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Women don't want a good man now days.


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That's a big list. You're going to have to make a lot of compromises to have a human being that's a female to be with.


Oh thank God! Humanity restored! :lmao::lmao:

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I just want a decent feminine woman with good character and values that will treat me right.


Then stop making lists and open your mind to all possibilities.


Stop flirting with other girls in front of them, decent, good women do not like game players, not good.

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I cant understand why some people have such trouble finding partners. Oh wait, maybe because they are sexist and have ridiculously long and bizarre lists of requirements.

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It is in some ways my standards are high as they should be.



  • I like Non white more mostly Asian, Ethiopian , and Somali, don't LOL hey are tall, surprisingly curvy . Also any other woman of color .Open to dating white woman just do not find too many of them attractive .
  • NO kids
  • Mom and dad still together a plus
  • Can not be over wight or obese but thick woman that are naturally thick are OK.
  • Have a career or be working towards something or own a business
  • down to earth fun loving and so on
  • NO extreme feminism for me no thanks the world does own you or me anything
  • Has to take care of her self sorry woman where I live do not shave anymore even in the summer yes you see woman with hairy legs
  • Have a college degree
  • knows how to act womanly in public and still can be for woman rights
  • The biggest one of them all she has to be good in bed sorry to many woman just want to lay there and have the men do all the work I need more than that.
  • Family oriented
  • One last one dress like a female not all the time but where I live the dress like guys and I am willing to bet most have never worn I dress in there whole life. When all you clothes are from the men department it not a good thing.LOL
  • Good mother instincts
  • OH burp in public that is low class if we are at home it cool not when we are out with people having dinner.
  • Likes the outdoors and to stay active.
  • Knows how to cook and clean sorry if we have kids and I die what are you going to do ? Fast food ? Also I know how to cook as well so you do not have to do it all the time but if you cant how you going to feed the kids ? When I am not home?
  • being good with money
  • work no one wants to but if she cant keep a job for what ever reason not cool.
  • Oh they to have a good relationship with there dad no daddy issues.

I think that is it of the top of my head .



Like I said it is complicated to find all that in one woman . I just picked the most important ones as must haves.


Has a woman who met all of these requirements ever actually agreed to go out on a date with you?

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be nice to her and she'll interpret as having an ulterior motive or perceive you as weak

compliment her and she'll claim you don't mean it or at best be embarrassed

be there for her and your smothering her, push pull works best

females say one thing and respond to the opposite

folks its easier to be single, masturbate to your hearts content

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Damn, people don't get women.


All they want is a guy who is decent, strong, not too hard on the eyes and not boring.


It's really not as complicated as people make it seem.


decent, easy enough

strong, just a few out of a hundred are strong enough

not too hard on the eyes, just a few out of a hundred are attractive enough

not boring, just a few out of a hundred are exciting enough

folks, this seemingly simple list eliminates almost every guy out there, easier for a guy to just be single and do what they want

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decent, easy enough

strong, just a few out of a hundred

not too hard on the eyes, just a few out of a hundred

not boring, just a few out of a hundred

folks, this seemingly simple list eliminates almost every guy out there, easier for a guy to just be single and do what they want


Except you're missing a few huge key points.


- Attraction is subjective.


- Strong doesn't necessarily mean "physically strong."


- Not boring, "just a few out of a hundred." <--- really? This is the easiest thing on the list not to be. How hard is it not to be boring? Have passions. Have interests beyond sitting and watching TV. Get out into the world, have excitement for learning and exploring.


If you're boring, you're just a boring person and you need to examine yourself on a deeper level.


If it's easier for you to be single, than to actually work on yourself and improve as a human being... well. *shrug*

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in my house i get to keep it the way i want, my car too.

i rip up bibles and have a ripped up american flag too, to prove a point that these objects aren't sacred

and if i need females, masturbatre to the pictures

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in my house i get to keep it the way i want, my car too.

i rip up bibles and have a ripped up american flag too, to prove a point that these objects aren't sacred

and if i need females, masturbatre to the pictures


Yeah, you're quite a catch.


Good luck with that.

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Except you're missing a few huge key points.


- Attraction is subjective.


- Strong doesn't necessarily mean "physically strong."


- Not boring, "just a few out of a hundred." <--- really? This is the easiest thing on the list not to be. How hard is it not to be boring? Have passions. Have interests beyond sitting and watching TV. Get out into the world, have excitement for learning and exploring.


If you're boring, you're just a boring person and you need to examine yourself on a deeper level.


If it's easier for you to be single, than to actually work on yourself and improve as a human being... well. *shrug*

its much easier, certainly in the hypocritical dfw area of texas.

and you make it sound oh so easy but it isn't that simple.

and the females here are obsessed with bibles and the anerican flag, hyper patriotism which is revolting

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its much easier, certainly in the hypocritical dfw area of texas.

and you make it sound oh so easy but it isn't that simple.

and the females here are obsessed with bibles and the anerican flag, hyper patriotism which is revolting


It's actually really easy.


Don't like your life? Change it.

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Yeah, you're quite a catch.


Good luck with that.


my luck is fine thank you. my beliefs are offensive to hyper hypocritical americans and i do what i want at home.

tough cookies if it offends you

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It's actually really easy.


Don't like your life? Change it.


oh i might be making a move out of texas one day, most disgusting hypocritical state in the union, boston is more my taste, but no rush waiting for the right job opening

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my luck is fine thank you. my beliefs are offensive to hyper hypocritical americans and i do what i want at home.

tough cookies if it offends you


Why would you think your way of life offends me? You're a stranger to me.


If your luck is so fine, then why are you boring? Why do you have no success with women? Why are you a person who looks down on themselves by alluding to the fact that you're not attractive, strong, or anything else?


You just sound bitter and hateful.

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It is in some ways my standards are high as they should be.



  • I like Non white more mostly Asian, Ethiopian , and Somali, don't LOL hey are tall, surprisingly curvy . Also any other woman of color .Open to dating white woman just do not find too many of them attractive .
  • NO kids
  • Mom and dad still together a plus
  • Can not be over wight or obese but thick woman that are naturally thick are OK.
  • Have a career or be working towards something or own a business
  • down to earth fun loving and so on
  • NO extreme feminism for me no thanks the world does own you or me anything
  • Has to take care of her self sorry woman where I live do not shave anymore even in the summer yes you see woman with hairy legs
  • Have a college degree
  • knows how to act womanly in public and still can be for woman rights
  • The biggest one of them all she has to be good in bed sorry to many woman just want to lay there and have the men do all the work I need more than that.
  • Family oriented
  • One last one dress like a female not all the time but where I live the dress like guys and I am willing to bet most have never worn I dress in there whole life. When all you clothes are from the men department it not a good thing.LOL
  • Good mother instincts
  • OH burp in public that is low class if we are at home it cool not when we are out with people having dinner.
  • Likes the outdoors and to stay active.
  • Knows how to cook and clean sorry if we have kids and I die what are you going to do ? Fast food ? Also I know how to cook as well so you do not have to do it all the time but if you cant how you going to feed the kids ? When I am not home?
  • being good with money
  • work no one wants to but if she cant keep a job for what ever reason not cool.
  • Oh they to have a good relationship with there dad no daddy issues.

I think that is it of the top of my head .



Like I said it is complicated to find all that in one woman . I just picked the most important ones as must haves.


whats strange is this list feels long at first glance but when read its more lenient than most female lists.

conclusion is being single is much easier

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Why would you think your way of life offends me? You're a stranger to me.


If your luck is so fine, then why are you boring? Why do you have no success with women? Why are you a person who looks down on themselves by alluding to the fact that you're not attractive, strong, or anything else?


You just sound bitter and hateful.


it offends most americans in texas at least.

was bitter and hateful when i was trying to hard to get a female.

so much easier now, being single and doing what i want

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Why would you think your way of life offends me? You're a stranger to me.


If your luck is so fine, then why are you boring? Why do you have no success with women? Why are you a person who looks down on themselves by alluding to the fact that you're not attractive, strong, or anything else?


You just sound bitter and hateful.


and why should i spend my time to conforming to what others want?

everyone is obsessed with the bible and religion and hanging the flag, in texas at least.

everyone is obsessed with getting hot bodies and spending money they don't have on new adventures.

everyone is obsessed with being in the in crowd and conforming

im going against the grain

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ftsteak is our hydra, now banned, but I'll leave the posts/responses so as not to decimate the thread. Expect them to show up in such threads as this where gender wars may break out and deal with it accordingly. Moderation does sleep occasionally. Onward with the topic!

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decent, easy enough

strong, just a few out of a hundred are strong enough

not too hard on the eyes, just a few out of a hundred are attractive enough

not boring, just a few out of a hundred are exciting enough

folks, this seemingly simple list eliminates almost every guy out there, easier for a guy to just be single and do what they want


Strong means mentally.


At least 80% of guys make the not too hard on the eyes part.


Hey, I can't sympathize with people being boring...,got me there. :D

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To be fair to him when I was single I had a similar long list and I met a woman who meets all of my criteria. I have no issue with people having high standards but some people have standards about the wrong things and very low standards about things that should matter. God forbid a woman has the wrong car but if they are an abuser that is perfectly fine. God forbid a woman's hair is too short if she is a serial cheater then perfectly fine. In all honestly I don't think that list posted is that bad.

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The thing is, folks.. this isn't a list of things a man needs from a woman, this is a list of **** a boy wants from a girl. It's childish, might as well send it to the North Pole. The purpose of dating is to learn about yourself and the difference between what we need in a partner vs. what we can do without. Everyone's looking for a soul mate in every relationship, it drives me nuts.

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That's a big list. You're going to have to make a lot of compromises to have a human being that's a female to be with.


I'd think hard about pruning the list way down.


My list has always been this one: Someone I'm attracted to who isva good person inside.

/End List


A few preferences can be added, but I start with a completely open mind, get to know the girl, then get a feeling if she's right or not. Checklists make people lonely.



I like your list. I would only add that my man have the ability to spell and put together grammatically correct sentences. You know, the basics? There's probably a name for my condition, but it escapes me right now. ;)

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serial muse

I think it's perfectly fine to have a list of desirable qualities - the danger, IMO, comes when one is so set on such a list that one overlooks people who match the spirit of the list if not each of the details. For example, the bits about wanting a woman whose parents are still together. I think there are a lot of assumptions built up into that about a person's outlook on relationships, which are probably often subject to confirmation bias and turn out to be pretty ephemeral. But people cling to these lists because they give them the illusion of control over the future.


Far better to focus on essentials and on the present - a person's actual demonstrated character. OP, you wouldn't want someone to judge you for your past; you want her to judge you for your choices since that time, and on the basis of you turning your life around. So perhaps you should do your prospective dates the same courtesy? Is it her fault if her parents aren't together, or her father is absent? You're making assumptions about what she would believe/feel/do based on something that's not even in her control. Relax a bit. Treat a prospective date as you would like to be treated.


As for the rest of the list, the important bits really just boil down (in the same way that most lists I've seen posted on here boil down) to: have goals and plans for your career/future, be a good person with a good heart, don't be a flake, and know how to take care of yourself.


And sure, don't burp in public, whatever. You've got a good chance for that in a woman, but many women have long since given up on that one in men. ;)

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I like your list. I would only add that my man have the ability to spell and put together grammatically correct sentences. You know, the basics? There's probably a name for my condition, but it escapes me right now. ;)


It's called "grammarphobia."


Yes it really exists, and is actually quite common!


I suffer from the same disorder myself!


Google it.. :) :)

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