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Did my girlfriend cheat?

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Ok so everyone has their own reasons for taking plan B whether is was an oopsy or as a multivitamin.


It still stands for the OP that there is obvious deception with his GF about using the product. The point here is that the product was purchased on her credit card and she denied knowing what it even was.


With that being said lets keep bringing in the irrelevant posts that have nothing to do with the OP's concern :laugh:

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He knows it was for the plan B pill... We will accept the fact that he snooped, who can blame him, but you have to accept the reality that the plan b pill was bought.


He snooped, after he came across a website that was in her browser history. If someone is going to snoop on someone, to such a degree, for every website a person they are in a relationship with visits, then there are some serious trust issues going on....


How about, I snoop and look at every single one of your credit card statements, and trace every porn, condom and whatever else purchase you've made?

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He snooped, after he came across a website that was in her browser history. If someone is going to snoop on someone, to such a degree, for every website a person they are in a relationship with visits, then there are some serious trust issues going on....


How about, I snoop and look at every single one of your credit card statements, and trace every porn, condom and whatever else purchase you've made?


Your snooping would lead you nowhere with me. 1 If I bought condoms...you would know it. 2. If you saw my credit card statements...then perhaps your looking to see how much credit I have available so I can be buying you more stuff. 3. If you traced porn....well, whatever.

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Your snooping would lead you nowhere with me. 1 If I bought condoms...you would know it. 2. If you saw my credit card statements...then perhaps your looking to see how much credit I have available so I can be buying you more stuff. 3. If you traced porn....well, whatever.


What a retarded argument....

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How about, I snoop and look at every single one of your credit card statements, and trace every porn, condom and whatever else purchase you've made?
I dont keep those things secret from my gf...


But that has NOTHING to do with the op's situation. His situation is that his gf went out drinking one night, was short with him the next day, and bought the morning after pill the following day... and lied about even knowing what it was. Are you really going to pretend you dont see a problem here?

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I dont keep those things secret from my gf...


But that has NOTHING to do with the op's situation. His situation is that his gf went out drinking one night, was short with him the next day, and bought the morning after pill the following day... and lied about even knowing what it was. Are you really going to pretend you dont see a problem here?


I said the purchase of Plan B, which hasn't even been proven if it was in fact Plan B, and the purported lie, is QUESTIONABLE.


Jannah is pretending that the snooping is somehow worse than the cheating... That is retarded.


No, I said the OP's snooping of a person's credit card statement, based on internet history on a computer that is shared by numerous people in a dorm room, is mistrusting.

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Look, all I'm saying is that a POSSIBILITY that she had a drunken night out and used poor judgement. You'll find more of those stories on this website than what pill to take and what excuse to use.

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If someone is going to snoop on someone, to such a degree, for every website a person they are in a relationship with visits, then there are some serious trust issues going on....


Exactly, something caused him to snoop in the first place.

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This stupid arguing is boring and not helping the OP.


Okay, I'm a 30-something woman. I've used Plan B once -- after a night with DH where we were a tad stupid. I'm not on the pill so I've never used it as pill backup.


I don't honestly think I've ever heard Plan B referred to as backup. It's really unlikely that someone would use it as backup relating to sex that was had with the boyfriend several days ago.


I'm sorry but some of the arguments put forth here have been kind of silly, suggesting that it's her business, that it's nothing, that it's normal. I disagree very strongly.


Either she bought the Plan B because she cheated, or she bought it for someone else. Those are the only explanations aside from a rape situation.


I think tipping your hand about the credit card statement is a bad idea. It'll simply lead to her claiming she bought it for her roommate.

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I'm not saying that I didn't snoop. I know it was wrong, but I feel it was justified because of what I saw when I was testing my girlfriend's keyboard. Hell, if Plan B never came up as a search on google I would have never had a suspicion. Before this relationship I had been in 2 long term relationships in my life, and had been cheated on both times. My checkered past came back to haunt me when I saw the Plan B search, and started messing with my head, hence why I started this thread. As for the Visa bill, it was laying on the floor, I picked it up and my gut had been telling me that something still wasn't right, so I looked at it. Guess what, my gut was right. Now there is definitely a trust issue. This needs to be addressed openly and honestly or else I won't be able to get past it.

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I want to be honest with my girlfriend when I talk to her, I will tell her that I looked at her Visa bill. I don't want to hide anything because that's not the type of person that I am. If she has an issue with that, then there is obviously something to hide. It's not all about potential cheating, I want to know why she told me she didn't do the search and didn't even know what it was, and then went out and bought it the day after the search was done.

Edited by teardrop86
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This stupid arguing is boring and not helping the OP.


Okay, I'm a 30-something woman. I've used Plan B once -- after a night with DH where we were a tad stupid. I'm not on the pill so I've never used it as pill backup.


I don't honestly think I've ever heard Plan B referred to as backup. It's really unlikely that someone would use it as backup relating to sex that was had with the boyfriend several days ago.


I'm sorry but some of the arguments put forth here have been kind of silly, suggesting that it's her business, that it's nothing, that it's normal. I disagree very strongly.


Either she bought the Plan B because she cheated, or she bought it for someone else. Those are the only explanations aside from a rape situation.


I think tipping your hand about the credit card statement is a bad idea. It'll simply lead to her claiming she bought it for her roommate.


How do you suggest that I bring this up without mentioning the credit card statement?

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Either she bought the Plan B because she cheated, or she bought it for someone else. Those are the only explanations aside from a rape situation.


Obviously you don't understand how this medication works. You have 72 hours to take it. That's 3 days. I believe the OP said that they had had sex within the 3 day window the medicine would be effective.

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I'm not saying that I didn't snoop. I know it was wrong, but I feel it was justified because of what I saw when I was testing my girlfriend's keyboard. Hell, if Plan B never came up as a search on google I would have never had a suspicion.


Look, no one believes that. You went and snooped her search history, probably her emails, too.



Before this relationship I had been in 2 long term relationships in my life, and had been cheated on both times.


Ah-ha, the truth comes out as to why you snooped. You have trust issues with her because of something someone else did to you.

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Obviously you don't understand how this medication works. You have 72 hours to take it. That's 3 days. I believe the OP said that they had had sex within the 3 day window the medicine would be effective.


It's quite possible, I don't remember for sure though.

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I want to be honest with my girlfriend when I talk to her, I will tell her that I looked at her Visa bill. I don't want to hide anything because that's not the type of person that I am. If she has an issue with that, then there is obviously something to hide. It's not all about potential cheating, I want to know why she told me she didn't do the search and didn't even know what it was, and then went out and bought it the day after the search was done.


Yes, please talk to her... Your main concern right now is IF she cheated.


You've been cheated on in the past, so naturally, you are going to be somewhat mistrusting. Just don't let it reach a point where you disrespect her privacy. You can still let her know where you're coming from and you prefer her to be honest with something such as this, versus lying about it. Again, that is IF she did in fact lie about it, and the Plan B was hers. IF she cheated, then you end the relationship.

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What caused me to look at her internet history is the Plan B search. It is a red flag, look at my initial post in this thread.

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They use condoms AND the BC pills to be extra safe. Problem is, she sometimes misses BC pills. That lessens the effectiveness of them. She also sometimes is on antibiotics. That also lessens the effectiveness of the BC pills. Combine missing the pills and antibiotics, and I can totally understand why she'd go for Plan B, even with condoms. Can you?


I agree - HOWEVER... that doesn't explain her lying to her boyfriend about even knowing what Plan B is. I realize everyone is different and also that not everyone is a cheater. I have taken Plan B twice in my life and both times (because I wasn't cheating), my boyfriend has known about it.


I am not saying she has to tell him - but why lie? Especially if the reasons you listed are her reasons for taking it. I am sure he would understand if she said "I just want to be extra safe because I missed a BC pill" or "My antibiotics are making my BC less effective" (which... don't antibiotics also make Plan B less effective?)


It doesn't matter how "uncomfortable" it may be to talk about contraception... don't have sex if it is that uncomfortable to talk about. But my gut is telling me she has probably cheated :(

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