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Countdown - How long till you see your SO?

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he will be back in our hometown for good. In the middle of july he got a call from his lawyer that he managed to get his temporary green card, which was completely unexpected and out of the blue. 5 days later was the last time i saw him because he hopped on a plane and left to go back home in Europe to see his parents that he hasnt seen in 10 years. I just found out the other week that he will be home this month! So I am pretty lucky that out of the 2 years that we have been together, he has only been gone for 3 months, but last year I started college about 100 miles from our hometown, so I guess that is kinda LDR, althought I come home to visit him and my family every 2 weeks or so. I think i remember you saying that you have about 70 days or so until you can see your fiancee..how long will you guys get to see eachother?


I'm so glad for you that you two don't have to be apart for too long. But anything over a couple of weeks being parted from your SO is really hard. :)


I have 86 more days. We have wedding planning to do so it should be for a couple of months. He'll be working almost the whole time this time though. It's so hard when he works because I get so bored waiting for him to get back! And it's horrid when he leaves in the mornings because I hate saying goodbye to him, so it panics me a bit, because I've learned to dread the feeling. lol. It'll be fine though. And hopefully because I'll know I have him for a long time this time, I'll be less clingy. His family's not affectionate so even though he returns my cuddles, I know it throws him for a loop sometimes.


I'm so excited but still dealing with depression over missing him from the last visit and so on and so forth. It's FINALLY starting to get better though.

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I just got back from 8 incredible days with my woman in Montenegro. It was an incredible time together! It is so hard to come back to my life without her though, to wake up alone once again.


Our new countdown is 99 days until we meet in Paris, January 13.


Omg, my guy's from Montenegro originally! He misses it so much and talks alot about how beautiful Ulcin is. I'm so glad for you that you got to go there.


And Paris?! Where do you live? Montenegro and Paris with your SO. That's like a dream

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17 days until I get to see my husband! I really miss him.


I'm a newly wed...we haven't even been married for 2 months...you shouldn't have to be apart, sorry im ranting, im kinda sick of people asking how is married life....how would i know, i haven't seen my husband for a month. We haven't got to "feel" what its like to be married i came back to america 9 days after our wedding. in all fairness we had a wonderful 3 weeks together. he didnt even have to go to work the whole time i was in Scotland.


okay i will stop venting...i just got off the phone with him...and im feeling a little lonely.

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17 days until I get to see my husband! I really miss him.


I'm a newly wed...we haven't even been married for 2 months...you shouldn't have to be apart, sorry im ranting, im kinda sick of people asking how is married life....how would i know, i haven't seen my husband for a month. We haven't got to "feel" what its like to be married i came back to america 9 days after our wedding. in all fairness we had a wonderful 3 weeks together. he didnt even have to go to work the whole time i was in Scotland.


okay i will stop venting...i just got off the phone with him...and im feeling a little lonely.



omg dont be sorry that you are venting, thats what we are here for!!! i always get so sad after i get off of the phone with my guy :( and dont worry, those 17 days will fly by, thats basically 2 weeks :)

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17 days until I get to see my husband! I really miss him.


I'm a newly wed...we haven't even been married for 2 months...you shouldn't have to be apart, sorry im ranting, im kinda sick of people asking how is married life....how would i know, i haven't seen my husband for a month. We haven't got to "feel" what its like to be married i came back to america 9 days after our wedding. in all fairness we had a wonderful 3 weeks together. he didnt even have to go to work the whole time i was in Scotland.


okay i will stop venting...i just got off the phone with him...and im feeling a little lonely.


aw! rant away. thats what this forum is made for. we all can relate and can thus handle anything you need to get out, while irl friends often cant relate and get overwhelmed :)


that must be hard though.. just got married and you cant even have your honeymoon phase. you poor thing.. goodness. im so glad you get to see him soon though :) imagine how mushy ya'all will be because you havent gotten to enjoy your marriage very much yet ;)

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a few more hours away from being 6 days away....this wait is killing me...he almost seems not real anymore...idk what its like to touch him anymore :( lol...he seems like he was only with me in a dream and was never real to begin with...its insane :( :( :(

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a few more hours away from being 6 days away....this wait is killing me...he almost seems not real anymore...idk what its like to touch him anymore :( lol...he seems like he was only with me in a dream and was never real to begin with...its insane :( :( :(


Aw no honey its not insane. Its normal. I honestly think when something hurts too much, your body doesn't let you remember it completely. When I left my fiance this last time I was SOBBING. Devestated. I went from kissing his lips to having to be torn from him and go through that gate at the airport so quickly. And then, as I got on my loooooooong flight home, halfway through I couldn't remember him anymore. I could remember his family, his home- but not him. It wasn't until a few days alter that I remembered everything about being with him, when I was (slightly. lol) more emotionally stable to deal with it.


You'll remember EVERYTHING as soon as you're in his arms.It all just kinda floods back and you feel strange for having ever parted from him. :)

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aw! rant away. thats what this forum is made for. we all can relate and can thus handle anything you need to get out, while irl friends often cant relate and get overwhelmed :)


that must be hard though.. just got married and you cant even have your honeymoon phase. you poor thing.. goodness. im so glad you get to see him soon though :) imagine how mushy ya'all will be because you havent gotten to enjoy your marriage very much yet ;)


I totally agree with crimsonrose! Think of this as something that will strengthen your relationship! Being away forces both of you (us all) to never take one moment for granted. The longing will only make your marriage sweeter and stronger.


CONGRATULATIONS! Just a few more days for you and your hubby :bunny:

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I haven't got a clue how long it'll be till I see my fiance now. It would be 83 days today, but now I don't know. I have to get a job to pay for my $1800 plane ticket to see him. And I'm having a hard time finding a job because alot of the people here are predjudice. They see I'm white, look me up and down and say "we don't have any positions available for you". I dunno. And I'm moving to the middle of texas before the years out, so if I don't get a job soon I have to find a job there. More waiting. I'm probably going to miss summer in Melbourne with him again. I hate that. This happened last year too.

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13 days to go!!


aw I'm really happy for you :) I hope this visit's everythign you've imagined (unless its permenant!)

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4 more looooong dayss....hopefully they will go by super fast because i am working ALL weekend....but im having the worst thoughts about his airplane trip back :(

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4 more looooong dayss....hopefully they will go by super fast because i am working ALL weekend....but im having the worst thoughts about his airplane trip back :(


aw honey! Are you nervous about the plane crashing, or nervuos about how sad you'll be?


I know I sit there and anticipate the pain before it comes. XD Like even now, looking up ticket prices for a few MONTHS from now, I'm nervous about how sad it'll be parting again.


I hope you two have a wonderful time :)

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aw honey! Are you nervous about the plane crashing, or nervuos about how sad you'll be?


I know I sit there and anticipate the pain before it comes. XD Like even now, looking up ticket prices for a few MONTHS from now, I'm nervous about how sad it'll be parting again.


I hope you two have a wonderful time :)



aww thanks crimsonrose...i feel like we have a stronger connection because we both date albanians! LOL :) arent they just something else...lol I am nervous about the plane crashing....knock on wood....not seeing him for 3 months has been killing me....ahh i cant even think about never having the possibility to ever see him again :( omg let me not even get into that thought :eek:

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aww thanks crimsonrose...i feel like we have a stronger connection because we both date albanians! LOL :) arent they just something else...lol I am nervous about the plane crashing....knock on wood....not seeing him for 3 months has been killing me....ahh i cant even think about never having the possibility to ever see him again :( omg let me not even get into that thought :eek:


Ah! You're dating an Albanian too?! One thing I've noticed rings true that every person dating an Albanian says- they're biggest flaw is that they get borderline controlling, but GOODNESS, those men are manly and sexy as it gets ;)


And that's true too. My guy is bossy and yadayadayada, but boy, he sure is a fine hunk-a-man.



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It's still up in the air. It'd be 81 days till I see him. Only problem is, now that I've got a job and can afford the plane tickets, my step-father's saying I can't go to my fiance for two months. This is understandable, as I'm so young, but yeah... My man doesn't think it's worth it to spend 2200 bucks on a plane ticket only to see him for one month instead of two or three.


He's a man so he's able to deal with his emotions more logically. Me, as a female that's frighteningly sensitive... I'm bloody upset. I don't want to wiat until July of 2009 to see him again! Five months apart from him almost killed me. But TEN?!


Fingers crossed that I get to go for two months, please

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