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My life is over.. I think I am getting dumped.


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How am I supposed to not be jealous? Ive always been a jealous person even when I was younger its just how I am I have to 1 up everyone.

Did you know jealousy is a sure sign of a superiority/inferiority complex?

You feel you have to be better, because you believe that even being on the same level makes you inferior. In order to not be inferior, you condition yourself to believe you deserve more and better than anyone else.


That's a complex.

Yet another thing for your therapist to deal with!


My m kind of didnt help it because she is super competitive too and she likes to have the best of the best. I stopped going to therapy in November, I'm going back next week but I just didn't have any real problems so I stopped going then I met this guy and my life was perfect so I had nothing to tell my therapist.

You've got 17 pages of juvenile anxiety and you don't think you had anything to say?

How about talking about:

Your condescending attitude towards girls with unwanted pregnancies?

Your unequivocal judgement and condemnation of unmarried mothers?

Your tendency to exaggerate every aspect of your life, turning a molehill into a mountain?

Your narrow-minded view on how wonderful it is to have kids?

Your stupid opinion that you have to be with a white guy so they turn outr pretty?

your blinkered attitude to marriage and relationships?


That's plenty for a start....!


I know I need to grow up I don't know how I'm supposed to do that, I can't just stop my emotions I mean I love my friend but in the end she is just another girl with a boyfriend who I have to hear about constantly because she is obsessed with him but when I got obsessed with mine I got dumped.. Is that fair to you? She deserves to be dumped too.

Oh my life, you've said some stupid, stupid things but that beats all!


So if you get run over by a truck - she deserves it too?


Obviously your obsession was overwhelming. Hers is just moderate.:rolleyes::mad:


We're not talking about her.

We're talking about you and your dysfunctions.

Instead of being jealous of others, look at the flaws you have to deal with!!!

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I don't deserve this though that's what you don't get. I haven't done anything bad in my life to deserve this ****ball life, this started when I was way younger before I did some pretty bad things that I guess I could say I got bad karma for but you make 1 minor mistake and karma shouldn't kick your ass for the 3 years over it. God hates me that's why he doesn't answer my prayers and I don't get it. I honestly must have been Hitler in my past life.. It only makes sense.


Are you kidding me? You're so freaking dramatic. Could be another reason why you can't keep a boyfriend. Do you think anyone needs or wants to be around your negative b.itching and moaning? You're so pessimistic, so down, so jealous, so immature.


Karma isn't doing anything to here. You're sabotaging yourself. And God has absolutely nothing to do with this. We're all capable of free will. We all make choices.


The choices you choose to make and CONTINUE to make, is to act like you're some unlucky person with such a horrible, horrible life. You wallow in self-pity, you want all of us to feel sorry for you. You don't take any steps to help yourself, you whine, you complain, you're needy, you're insecure, you're a downer to be around. You're completely overbearing, you have no life, you don't even have any interest in getting a life. You don't help yourself, you act as if you're entitled to everything in life, you're not genuinely happy for other people, you have no drive, no direction, you treat people as objects to fulfill your unrealistic expectations, you're immature, you have a very narrow vision of reality, you're in no way prepared for an adult life and you're too scared to do a thing about it.


If all of us here get this vibe off you from just reading text, can you imagine how you come off in person and how much pressure and stress you put on other people? This is YOU. NOT Karma, NOT God. YOU.

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if I get a dog it has to only be a cute puppy that doesn't grow


Oh dear. What happens when your babies actually grow up and aren't cute anymore? :confused: Or are you only going to get cute little babies that don't grow?

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Someone please tell me we are troll bait, this can't be real. On a bright note, I think I'm in love with Zanzibar and Whoreybull! :love:

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Wow. I'm starting to wonder if you're even a real person or just doing this to bait people into feeling bad for you. I can't understand how someone can be this immature.


You will grow up someday, then you will go back and think about this time in your life and then maybe you will see what everyone here is trying to tell you. You have a lot of growing up to do.


Maybe you should be dumped because you need some time to figure things out for yourself without a boyfriend.


You to need to ask yourself what do you want out of this? Do you want a boyfriend who will go three weeks without seeing you? Do you want a boyfriend who will ignore your texts?


I'm sure you don't or you wouldn't be posting here about it. So why is that o.k with you?


He is not filling your needs. So YOU should be breaking up with him right now, instead of sitting here like a lost puppy wishing that your friends were dumped as well so they could feel as bad as you feel.


Life will go on. He's not the right guy for you. During the three months that your life was so 'perfect' you did indeed have things to talk to your therapist about, you chose not to.


Good luck. You have a ways to go. Someday you will look back and you will wish you handled yourself better during this time.


I mean I guess now I have to figure out what I want without a bf since I don't have one. I don't know what I want I don't know even when I graduate what I am doing I don't have any plans beyond May 11 I figure I will apply for some jobs (I want to work places were guys go... Obviously) but beyond that no idea. I'm just annoyed, my friend is going out looking at puppies with her bf, finding a job where he is so they can move in together, I am not doing anything. I know that is my fault but I don't want to do anything if it doesn't involve having a boyfriend. Ok that's kind of dramatic, I just don't want to be like a lot of people on here who are like a lot older than me and not in relationships and I guess being single could be cool but I don't want that. I want to be someone's girlfriend, someone's wife, someone's mother I want to belong to someone and have purpose. I don't want to be a career woman, I don't care about a career. That is part of the reason I am dragging my feet with this law school thing because I don't care, to me law school is 3-4 years that is going to take away more of my guy meeting time, being a lawyer is hardcore and busy so that takes away more of my guy meeting time.. I'm going to be 35 and not meet a guy then what? I'm 35 and single and that's really sad I would rather be someone's something than nothing. I can't explain it because no one gets it but my biggest goal is to be a wife and mother, anything else I can get at another time, school isn't going anywhere you know? Dating for me is hard enough God forbid being 30 and still out there dating.. It isn't going to get easier for me specifically.

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Oh dear. What happens when your babies actually grow up and aren't cute anymore? :confused: Or are you only going to get cute little babies that don't grow?


By far this has been my favorite part. Carry on.

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You also have absolutely no idea what Karma actually is, so don't add 'ignorant' to the list.


God knows I've tried to educate people on here about it, enough and repeatedly - I'm astonished you've missed it...


Everyone - including you, it seems - has completely the wrong idea of what 'Karma' is.


People think it's payback. A kick-in-the -@ss. Revenge. Come-uppance. Just desserts....



none of the above.

Aaaall wrong.....


It actually exists in EVERYBODY'S situation.

It exists for anyone no matter who they are - dumper, dumpee, cheater, OW, MM, WW, whatever.


It exists for you, me and everyone.


You wanna know why?

because the proper, accurate and correct definition of Karma, is, quite simply -


Volitional and deliberate Action.


Any Action done on purpose.


Be it Mental (thought), Verbal (word), or Physical (deed), any action you deliberately carry out, is 'Karma'.


To every Karma (Action/Cause) there is a consequence/effect.


This is known as 'Vipaka'.


so really, what you're all talking about, when you mention come-uppance, revenge, the kick-up-the-ass or just desserts - is in fact, Vipaka.


But it's not a judgemental, evaluative, critical process.

it just - 'is'.

It doesn't punish, or anything.

It's just an action,and its result.


Stub your toes - it hurts. Help an old lady across the road, she will be grateful. Punch a guy in the throat, he will be angry.


It's just A resulting in B.


Volitional. Deliberate. Forethought.


TbH, Karma-Vipaka is actually a whole lot more complex in its process than I'm explaining, but Karma is so complex sometimes in its manifestation, that even not all Buddhists can quite agree on how it 'works'.


In fact, we are advised to not try to work it out, because we will end up with our brain in tatters and our minds in knots.....


Just don't talk about 'people gettin' their karma'...

You may think you know what you mean - but you don't.

So call it what you will - but don't call it 'Karma'.




Consider this an advanced step in your rehabilitation.



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Oh dear. What happens when your babies actually grow up and aren't cute anymore? :confused: Or are you only going to get cute little babies that don't grow?


Ill still be their mama. I know they eventually grow up, I just want my kids to have the kind of relationship me and my mom have. She's my best friend. She's my mom too but still my best friend.

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I mean I guess now I have to figure out what I want without a bf since I don't have one. I don't know what I want I don't know even when I graduate what I am doing I don't have any plans beyond May 11 I figure I will apply for some jobs (I want to work places were guys go... Obviously) but beyond that no idea. I'm just annoyed, my friend is going out looking at puppies with her bf, finding a job where he is so they can move in together, I am not doing anything. I know that is my fault but I don't want to do anything if it doesn't involve having a boyfriend. Ok that's kind of dramatic, I just don't want to be like a lot of people on here who are like a lot older than me and not in relationships and I guess being single could be cool but I don't want that. I want to be someone's girlfriend, someone's wife, someone's mother I want to belong to someone and have purpose. I don't want to be a career woman, I don't care about a career. That is part of the reason I am dragging my feet with this law school thing because I don't care, to me law school is 3-4 years that is going to take away more of my guy meeting time, being a lawyer is hardcore and busy so that takes away more of my guy meeting time.. I'm going to be 35 and not meet a guy then what? I'm 35 and single and that's really sad I would rather be someone's something than nothing. I can't explain it because no one gets it but my biggest goal is to be a wife and mother, anything else I can get at another time, school isn't going anywhere you know? Dating for me is hard enough God forbid being 30 and still out there dating.. It isn't going to get easier for me specifically.


You are one sad hopeless phukkup case, and I am putting you on Ignore.

I did it once, I un-did it.

I'm doing it again.

And this time, someone - ANYONE - shoot me if I go back on it.

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You are one sad hopeless phukkup case, and I am putting you on Ignore.

I did it once, I un-did it.

I'm doing it again.

And this time, someone - ANYONE - shoot me if I go back on it.


I never asked you to unignore me. I appreciate the help but you don't have to be rude about it.

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I dunno - she might be on to something. I'm 33 and not married, with no kids.


Maybe I should just off myself. :(

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I just don't want to be like a lot of people on here who are like a lot older than me and not in relationships and I guess being single could be cool but I don't want that. I want to be someone's girlfriend, someone's wife, someone's mother I want to belong to someone and have purpose. I don't want to be a career woman, I don't care about a career. That is part of the reason I am dragging my feet with this law school thing because I don't care, to me law school is 3-4 years that is going to take away more of my guy meeting time, being a lawyer is hardcore and busy so that takes away more of my guy meeting time.. I'm going to be 35 and not meet a guy then what? I'm 35 and single and that's really sad I would rather be someone's something than nothing. I can't explain it because no one gets it but my biggest goal is to be a wife and mother, anything else I can get at another time, school isn't going anywhere you know? Dating for me is hard enough God forbid being 30 and still out there dating.. It isn't going to get easier for me specifically.


Because being upper 20's and low 30's or even older is terrible to be single? I'm 28, single, and my life has never been better. I've never been happier, more fulfilled. I've never been this secure, this confident, or this informed as to who I am as a person than I am now.


I would NEVER trade places with someone like you because how do you think you're going to be a mother and a wife if you can't even handle yourself? If you can't care for yourself, and figure out YOUR needs, how do you plan on giving a baby or a husband what they need?


It's not 1950 anymore. You want to be a housewife and a mother. Do you really think men are going to want to work double hours just to have to support you because you have absolutely no goals, and no ambition in this life? Look at the cost of living these days. You just DON'T get it. You need to be a contributor to a household.


No guy is going to want to be a father figure to you. No one's going to hold your hand through life, wiping your a.ss. YOU NEED TO GET CONTROL of yourself. You need direction. You need to want to go somewhere. The way you are, and what you want... I'm going to be perfectly clear:


Men are not attracted to women who behave the way you do.


You want X, Y and Z but I'm going to be the bearer of bad news. You will never have what you want, because you don't take the appropriate steps in getting what you want. You sit and hold your arms out waiting for it to fall into your hands. Never going to happen. And the path you're walking? I would not be surprised if you wind up being 30 and still living with your parents. Being single is going to be the LEAST of your worries if you keep walking the path you're on now.

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I dunno - she might be on to something. I'm 33 and not married, with no kids.


Maybe I should just off myself. :(


At least you have a boyfriend. I don't even have that. :(

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I don't deserve this though that's what you don't get. I haven't done anything bad in my life to deserve this ****ball life, this started when I was way younger before I did some pretty bad things that I guess I could say I got bad karma for but you make 1 minor mistake and karma shouldn't kick your ass for the 3 years over it. God hates me that's why he doesn't answer my prayers and I don't get it. I honestly must have been Hitler in my past life.. It only makes sense.


What are you planning to contribute to society? Seriously?

Get over yourself.


In my opinion, you've clearly needed your therapist for a while.


Using a guy to gauge how "great" your life is, is already so messed up its not even funny.


I believe the blame is all yours. You weren't Hitler, karma isn't screwing you, you're not a victim, you're getting exactly what you've been giving.


There are people in the world who really have problems. Get over your petty bull.


p.s: im going to marry Katzee and TaraMaiden

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At least you have a boyfriend. I don't even have that. :(


Yeah - you should DEFINITELY off yourself. Loser. :p

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You are one sad hopeless phukkup case, and I am putting you on Ignore.

I did it once, I un-did it.

I'm doing it again.

And this time, someone - ANYONE - shoot me if I go back on it.


I'm reading this for the first time and i already want to block all knowledge of this garbage.


This is why relationships are sh*t today. People have this f**ked way of thinking.

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Ill still be their mama. I know they eventually grow up, I just want my kids to have the kind of relationship me and my mom have. She's my best friend. She's my mom too but still my best friend.


That's great, but your mother isn't a best friend. You need A MOTHER. You need someone to give you a good hard kick in the pants. Instead of equipping you with the necessary tools to navigate the world, it seems as if she's coddled you half to death.

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At least you have a boyfriend. I don't even have that. :(


KatZee, Tree_Salmon wants to marry us.

I defer to you, as the minor impediment I have is "I already have a husband".


Bigamy is a crime.


(Mind you..... so is monogamy, sometimes!!)

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I dooooooo!!





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KatZee, Tree_Salmon wants to marry us.

I defer to you, as the minor impediment I have is "I already have a husband".


Bigamy is a crime.


(Mind you..... so is monogamy, sometimes!!)


YAYYYYYYYY :love: my life is complete. When can we make babies? I need at least 4 of them.

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Because being upper 20's and low 30's or even older is terrible to be single? I'm 28, single, and my life has never been better. I've never been happier, more fulfilled. I've never been this secure, this confident, or this informed as to who I am as a person than I am now.


I would NEVER trade places with someone like you because how do you think you're going to be a mother and a wife if you can't even handle yourself? If you can't care for yourself, and figure out YOUR needs, how do you plan on giving a baby or a husband what they need?


It's not 1950 anymore. You want to be a housewife and a mother. Do you really think men are going to want to work double hours just to have to support you because you have absolutely no goals, and no ambition in this life? Look at the cost of living these days. You just DON'T get it. You need to be a contributor to a household.


No guy is going to want to be a father figure to you. No one's going to hold your hand through life, wiping your a.ss. YOU NEED TO GET CONTROL of yourself. You need direction. You need to want to go somewhere. The way you are, and what you want... I'm going to be perfectly clear:


Men are not attracted to women who behave the way you do.


You want X, Y and Z but I'm going to be the bearer of bad news. You will never have what you want, because you don't take the appropriate steps in getting what you want. You sit and hold your arms out waiting for it to fall into your hands. Never going to happen. And the path you're walking? I would not be surprised if you wind up being 30 and still living with your parents. Being single is going to be the LEAST of your worries if you keep walking the path you're on now.


Ok but at 28 are all your friends married or engaged of have babies? Don't you worry you will have to date someone at least a year or 2 before marrying them (if not more) by that time you'll be 30 or older then don't you want kids? Maybe I'm just weird because I always wanted to be a young mom. My mom has me at 34 (well 35 actually) and she is still energetic and fun and awesome but I never wanted to be the oldest parent in my kids class and stuff. I always worried about that, I hated when people would ask how old my mom was and their moms were in their 30s and mine was like in her 40s it was embarrassing

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I hated when people would ask how old my mom was and their moms were in their 30s and mine was like in her 40s it was embarrassing

Embarrassing for WHOM?????


YOU were embarrassed that your mother had you in your 30s???


Are you frigg'n serious?


Please, please, please go see a therapist ASAP. Print out this entire thread and explain to this therapist these things.

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Embarrassing for WHOM?????


YOU were embarrassed that your mother had you in your 30s???


Are you frigg'n serious?


Please, please, please go see a therapist ASAP. Print out this entire thread and explain to this therapist these things.


When you're 10 and and your mom is 45 and your friends moms are like 30 or 33 yeah that's embarrassing to you.

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