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The New LoveShack.org: Discuss the update and quirks/features here

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Welcome Back!


In case you missed it, LoveShack.org completed our sixth major upgrade this past week. We're still doing some behind the scenes cleanup and triage of issues that pop up, but are looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.


This thread is for discussing any quirks, issues, bugs, or things you love about the new LoveShack.org. We'll keep you updated here once the background processes have completed. In the interim, here's a list of things we know of that may not work as you expected:


  • Older threads/posts might look oddly formatted--we are reprocessing posts in reverse chronological order and have several million to go through. We're about 20% through posts at the time of writing.
  • Search is not presently available. We're indexing the eight million posts we brought over and will turn it back on once it's finished!
  • Links on the main forum page and in other spots might not work. As we reprocess posts, the links will correct themselves, however some may be broken for now.


We're excited to hear what you think!




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Hi. :) 


Just figuring everything out. I think I like it, Its so easy to see on my phone now!  Some different features I see. I really appreciated the funny updates on your Facebook page too. It was a big job, I imagine. Thank you!! 

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Happy Lemming
18 minutes ago, K.K. said:

 I really appreciated the funny updates on your Facebook page too. Thank you!! 


Same Here!!  I was checking twitter from time to time and seeing the updates.


Is there a "preview post" feature?  I'm just seeing the "Submit Reply" button.


By the way, it appears the "Firefox" spacing bug is gone! YEA!!

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When you click into the reply box to type a post, look at far right of the menu bar. The icon with the magnifying glass is the preview button.

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The preview button is the little icon on the far right top bar when you are replying, it has the little note with the magnifying glass on it.


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ETA, I'll need to get used to not using UBB smilies. The new menu is much more comprehensive.

Edited by William
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Happy Lemming
4 minutes ago, William said:

When you click into the reply box to type a post, look at far right of the menu bar. The icon with the magnifying glass is the preview button.


3 minutes ago, Robert said:

The preview button is the little icon on the far right top bar when you are replying, it has the little note with the magnifying glass on it.


Thank you to both of you...  I'm trying the multi-quote, as well.


It appears to be working just fine.

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Happy Lemming

I'm just full of questions, tonight...


Is there a "timeout" feature for non activity??  It seemed (under the old forum software) if I walked away from my computer for 15 minutes or so, it would log me out and I'd have to log back in.


Just curious...

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I was wondering about that too. ^ 


Also, on the old forum you could see who was on if they chose to not be invisible. 

Can you see who’s on now?

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Hi Happy Lemming,


43 minutes ago, Happy Lemming said:

I'm just full of questions, tonight...


Is there a "timeout" feature for non activity??  It seemed (under the old forum software) if I walked away from my computer for 15 minutes or so, it would log me out and I'd have to log back in.


Just curious...


Sure! If you check "Remember me" when you log in, you won't be logged out automatically while using the same web browser. If you don't check the "Remember me" button, you'll be logged out after a period of inactivity.




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Happy Lemming

Thanks, Paul...


Yes, I'm (slowly, but surely) learning the new software...  I imagine after a few days, it will become quite easy to navigate.

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On 12/8/2019 at 9:57 PM, K.K. said:

Also, on the old forum you could see who was on if they chose to not be invisible. 

Can you see who’s on now?

Something that could be a bug is an inability to toggle visible/invisible. At least I'm not seeing it. I checked the profile page and account settings. My account was set to invisible on the old forum and on the main profile page:


I see an eye with a slash through it next to my username but can't find how to remove that. When mousing over the eye I see the description of what 'invisible' is.


There's also these new settings...


Here you can enhance security, like adding two-step authentication and/or additional security questions.


Here you can change your screen/display name, apparently once every 60 days.


This is also a test to see if the auto-moderation of internal links is fixed. ETA, worked fine.

I believe the new forum is implementing additional privacy features for users. We can explore that.


As a further edit, on left column on profile page there are now options down the column to allow others to follow one, which means they'll be notified when one posts new content. I toggled that on.

Below that, there's an option to enable/disable recent profile visitors. I toggled that on.

I checked your profile K.K. and it had a green light in the title bar (join date and post count) and showed how recently you had visited. That means you're visible. I'll bet my title bar in that area is blank.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
Clean up
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Hi K.K.,


30 minutes ago, K.K. said:

I was wondering about that too. ^ 


Also, on the old forum you could see who was on if they chose to not be invisible. 

Can you see who’s on now?


Yes, however we haven't put up a link yet to the Who's Online list. We weren't sure if it was something folks used or found handy.


Upon login, there is a checkbox you can choose to "log in anonymously." If you choose this option, you are "invisible," meaning that you won't show up as online.




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Ahhh yea I see what you’re talking about now. No green bar in yours or recent visit. So if I’m visible, where from. It used to be at the bottom of the forums page. I always felt less lonely when I could see who was on. 


On your profile carhill, it says how many have viewed your profile (I guess as of recently). I don’t see that on mine. 

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Oh ok Paul. Thanks ! We were posting at the same time. I’m having fun with this can you tell? Like a kid in a candy store. Woo!

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You can opt-in to show who has viewed your profile and count visitors by clicking the enable profile views button in the lower left. This will not display by default unless you decide to turn it on.




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Happy Lemming
2 minutes ago, K.K. said:

 I always felt less lonely when I could see who was on. 

I'm here, playing around... learning the new software. 


You are not alone.  Can you see me being logged-in/on??

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Yes,  I can see you Happy but only if I actually look at your profile. Paul said they haven’t put up a link yet to do a who is online thing like the old way we had at the bottom of the forums. Remember when it would say like 30 members and 1,800 guests online? I liked that but I can see where maybe others might not want that. 


Either way, glad you’re here too. 

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6 minutes ago, Paul said:



You can opt-in to show who has viewed your profile and count visitors by clicking the enable profile views button in the lower left. This will not display by default unless you decide to turn it on.




Oh ok gotcha. Thank you! 

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3 minutes ago, K.K. said:

Yes,  I can see you Happy but only if I actually look at your profile. Paul said they haven’t put up a link yet to do a who is online thing like the old way we had at the bottom of the forums. Remember when it would say like 30 members and 1,800 guests online? I liked that but I can see where maybe others might not want that. 


Either way, glad you’re here too. 


We just put it back up on the main forum page. Thanks for the feedback!

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Happy Lemming

I think "likes" are now notifications?? 


So if someone likes your post, you receive a notification?? 

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4 minutes ago, Paul said:


We just put it back up on the main forum page. Thanks for the feedback!


Oh hell to the yeaahhh !!! Thank you! ❤️

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