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Countdown - How long till you see your SO?

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aww thanks crimsonrose...i feel like we have a stronger connection because we both date albanians! LOL :) arent they just something else...lol I am nervous about the plane crashing....knock on wood....not seeing him for 3 months has been killing me....ahh i cant even think about never having the possibility to ever see him again :( omg let me not even get into that thought :eek:


O, but yeah, about the plane crashing. Don't be nervous honey! It'll be fine. Beside's if your guys an Albo, even if the plane did crash, he'd survive. lol. Plane's rarely crash and when they do they're designed to be able to make emergency landings. Don't worry about him. He's a big boy. :) Just concentrate on being EXCITED!

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Ah! You're dating an Albanian too?! One thing I've noticed rings true that every person dating an Albanian says- they're biggest flaw is that they get borderline controlling, but GOODNESS, those men are manly and sexy as it gets ;)


And that's true too. My guy is bossy and yadayadayada, but boy, he sure is a fine hunk-a-man.




Yes, I am dating an albanian too! lol yay! Yes, they are very very jealous and can be very controlling...but I have to sit back and realize that is how they were brought up, but they should also be kind of understanding on how we were brought up too here in america... Yes, i love my manly sexy guy. Omg i am so happy to know someone else on here dates an albo....those bossy men! How old are you crimsonrose? Do you have AIM or MSN or something, i would love to chat sometime if you wanted too!

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Yes, I am dating an albanian too! lol yay! Yes, they are very very jealous and can be very controlling...but I have to sit back and realize that is how they were brought up, but they should also be kind of understanding on how we were brought up too here in america... Yes, i love my manly sexy guy. Omg i am so happy to know someone else on here dates an albo....those bossy men! How old are you crimsonrose? Do you have AIM or MSN or something, i would love to chat sometime if you wanted too!


Haha. msn would be great. my email for it is [email protected] (had a faery phase when I was 14. don't ask).


I'm 17, but my fiance is 22. Albanian females were raised to marry young, so it's normal for us with the age difference. I assure you though, no matter your age we can get along. If I can get along with his mid twenties male cousins, I promise I can get along with you ;) I assume youre older than me?

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14 days but im unsure if i even want to go see her anymore because i feel as if the relationship has gone to **** :confused::(



ahhh what happened?? :(


ooo and crimsonrose...i am 19...only two years older than you..no biggie! i was 17 when i started dating him anyway :cool:



PS. 1 1/2 more days!!!!!! ahhhh tomorrow is gonna be sooooooo longggg

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24 more days and then he is flying here to see me! yay! On saturday we're going with my uncle and aunt to cheer on UK football! And of course they'll win cause he's there with me ;)

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it's been 10 months already.. and we have about 7 more months.. this is the hardest thing i've ever done in my life.. but waiting for him is worth it:love:

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I wasn't supposed to see my bf for another 3-4 weeks, but I told him that I was having a dinner party for Halloween and was dissapointed he couldn't be there to see all the decorations and themed food I was making. He just called and told me he is flying down so he can be here! So now I get to see him in 9 days :love: :love: :love:

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18 days until I take my road trip to see my honey... but 19 days till we can be in each other's arms! I can't wait... our love has grown much deeper through the months... He is my soul mate... I love him so much!

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16 more days to goooo!!!!


I'm so excited now because he's getting excited. I'll be spending 4 nights, and 5 great days with him. I absolutely can't wait!

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16 more days to goooo!!!!


I'm so excited now because he's getting excited. I'll be spending 4 nights, and 5 great days with him. I absolutely can't wait!


when will your LDR finally be over?

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when will your LDR finally be over?


I don't know exactly when it will be over before our wedding but I have 612 until our wedding. But since he's from canada and I am from the us we will hopefully have all of our paperwork done in time for us to be able to live together before then.

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I don't know exactly when it will be over before our wedding but I have 612 until our wedding. But since he's from canada and I am from the us we will hopefully have all of our paperwork done in time for us to be able to live together before then.



oh yea i remember you saying before about how much paperwork you have and you dont know how long its gonna be...is the paperwork at least running smoothly or is it backed up? do you even get word or updates about the paperwork transactions?

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My boy just left me today... and I am feeling bit empty. I hate when my other half leaves me!


But I think he will fly from MI to VA for Thanksgiving with my family, and then I fly up there for a week after Christmas! :)

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24, and then 52 (this one will be a week long trip!!!)


But, I am still upset about him having to go back on Sunday. *sigh* And it definitely isn't helping me pass biochemistry right right.

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