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I am falling for my married dentist - please help!

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you gotta do what you gotta do mandy but i believe that he has been playing this game and you are falling right into it. he has been punishing you for not sleeping with him, he is waiting, he knows damnwell that you will crumble and he knows that you will be so desperate for his attention that you will agree to sex, or better yet initiate it yourself.

its a game mandy, one he knows well having played it so often, and he is in a strong position, you are in a weak one. if you want to win the game, you have to be one step ahead of him. know his game. i am telling you what he is doing. you are far better off acting like you dont care.

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Don't you feel kind of pathetic? Aren't you debasing yourself? Begging for crumbs from someone who doesn't want to give you a thing? How low do you want to go, mandy? Are you in such a pitiful state and so badly in need of attention that you'll do anything to get it? He has ignored your last several attempts at contact and, rather than walking away with your dignity, you keep crawling around with your tail between your legs hoping he'll pat you on the head.


He's not only taken your power, but every scrap of dignity you might hope to own. Take it back.

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Hi Everyone -

I am going for a walk on the beach tonite with a friend, its really hot here in Adelaide today.

I am craving some sort of attention from him so bad its unbelievable, i think i am going to send him a text message saying "happy new year" and see what happens if he doesnt respond i am just going to try to accept he doesnt want me and move on


Good post reply Newbby.


Mandy, if you call or write him a Happy New Year note, you are putting energy into a man who wants nothing to do with you. This will hurt you even more, make you feel worse when he doesn't respond to you. Accept NOW that he doesn't want you. After that 5 paged letter, a present and afew text messages/calls and he still hasn't contacted you means right now you have your answer. Even if he was thinking of you as a 'friend', out of respect don't you think he would have thanked you by now? He hasn't done that, so obviously he doesn't respect you enough to say thanks.


Go have fun with your friends, have a great night on New Years Eve and forget about him!

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ok everyone, i did it, last night at 9:14pm i decided to text him and here is what i wrote


"Hi, All the best for the new year, Cheers, Mandy"


And i got no repsonse

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What if he said he was only interested in you for a little, gargle, spit and rinse? Would you settle for that?

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Hopefully you're not too upset that he didn't reply to you.


So, no more calling/text messaging/emailing him. For your own sake now, move on. Find another dentist and forget him.

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Actually, I hope you're upset. I hope you're disgusted, fed up, and furious. I hope you're so mad you've finally figured out what a sonofabitch the guy is and have decided to rid yourself of the scumball.


But you have me on ignore, I'm sure.

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Actually, I hope you're upset. I hope you're disgusted, fed up, and furious. I hope you're so mad you've finally figured out what a sonofabitch the guy is and have decided to rid yourself of the scumball.


But you have me on ignore, I'm sure.


just in case....

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ok everyone, i did it, last night at 9:14pm i decided to text him and here is what i wrote


"Hi, All the best for the new year, Cheers, Mandy"


And i got no repsonse


Hi, aussie-mandy.


You are wasting your time.

If you send him any more text messages, you'll probably annoy him and make your situation worse.

He clearly is not interested in hearing from you.


You are extremely **lucky** even if you are not realizing it yet.

If nothing happens between your dentist and you, you'll realize it as soon as your infatuation fades.


*stop* trying to contact him.

If you fall out of luck, and he gets in touch with you again, you'll have dug your own grave.


(this is from someone who has recently been treated like a slut by a MM who resembles your dentist in some ways -by the sound of your posts. I'd rather you spared yourself what I went through.)

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jen i really dont think that helps anything. do you think people are stupid?


Are you sure you really want me to answer that?

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I still havent heard from him.


To be honest i cant believe he is being so silent, i really want to know what he is getting at.


Went out with my girlfriend last night for coffee and she's been encouraging me to call him and ask him to meet us out one night soon for a coffee and chat.


I soooo want to do this.

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What a poor excuse for a girlfriend! Someone who would lead you directly into a path of heartbreak...wow!


You say you don't know what he's "getting at." Uh, maybe he's realizing that he's making a BIG mistake...that he's married with a family and a piece of ass on the side isn't worth breaking that up.


Perhaps THAT'S what he's "getting at."


What part of his message (his ignoring you) don't you get?

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Mandy, your friend is giving you BAD advice.


I'll tell you "what he is getting at." He read your 5 paged letter, realized...'WTF am I doing. This girl just poured her heart and soul out on paper to me and I'm married!!! I was just looking for a fling, not a serious relationship. I already have one of those! It's called a WIFE.' Mandy, he IS telling you by his silence. So for your own self respect, never call him again. Get a new dentist and please, move on.


You have a right to feel upset and angry, he should have TOLD you to your face that he wasn't into you but this is how it's playing out, the cards you're dealt with right now.


I'm sorry to be harsh but you need to SEE how things really are, not how you want them to be.


You will be making mistake now if you call him again. How many times does the door have to be slammed in your face before you understand whatever it was that 'could have' happened is no more. It is over so please for your own sanity and self respect, accept that.

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I am so confused, i hate silence, i wish he would just write to me and call me and tell me what he is thinking even if he doesnt want anything with me.

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Yes, I totally agree with WWIU and remember what you said?


I am craving some sort of attention from him so bad its unbelievable, i think i am going to send him a text message saying "happy new year" and see what happens if he doesnt respond i am just going to try to accept he doesnt want me and move on.


That was wise of you to say and now your "friend" is trying to sway you the wrong way.


If I sent a 5 page letter, texts, gifts, etc. and a guy ignored me, well I'd get the message. What is it going to take with you to get his message? Don't demean yourself any further.


We can't always have what we want. Find someone who you CAN have.

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I am so confused, i hate silence, i wish he would just write to me and call me and tell me what he is thinking even if he doesnt want anything with me.


He doesn't have the balls to say that to you. So, be strong and forget him. I know you're hurting Mandy. He isn't worth your pain and heartache. Think of it like that. What good will talking to him do? So he can reject you to your face? Make your own closure and move on with your life.

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I love my friend dearly & i dont think she intentionally means any harm but she is always telling me she has this gut instinct that him and i will end up together.

She thinks he is unhappy in his marriage and does want something he is just confused right now.

I cant bear the thought of parting with him knowing that something could've been

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She's wrong. She has "wishful" thinking. The guy is MARRIED to someone else. She hasn't seen him and his wife together, she knows nothing of what goes on behind closed doors in his life. So her thoughts are just that. DO not take her advice on that one Mandy.


I know she isn't meaning harm but she has NO clue what she's talking about when it comes to his private life. Unless she's looking in his windows and has his house bugged, there is no way she'd know. Just speculation, which is usually assumed and wrong.


Listen, if you two were meant to be together he'd be with you now, not ignoring you. He would have wished you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. He hasn't done that. A man who wants a woman doesn't treat her the way he has treated you. Please believe me when I tell you that!

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Holy Toledo, After 620 replies and 10,000 plus views if this issue isn`t solved yet then it can`t be solved:D


Move on and ponder the existence of BigFoot.:bunny:

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I do wonder what his response would be if i did ask him to coffee with my friend.


Read the other replies. You're not understanding what we're saying. If you go ahead and ask him to meet you two, he is going to think you're incredibly unbalanced. Would you rather him SCREAM at you and tell you NEVER call me again Mandy? Or don't you think it's better just as things are now. Atleast you know he isn't MAD at you right now but if you keep on pushing yourself on him he WILL react and probably in a not-so-good way.

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