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Countdown - How long till you see your SO?

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You stay in love when you adore the person mind, body and spirit and won't allow geography to get in the way of something amazing. Love doesn't come around every day, and sometimes it's not right at your back step. I think people who are willing to face the challenge of a physical separation and remain faithful to eachother share a special bond that many others will never truly know.


There are many reasons why people get into LDR's, and if you're saying you'd let your "soulmate" get away because of a physical distance, then you have got to be kidding me.


By the way, 26 days until I see the love of my life, and 28 until the distance is no more.

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You stay in love when you adore the person mind, body and spirit and won't allow geography to get in the way of something amazing. Love doesn't come around every day, and sometimes it's not right at your back step. I think people who are willing to face the challenge of a physical separation and remain faithful to eachother share a special bond that many others will never truly know.


There are many reasons why people get into LDR's, and if you're saying you'd let your "soulmate" get away because of a physical distance, then you have got to be kidding me.


By the way, 26 days until I see the love of my life, and 28 until the distance is no more.



I completely agree with this.


And 142 days until I see my boyfriend. Last time we saw each other was 8 days ago, and I miss him terribly :(

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Well, since it's after 12, TODAY!!!!!


I pick him up from the airport at 9:42pm. I'm so excited I can't stand it! I've been running around, trying to make sure I've got everything packed, but I just can't seem to sit still in one spot long enough to actually find the things I'm looking for. :)


:love: I just simply can't wait to kiss him.

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I remember looking at this post, 6 months ago when we just began our LDR. I was thinking to myself (soo long off), now here I am,


26 days left :) . This needs a smiley face because thats how happy I am, and I'm not a smiley face guy.

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Ah, I loved this thread when I was in my LDR...watching the days getting smaller in number was so gratifying but now...


HE LIVES WITH ME! YAY! :D Although he's at work now, blahhhhhh! 6 hrs? LOL

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My baby just announced yesterday that he is in fact being sent on a business trip for 1-week approx 5-hours away from where I'm at. 5-hours seems really far but considering we live 16-hours away by plane (including the distance to the airport it's about 22-hours one way) it's the best Thanksgiving/early Christmas gift ever!


He's coming next Sunday ... it's so soon, I don't know what to do with myself! I'm definitely calling in sick and spending at least 3 days with him.


12 days! I get to be with him in just 12 days! OMG that's less than 2-weeks! :bunny::bunny::bunny:

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In exactly 3 weeks, 14 hrs....I'll be boarding a plane to see him. So will see him in 22 days :bunny::bunny: And we'll have 3 whole months together!! :)

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27 more days.

I'm in med school right now in the East coast and my girlfriend (and my family) is from California. I'll be done with this school term in mid-December. 27 more days until I see her again.


A little info:

- Been dating for about 5 years 8 1/2 months since freshman year of college (California)

- Last time we saw each other was back in June.


I have to work hard and get through this term of school. Seeing her and being around her for almost a month this Winter break would be the best Christmas present I have ever gotten. :) ... I miss her sooooo much.


BTW, am I the only guy posting? LOL

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3 days 47minutes... tick tick tick! Yay!!!!! :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::love::love::love::love::love::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::love::love::love::love::love::love::D

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hi i just joined this forum. my fiancee and i have only just started this long distance stint, we have been together 5 and a half years, done the ldr thing twice before, but this time it is for at least 2 years :lmao:


soooo i get to see him in 27 days, for a whole 2 weeks!!

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OMG 4 WEEKS!!!! and i hav not seen her for 4 months 20 days 12 hours 37 mintue and dono how mant seconds LOL! but is worth the wait cos is CHRISRMAS as is gonna be amazing!!:bunny::rolleyes:

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35 more days to go until I'm back in his arms again.


It's pretty amazing how one person can make you so crazy happy all the time. Sure, when they are gone, it's unbearable and you pretty much want to slap all the happy couples you see on the street, but still...the time together makes it all so worth it.

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34 more days to go until he starts driving here. It'll be a 20 hour drive just about, so hopefully he'll be alright.

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18 hours, 10 minutes - I basically sleep, wake-up, get on the train and I get to see him! With just one week notice of his trip, it's seems surreal :bunny:

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