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UPDATE: New dad with grieving teenager - 2 months on


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On 4/25/2021 at 12:58 AM, spiderowl said:

Wow, I've just read through this whole thread, Ollie.  It is an incredible story.

I am so impressed by your writing and your humour.  I can see how much you adore your new daughter and what a difference you have made to her life.  She's been through a lot (as have you) and you have been a joy in her life.

She sounds such an amazing person too, resourceful, witty and fun, like her dad.

I feel for students and parents who had to cope with remote learning during the lockdown.  My kids are adults now but I'm sure I would have cracked under the strain of remote learning.

It was strange reading all this in retrospect.  I am glad you had a good Christmas (Congratulations, by the way!).  My Christmas was sad because I lost two immediate family members to Covid in December.  I can really empathise with the grief you and your family have felt/are feeling.

Life goes on and, thanks to you, your daughter will do well, whatever she chooses to do, and knows she has your wonderful insight and support.


Thank you Spiderowl!

I’m not on here as much as I was.. I guess life has settled into a more day to day rhythm.. but I’m very grateful for all the good advice i god and for your kind words. 

She’s a super kid, the best! And I know when I started writing this I really felt like I had missed out so much, but I don’t worry about that so much anymore! Now everything’s more normal, now she’s off burning toast in the kitchen with the radio so loud I can’t really hear the tele... maybe life’s funny, maybe we met each other right at the moment we were meant to! 

remote learning was mad by the way 🙈 ...But she had her final day at school last week, and has her prom soon, so they were some pretty big milestones!


I’m very sorry for your loss too!! Losing people you love is never easy, but Christmas always seems to make it that bit harder!!

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