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I'm Addicted to Strippers

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:bunny:Hello. OMG u r so on target. I too was a dancer/stripper. I did it for the money period. I saw it for what it was, a fantasy evening for horney males who were lacking something in their real world. I too was so sick of the males who were incessently hitting on me, touching my breasts, begging for action and so on. In fact, those males are responsible for me retiring from the business. I just couldnt stand their addictive behavior toward my and even more toward my breasts. A woman is a whole lot more than just two tits that jiggle to entertain a guy.:bunny:



Wow, I could see how you would want to retire. If anyone tried to touch my boobs I would too! They want to, I know. But they never have. You should have gotten a bouncer right away when they tried to do that!

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Yes BustyAnn I can tell your a person that doesnt think about womens busts. And who knew women I always though women in strip clubs did the job to find dates...

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Star Gazer

Has anyone said that this thread reminds them of the song, "I'm in luv wit a strippaaaaaa!!!!!"???


Okay. Seriously.


I don't know why I'm such an advocate of internet-love/lust-fests, but have you thought about finding someone online? A Russian bride even? I'm serious.

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OP, you serious need to consider talking to someone. I'm surprised someone hasn't mentioned this.


But first step it to stay out of stip clubs and get yourself motivated enough to get a hobby.


Stop feeling sorry for yourself because it will do you more harm then good.

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