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Entitled women on dating sites???

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I suppose I could see the point of women if they are truly getting a TON of messages....Id like to think its kinda like getting calls from telemarketers...The first couple of times, you might politely say "no thanks"...After a barrage of calls you just wind up hanging up on them..


Point is, its not personal..but some guys will look at it as it is and call a woman out on it...unfairly....




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I guarantee there are women who use OLD on a proactive way, reading profiles and messaging men. If that's the kind if OLD experience you want, you'll need the sort of profile that attracts them.



I don't see the entitlement. The system is that one person emails if they're interested, and the person responds if they are interested. She was not entitled to your email, and you are not entitled to her response. If interest is mutual, it all works out.




This is how it goes.

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In dating a huge red flag for me is a man who is controlling and already acts like I am obligated to him before we've even gone out. I remember when I was OLD there would be men who would message me and literally, if I took 5 minutes to respond they would bombard me with these emails about if I didn't like them I should say so and they'd stop messaging me or they would send angry messages or some if I gave them my number and they called and I didn't answer they texted me several times or left me voicemails with similar types of manipulative messages...WTF??!! Immediate BLOCK AND DELETE! Some of them I was actually sort of interested in until they started to be whiny, insecure and show themselves to be unstable by reacting so outlandishly. But I was glad to have dodged a bullet.


This is disturbing behavior and if a woman did the same thing she'd be labeled some type of insane bunny boiler. I would NEVER do this to anyone so if a man acts like this towards me, I know he and I are not at all a good match.


You keep the OLD thing casual. You realize some folks will flake and some won't. If someone doesn't answer your message or call or they don't in 5 minutes...LEAVE IT ALONE! They don't like you that much. That's the bottom line of the issue. Nothing more, nothing less. Getting up in arms about it all the time and messaging them just wastes your time and energy and makes you seem crazy.


The folks who cannot accept rejection gracefully but must either assume they are being rejected before they even are, based on a 5 minute lag or time delay, OR those who feel they must scold and reprimand the disinterested party is the one who has serious issues. NO ONE is obligated to you on OLD esp someone who has never even been on a date with you...and to believe otherwise is a flaw in your own thinking which will only lead to more frustration and unproductive behaviors on your part. You will have a much more pleasant time dating if you let go of these types of expectations and demands as they are more similar to what entitlement really means than what you're accusing these women of.


Good advice for face to face dating as well.


I will introduce myself to a lady I find attractive and give her my number. If she doesn't respond in good time, I move on to the next woman who catches my eye. I usually allow one week. If I happen to cross paths with her in public and she comes across with an excuse as to why she didn't text me, I'll tell her not to bother herself, say bye bye and enjoy the rest of the day. Simple as that.

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Good advice for face to face dating as well.


I will introduce myself to a lady I find attractive and give her my number. If she doesn't respond in good time, I move on to the next woman who catches my eye. I usually allow one week. If I happen to cross paths with her in public and she comes across with an excuse as to why she didn't text me, I'll tell her not to bother herself, say bye bye and enjoy the rest of the day. Simple as that.



You are very generous...I usually give it a couple of days before blocking them ;)

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