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Mrlonelyone's Journal

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Entries in this journal

Withdrawing from the dating scene...

I have decided that I will withdraw from the dating scene online and in real life. So I will be weening myself off LS.   I just don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do. :(   Certain people have given me good advice here and they now have the information to reach me IRL. Feel free to shoot me an email or whatever you know who you are.   As for certain others who may say they offered advice I would shoot down. That's because your advice was terr



Who am I really?

Some people on here have used google to find out who I am. Rather than that I will just tell you all.   I am a early 30's male to female transgender woman or "two-spirit".(Kind of like this person. http://nymag.com/fashion/11/fall/andrej-pejic/) Though some days I feel more bigendered and in general I think most gender norms are total BS. (My favorite is how a few years back they tried to market things like "oatmeal for women" and "water for women". Food is food, water is water, and clothe



The size of my dating pool. Based on my own and other peoples filters.

I have had a few threads that end up being about the problems that crop up when I tell someone I am a physicist.   They withdraw and react negatively. I think that at least half the time it's based on their religious faith.   It's a real problem because it seems to me that it really cuts down my dating pool by a great deal.   Let's call D the total number of people who are not married or engaged and of legal age to be theoretically date able at some point in the near future. d will be the



Satoshi Kanazawa, Racist or reporter of actual human behavior. A quick look at OK Cup

Satoshi Kanazawa has caused a firestorm by asserting that African women are less attractive than other races women. For this he has been called racist. He actually didn’t say anything new, or for that matter scientifically incorrect. However politically incorrect and insensitively stated it was. The man is guilty of being so stepped in his scientific ivory tower that he forgot how what he says may affect real people in the world. That said the conclusions of such work no matter how disturbing an



Love starved is what I am.

Desperate no. Desperate people struggle and try hard still. The desperate have the hope that with enough struggle they can get what they strive for.   It is more like... for a couple three years or there about I did not seek relationships. I was perfectly fine and willingly celibate. I did not really desire any such connections. I just wanted to focus on my research and studies.   Now that I am wrapping up this stage of my life it's like that part of me that was able to have relations



Listen to me.

I have noticed in several threads folks aren't listening to what I say.   I am not mindripper. People would reply to what I wrote quoting me as the OP. Mindripper wrote of wanting to kill himself. We haven't heard anything yet. I hope Mindripper is ok.   I don't need a significant other to be happy. I am happy with everything in my life that I do have. The right person could make me happier...but overal I am just fine. I just don't expect someone to fall into my lap.   As for how I d



It feels like it was more bad timing.

All last year I was so not in a mode to even want a relationship. From early 2009 to late October 2010 I wasn't even thinking relationships.   Then as soon as I got my brain in relationship mode, I thought of her. S. I checked up on S around Thanksgiving and what did I see. Three weeks earlier she declared herself to be "in a relationship".   I was really truly happy for her. She is not perfect by any means but deserves to be happy. I tried for most of December to hold it in. I tried



Hard to get, "stalkerish" and "creepy", Things I have been called and their meaning

Here is what I think about the whole idea I have seen on here of my supposedly being "stalkerish", "creepy" or what have you. LS is not the first place I have been accused of that.   Some of you may wonder why I dismiss those comments with prejudice. Here is why.   I think I get that wrap because of my image as an intelligent black man who's interested in science and from suburban Chicago. Around here and across the country there are two prominent media images that people stereotype me



An Illustration of the whole PUA idea "Is this normal for a guy to say?"

Read these two things.     Then after talking about how distressing it is that the guy does not want to comment on her artwork she writes.   This is not to insult rebeccajones in any way. What she has written here illustrates the kind of thing that so called pick up artist talk about.   The whole thing about challenge and being a jerk etc etc.   Further it seems to be working on her.   The moral of the story for heterosexual men is to be a big perv and not care about the "real per



An example of what it means when a transgender woman says they identify with/as a wom

IT Geek. that's just not true. Women don't walk around thinking sex sex sex all the time.   Even the most shallow, immature, young woman dosen't really do that. A man can be a hot sexy hunk....but if his personality is totally absent and her friends think he's "creepy" he will not get laid.   I'd bet that 75% of you guys on here complaining fall into that category. Every man here who's thought he looked horrible has been better looking than average when he shows a photo.   The probl



A unified theory of dating dynamics. The balance of looks and personality.

I posted this in the dating forum first.   The following Points explain 90% of dating behavior of men and women. Tell me what yall think.   1) People are attracted first by looks and second by personality but both are of equal importance in getting a date.   2.) People are on average sexually attracted to universal signs of good health and fertility (i.e. good teeth, healthy build).... Then to signs of gender. A strongly masculine or feminine man or woman...who has sings of bad health



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