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What do I do now?

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1 hour ago, Els said:

Are you still looking at the moment, or are you holding out hope that this guy will be "it"? Try not to let this "friendship" with him convince you to close off other options or to stop dating men closer to your age

When I was 19, I had a crush on an older man (not even as much older as yours, he was 11 years older), and he gently turned me down. Now, looking back at it from the other side of 30, I recognize that he did the right thing, even though it hurt back then. It would never have worked, we were in such different places in life, and him declining freed me up to meet a guy in college who ended up being my husband. In my opinion, that's what this man should be doing. However, of course this is just my personal opinion.

No, I’m definitely not closing myself off to others.  Actually just started talking to someone else, and although I doubt it will materialize I am enjoying getting to know them.  But your point is a good one, I am most certainly not putting all of my eggs in that one basket.  

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