as tall as them. Maybe it's not neccessarily women refusing to date shorter men, but men refusing to date taller women. Probably a bit of both....


On the other hand, I'm 25 and I'd never encountered this taller=better mentality in myself or any of my female friends.... I'm 5'4" and I've dated guys anywhere from 5'6"-6'2". When I look back on it, almost ALL my guy friends would bash on the shorter men I was dating......None of my girlfriends EVER made comments(and my friends can be brutally honest about my various bf's flaws). All I can deduce from this is that the GUYS cared more about the respective heights of people in relationships than my girl friends... :confused:

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Citizen Erased
Any guy who is below average in height will spend much of his life struggling to get the respect that comes automatically to others. And real love from a woman will be nearly impossible to gain. If a woman is with you, it's because she's settling, or looking for something different for a while, or because she has some kind of inadequacy that makes her unattractive to taller, superior men.


But I agree with those who say height isn't everything. If you have a good personality, at least people will be more able to sometimes "overlook" your problem.


Wow, are you being serious? A bit harsh IMO :confused:

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Mustang Sally

To answer the original question...


I'm 6'1" so any one shorter than me I consider "short." :p


But, FWIW, my husband is shorter than me at 5'11".

And he considers himself "tall."


I dated lots of guys shorter than me, and plenty taller than me. If it didn't bother them, it didn't bother me.


Truthfully? I always preferred a man that I could at least look eye to eye with.


Just my opinion.

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I guess between height, muscle mass, financial prowess, cock size and hair loss...men have their own bag of insecurities.


Maybe they are human after all.

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I guess between height, muscle mass, financial prowess, cock size and hair loss...men have their own bag of insecurities.


Maybe they are human after all.


Now I think I'll go slink into my cave, and stay there.

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I only found out about this whole "tall men=superior" thing THIS year from guys at work. A lot of guys I then asked about it said they would NEVER date a woman taller or almost as tall as them. Maybe it's not neccessarily women refusing to date shorter men, but men refusing to date taller women. Probably a bit of both....


I have dated women taller than me and would again. The woman I am seeing now is 5'8", 5'11 in 3" heels. That would be 1" taller than me when she wears them. Doesn't both me or her.


On the other hand, I'm 25 and I'd never encountered this taller=better mentality in myself or any of my female friends.... I'm 5'4" and I've dated guys anywhere from 5'6"-6'2". When I look back on it, almost ALL my guy friends would bash on the shorter men I was dating......None of my girlfriends EVER made comments(and my friends can be brutally honest about my various bf's flaws). All I can deduce from this is that the GUYS cared more about the respective heights of people in relationships than my girl friends... :confused:


Actually the girl I am dating now, her mom is 5'10" tall and the first thing she said about me was that I wasn't "tall." She was married to a guy 6'4" so I suppose that is where her perspective comes from. I just laughed. I don't need to make her happy and it shows me a bit about her personality.

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I'm not sure what your deintion of below average height is, but if we are speaking avg height-around 5'10" I disagree with all of the above. I know it sounds crazy, but anything over 5'10" is just extra, not necessary. Americans are so obsessed with excess to show status-excess boobs, excess height, excess butt, Europeans are so much classier.


Classier in the sense that Europeans don't admit they look for these things.

Americans don't feel ashamed for preferring a blonde knock-out or a filthy rich guy and they will openly admit it.


Ofcourse people look at the 'complete package' of their partner but some things are preferred in general, it's a biological phenomenon.

You won't see guys bragging about being short just as you won't see guys brag about having little money, being bald, having a low status, missing a sense of humor, having a high voice or missing big muscles.

These are all things that are seen as 'lacking' instead of 'different'.


People might feel somewhat discriminated against but we all have our preferences, just because 90% of the population has the same preferences doesn't make it wrong... it's not more 'wrong' to prefer a tall man than it is to prefer a short man.


PS. I think Americans are more diverse than Europeans (whitin their own countries), you have less people in the average and more extremes (and extremer extremes).

'Fat', 'rich', 'attractive', 'thin', 'poor', 'ugly' have all different meanings in America than in Europe, I think.

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Caliguy, yes my h is 6'4" but I am 5'8". Before I chose my h I was in love with a guy who was 5'3" and height didn't matter to me. However, he cheated on me so horribly that I kicked him to the curb and met my H who I am happily married to.

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Oh, and as far as "as long as they have a nice personality"? Tell guys the same thing - "So what if she's 250lbs she has a nice personality"!

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Caliguy, yes my h is 6'4" but I am 5'8". Before I chose my h I was in love with a guy who was 5'3" and height didn't matter to me. However, he cheated on me so horribly that I kicked him to the curb and met my H who I am happily married to.


Bad men come in all shapes and sizes. :)


Oh, and as far as "as long as they have a nice personality"? Tell guys the same thing - "So what if she's 250lbs she has a nice personality"!


There's a girl here at work that is overweight (but married) and garners a lot of interest from the men. If she were single, I have no doubt she'd have a lot of date offers. She has a great personality and that is attracting a lot of interest from men.


I will say one thing that if often overlooked. Men are more visual than women. Women rely more on personality than men do. However, when it comes to selecting someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, both DO matter. But for the purposes of this discussion the better your personality (and your confidence) the less you have to overcome physically and vice versa.


In other words, if you are shorter (or less attractice) than others and you have an attitude about it (or are insecure) you will be miserably single for a long time.



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