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What did I do??

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I have been gentle here becaused I believed you were naiive and seeking guidance. After reading the thread as it has developed I am not sure whether the problem here is Miss Troll or Miss Pussy...:rolleyes:


You have had plenty of good advice but you have responded with every excuse/justification under the sun for getting into some sex-based relationship with a married man.


I am not surprised that this guy is interested in you.

You have behaved like every man's sexual fanatasy, straight out of a porno movie.

You allow a man you don't know to put his hands all over you and in you. You allow yourself to be treated like a collection of body parts.

You volunteer to give him oral sex without knowing his sexual history or sexual health status, leaving yourself open to STds by accepting a mouthful of possibly infection semen.

You are happy to engage in one-sided sexual activity.

Your actions tell this guy loud and clear that you don't value yourself, so why should he?



Please stop this now, walk away and raise the bar.


If you think you can't, or don't want to stop going on a oestrogen-loaded bender every time your knickers start beeping, at least pick a single man to roll around with.


I worry for you, I really do. :(

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Can't a married man and a single woman just have fun without complicatd feelings getting involved?


They can, yes. It doesn't make it right or mean it will end well for either of you. And given your history, and what I've seen/experienced in my adult years, I can't see how this won't end up "complicated" for you. (I'm having a hard time believing it to begin with.) I understand everyone's different, I don't know you personally, etc......but a woman in her late twenties who's only had one physical relationship that lasted a couple years doesn't give a MM she barely knows head in a car, just for fun. And I'm not speaking on a moral level.

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OP, don't do it, you will be heading in a direction that will end painfully for you and others too.


I got involved with a MM who was separated. However, having been tossed aside, I have have looked back and realise there were red flags that I chose to not see or ignore... I knew he was still married and not divorced though and I take responsibility for that bad choice. Why did I do that? I have asked myself this over and over and think it has a lot to do with previous bad relationships, marriage failures and not feeling worthy of something better.


Why do you want to make a choice that puts you in a secondary place? You are worth so much more. It might feel exciting now but when you fall for him, it will hurt like mad.


I know you are young and see this as harmless fun but please listen to those of us who have been through the stress and traumas these situations bring to all parties. You are a young woman who can find an amazing single man who will make you number one and be proud to be seen out with you.


We are simply trying to help you make the right choice for you based on our own experiences. It is of course your choice to make. Best wishes whatever you decide.

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Apothecary I'm probably way of base but I'm wondering if you had a traumatic sexual experience? Do you think you are acting out in any way? You mention one man announcing you are off limits and then this other man pushes the chemistry button to see how far you will go. A good man wouldn't do this after another man announces his feelings. I understand you don't feel the same way for him. I'm just wondering if your fighting against something bigger than you have shared since you did say your actions are out of character and that you don't sleep with people that quickly. This situation will most certainly bring you a lot of uncomfortable feelings and I'm wondering if it hasn't already.

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