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LC Journal by mm4


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De-escalate now!


Every time that you push or pull it can be interpreted by the courts as you and her just being reactionary to one another and it by default will come out in her side.


You should have left the "hehehe no" comment down and texted simply back, " well let me know when you are going to abide by our custody agreement because I have been taking proactive steps with you to see my son. I want no further conflict with you, but I would like us to stick to the agreed upon days, including Sunday."


Then you save the texts of you being a reasonable mother****er against her bitchy revenge texts. This will get you favor, not you calling her out as a parent. It just makes you look angry and vindictive.


Jeez, it seems that I am being rough on you this week. Truth be told I am in your corner OP now more then ever and want to boot your butt a bit to get you your way. And suggest ways to get you through feeling better, stronger and a better role-model for your son to be a heck of a guy too. ;)

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I agree with Dot, you keep threatening her about the court and it's not doing you any favours. You're just showing your hand and causing her to escalate accusations against you. This is a dangerous game.


Her last text was just evil, she's enjoying you having to beg for time with your child, what a psycho. The more you ask the more power you're giving her, she's not going to change as long as you keep doing this, just try and keep it business-like with no pleading.


The officer sounds like a really decent man, was he the one who called to your house? You should ask for a report on the handover as well. Just keep collecting evidence for your side and don't tell her anything.

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I hope all my LS brothers and sisters had a blessed holiday and weekend, you all are awesome. I'll be off the forums for awhile.. have some very challenging things coming up this week. Wish me luck.





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Hey man, don't go off too long if you need somewhere to vent. We are all rooting for you!


Happy Easter

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thanks so much.. at this point I'm past venting.. nothing else can really be said. I'm more numb than anything. I just have to focus on myself and my son 150% going forward, no more of this nonsense. I have to admit I have a coping problem and I need more help dealing with this situation, because what I'm doing now just isn't working. I can't blame her anymore, this on me now, she is going to do what she wants and there is absolutely nothing I can do to change that.


again thanks for the wellwishes.. I'll need 'em :)

Edited by marqueemoon4
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Best wishes MM4, please get whatever help you think you need and don't try and do it alone.


Keep us updated, we are here for you.

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I'm praying for you, MM4.


Keep cool, my man.

And always feel free to come back here to vent. It's the best place for it.

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