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: Super Sexual Girl Says She Wants to Go Slow?


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I can't believe this thread has descended to a useless debate over the first kiss.


Not all attraction is superficial.

Sometimes people find themselves attracted to a friend they've known for years, just out of the blue.

Sometimes, it takes getting to know someone to find out that, yes, i really like this person.

Often, especially with OLD, the first date is a 30 minute coffee and chat...hardly enough time to determine that Oh my GOD! YES! THIS IS THE ONE!

It's enough time to determine that the person isn't a total nutcase, freak, or weirdo, but not that this person is your one true love.

You are basing this on physical attraction, but, you know, there is a spiritual connection too, and that take time to find.

I hazard to guess that the people who take the time to find that deeper connection will have longer, better relationships than those that jump into a relationship becuase the first date ended in a kiss.




I disagree on one thing, though. One date is NOT enough time to determine whether someone is a nutcase!!

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