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Wife almost cheated on me


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I believe he was intending to ask about what happened... not necessarily state things as facts - that way he may gain more info...


But wait, probably not - because too much time has passed and they got their stories straight for him.

She's playing him like a fiddle and has dancing him to her tune. Given he doesn't want to inform either of the other two betrayed spouses my sympathy is rather limited.


They are all married, they probably got their stories straight that night.

The truth is all well and good but breaking up families for "revenge" doesn't sound right to me.

The OP knows she had MFF threesome, he needs to sort that out with his wife, not meddle in other people's business

At last, someone talking sense.


Oh get out of here. The person who questions whether cheating is bad and documents her own affairs pretends that people being made aware that their partner is cheating breaks up these families.


It's the cheating that is breaking up these families, not someone informing them. All the information does is give them the ability to make an informed choice rather than be betrayed, abused and cheated on.


They can decide whether they want to waste their life and effort on a person like that or leave.


There could be more shes not saying.

Almost certainly.


I’m not even sure leaving is the right thing to do because I don’t know if your heart is really in it.

True. She should be the one to leave. Not him.


Separation is a very serious thing.

So are marriage vows, cheating etc.


cheating could’ve easily been done by either of you

Oh please. "Murder could've easily been done by everyone!" It's not an argument. Sure it could've, what's important is whether someone actually did it. "How dare you judge me? You could've just as easily robbed a bank and shot three people in the process!" is not a defense.

Maybe this is the wake up call it needed.

A wake up call to divorce and find a proper partner and better marriage.

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