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I ended up paying more than him on a first date...is that a big no no?


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I think one thing is clear from this thread, there are many different opinions on this issue, so do whatever you want. Pay go dutch whatever makes you happy in the end it all about finding someone compatible with your views anyway.


In my case I always pay but first dates are always coffee. Once we get past a first date then for me dating is just a social activity that I enjoy more than a lot of other things I do. I think when I was actively dating I budgeted $1k/mo for dating. I had the money, I enjoyed myself immensly, so for me I never regretted a penny.

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First of all a prostitute renders sexual favors for money, I do nothing of the sort. I render sex exclusively in a trusting mutually respecting and loving relationship. I'm very confident in WHO and WHAT I am.


Most of all, I retaliate your comments for all the young impressionable women who are reading out there, hoping they will walk away with a little nugget of wisdom that is not only based on reason, but that can also aid them in leading more successful ties with men that are mutually beneficial to both genders.


Yet. and this is just an observation from how you express yourself, I'm guessing you're young, maybe in your 20's


I think your posts and comments will hurt women more than any other comments in this thread

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This may be totally random, but I feel awkward when a guy buys something for me. My ex was dirt poor, and I bought everything. I went out with a guy to see "Sherlock Holmes" and I swear he said I got a weird look on my face when he tried to pay for my ticket. :rolleyes: That's just how I am. He had to bargain with me just so he could buy dinner. I think he was preparing the argument during the movie! :lmao: Maybe there's something wrong with me.

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Amazing and we are clearly very different in this respect! Because if I were to ever (never in this lifetime to be exact) accept a trip with some man I hardly even know, who takes me on a weekend "paid" trip and I don't even have two pennies to rub together to feed myself on this trip when he doesn't even care if I eat, I would DEFINITELY feel like a cheap hooker who was completely out of my element. ;)


It's SO apparent you don't read anything before you pop off. I didn't sleep with the guy. We had separate rooms at his friends' house. He was DYING for me to date him after we returned. I felt worth more than to be with a man simply because he makes a lot of money. I need someone with integrity. That may not matter to you, but it does to me.


The thing that got me the most about the dinner out wasn't that he wasn't willing to spend $250+ on dinner. In MY mind that would be FOOLISH! There are SOOOO many things a person can do with $250. I don't care of you HAVE 5 MILLION in your damn pocket! It's a waste to spend that kind of money on dinner for only two people. Some people may not mind doing that, but they are selfish and ignorant as far as I'm concerned. NO one cooks THAT good. :rolleyes: What bothered me was that he was all about this whole "impress me with status" thing but didn't make any effort to ensure I simply had something to eat. It made him look foolish. Then when he didn't feel like we should clean up his friend's truck, that diminished him even more.


Of course, YOUR obvious measure of a man is how much money he pulls out of his wallet while he's taking you out on a date. What an insignificant thing for a person to value themselves by. Money. Ish. :sick: That reminds me of something..... :laugh:


If it makes someone feel better about themselves, however, to be "bought" by a man, more power to you. You must need it. I don't need that kind of validation. I feel just fine about myself and don't need some guy's opened wallet to feel I'm worth a million bucks. ;)

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Nah, can't relate I don't date betas. I date interesting, worldly with a certain level of life sophistication, men. These men have been around long enough to know that it is in poor taste to make a woman pay on a first date, or to "ask for half"! :lmao: Just typing that out is making me laugh it is SO RIDICULOUS.


My boyfriend drives a Porsche, I can't imagine him after our first date after he picked me up and then took us to dinner and at the end of the first date saying "uhmmm ok your half is....."

Get the fck out of here!!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


There ya go, you just proved EVERYONE's point about you.

I will also guess you would never date a guy who drove a car under 10 grand!



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This may be totally random, but I feel awkward when a guy buys something for me. My ex was dirt poor, and I bought everything. I went out with a guy to see "Sherlock Holmes" and I swear he said I got a weird look on my face when he tried to pay for my ticket. :rolleyes: That's just how I am. He had to bargain with me just so he could buy dinner. I think he was preparing the argument during the movie! :lmao: Maybe there's something wrong with me.


There's nothing wrong with not wanting to feel like someone purchases you for your boobs and vajayjay. :cool:

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Woggle I can admit to that, and after reading some of the stories in this thread by the men all I can say is I can see much better why some of you men have such hateful views on women. I


Oh, the IRONY!!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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He already paid for dinner, didn't he? And it doesn't sound like OP offered to split the cost of dinner either. Her date, on the other hand, did offer to split the cost of deserts (after he has already paid for dinner for both of them). And this guy is considered cheap??? Why - because he did "wine and dine" the "lady" to the full extent?? Give me a break :rolleyes:


If OP had any sort of decency, she would have immediately offered to pay for deserts/drinks, because the other person has already paid for dinner. That's how it works between normal, non-gold digging people. And the fact that deserts/drinks were $10 more is really immaterial. I mean, we are talking ten bucks here. That's not a lot of money.


The bottom line is that OP is disgustingly stingy. She wanted to take advantage of the guy and in the end only paid her share because she felt embarrassed.


agreed Johnny, this is what big girls with SELF RESPECT would do!

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There ya go, you just proved EVERYONE's point about you.

I will also guess you would never date a guy who drove a car under 10 grand!




Gold digger alert!!!! :laugh:

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Women should do themselves a favor and stop expecting so little from men early on, only YOU set the stage to be paid in kind. More often than not these lazy cry babies, are nothing but that in the long run. If that is your idea of a great mate then we have very different standards.


You're right, maybe then I can find a BF who drives a porche!


My BF only drives a Nissan. What was I thinking!?!

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You're right, maybe then I can find a BF who drives a porche!


My BF only drives a Nissan. What was I thinking!?!


Yeah. My guy drives a Camry, but he's remodeling my house - ON the house. :laugh:


I'd MUCH rather have a real man with skills than some limp wristed guy with lilly white, smooth hands reaching into a bulging wallet.

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I don't see many women happy at all with you in this thread.


I am!


Meek, Johnny and 1000 are my heros in this thread!

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Oh no! All this time I've been dating cry babies? And we're all dirty women who are horrible because we go to Vegas? And we don't mooch off our men and expect a silver spoon in our mouths?

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And didn't she call us ignorant?




Another very well written post.


What I don't understand is he's being called cheap. But what if he paid for the whole date and it was only $20 bucks instead of the whole $80?


You're right, this dude was NOT cheap! He paid for dinner and maybe was confused about dessert.


In the long run, he wins because being in a relationship with someone so fickle is impossible.

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I live in the real world, in this real world a man asks me out on a date and offers to pay. In this real world I don't sleep around like some two bit slag and then on top of it lower myself to be a perfect equal to the man by being exactly as he is. In this real world my relationships start off on mutual respect, something that is a complete foreign concept to a lot of people these days because they are more consumed with trying to see what instant gratification they can get out of a first date as opposed to nurturing an on-going mutually-high level of sexual interest and intellectual spark and respect. In this real world it's been like that my entire life, I have been given expensive gifts, have been taken on trips by boyfriends "just because", in this real reality men like to treat me to nice things. In the real world I live in the same women who are all about equality and who go dutch hear about the things my boyfriend does for me and say things like "wow no guy has ever done that for me......"


I like it this way and it's not changing any time soon. I think women would benefit from following my ways as opposed to what women have become to day, some cheap version of our distant past. In my real world I am also very generous and I like to give my guy gifts just because, and I like to treat him to nice things as well.


In my real world he is getting a PRIZE not a dime a dozen slag, and he has no problem treating me respectively. In my reality I know my worth and it starts from the get-go, if you feel you are not worth the attention of a man in the early stages that is your prerogative, if you are so consumed with being his equal then don't surprised if you end in a relationship with a buddy rather than a man who looks up to and who you can also look up to and admire for your distinct differences.


I can't even get through reading this post.......come back and talk to me when you're in your 40's and realized how silly you're being!

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I need to add, Donna and Dream are also my thread heros....


Man, it's a good thing I'm off work for the week on sick leave. I would not have had time to read all this and reply. Not to mention, this is giving me entertainment while I'm held up in bed.

I should use the time to study, but there is so much to learn right here ;-)

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Yeah. My guy drives a Camry, but he's remodeling my house - ON the house. :laugh:


I'd MUCH rather have a real man with skills than some limp wristed guy with lilly white, smooth hands reaching into a bulging wallet.


I like the Camry. It's a nice car! ;-)

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I live in the real world, in this real world a man asks me out on a date and offers to pay. In this real world I don't sleep around like some two bit slag and then on top of it lower myself to be a perfect equal to the man by being exactly as he is.


In your pretend real world where you are suppose to get everything your little heart desires.



In this real world my relationships start off on mutual respect, something that is a complete foreign concept to a lot of people these days because they are more consumed with trying to see what instant gratification they can get out of a first date as opposed to nurturing an on-going mutually-high level of sexual interest and intellectual spark and respect.


And expecting something from a complete stranger isn't instant gratification? And where does that fall along the lines of mutual respect?



In this real world it's been like that my entire life, I have been given expensive gifts, have been taken on trips by boyfriends "just because", in this real reality men like to treat me to nice things.


So in your real world it's about what you get?


In the real world I live in the same women who are all about equality and who go dutch hear about the things my boyfriend does for me and say things like "wow no guy has ever done that for me......"


And we're happy to have our men that have more self worth and can show us love in a non-monetary way.


I like it this way and it's not changing any time soon. I think women would benefit from following my ways as opposed to what women have become to day, some cheap version of our distant past. In my real world I am also very generous and I like to give my guy gifts just because, and I like to treat him to nice things as well.


Of course a girl all about money likes it this way.


In my real world he is getting a PRIZE not a dime a dozen slag, and he has no problem treating me respectively. In my reality I know my worth and it starts from the get-go, if you feel you are not worth the attention of a man in the early stages that is your prerogative, if you are so consumed with being his equal then don't surprised if you end in a relationship with a buddy rather than a man who looks up to and who you can also look up to and admire for your distinct differences.


In my real world it's not about just me. I don't rate a man on what he can buy, drive, or where he can vacation to. I don't make myself out to be above him. There's so much more he can do for me then buy me stuff. When I go to bed, I don't dream about material things. I dream about being happy, and I am.

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I like the Camry. It's a nice car! ;-)


And the sweetheart gave me his old vehicle; a 4x4 Ford Ranger. He knew it would be very useful around my 40 acres. :love:

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I am!


Meek, Johnny and 1000 are my heros in this thread!

You saying Johnny is a hero says a LOT about you. :rolleyes:


Find, go out with someone like him. We'll see how happy you are a couple of years later.

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You saying Johnny is a hero says a LOT about you. :rolleyes:


Find, go out with someone like him. We'll see how happy you are a couple of years later.


I'd rather date you than any of them, moose. :)

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Someone keeps going on and on about "skanks" "sluts" "sleeping around" "keep their legs closed" etc. etc. etc. when no one EVER brought it up in any of their examples.


She seems so obsessed. Anyone ELSE think she's not getting any? ;)

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Someone keeps going on and on about "skanks" "sluts" "sleeping around" "keep their legs closed" etc. etc. etc. when no one EVER brought it up in any of their examples.


She seems so obsessed. Anyone ELSE think she's not getting any? ;)


:lmao::lmao::lmao: But I have a hard time thinking it's her personality that's getting her all these wonderful gifts.

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