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i'm so in love with you. it feels like i'm being stabbed in the stomach when i think of us not being together. i was in heaven, and you seemed like you were too. all your friends told me how much happier you were since you'd been with me. i just don't understand.

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I love you with all my heart. Your betrayal torn me apart. Yet I still want the best for you. I hope you can be happy with who you are and what you do; I hope you can be happy with your new boyfriend; I hope people around treat you well and I hope you never have to take anti depresstion again.

I desperatly want to hear from you but you don't spare me any attention. It is fine. You won't hear a word from me because this is what you want.

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I am NOT going to call. I am not going to call. I am NOT going to call.


Tell me, shes moving in, right? She's pregnant right? I know it is one of those things. You did this to make me jealous?? You are sicker than I thought. All the while you were telling me that you wanted to get back together. That you loved me, that you missed me, all that was ****.


I drove by this morning and her car ws still there. Why is she spending the night in front of your 7 yo already? Are you high? Or is she living there? Or what?


I dont care. I really dont care. You will get your someday. I bet when you get mad and hit her, SHE will call the cops and put your ass in jail. SHE can do that becasue SHE is not an elected official. YOU got used to getting away with it when you hit me, but this girl is gonna kick your ass. And I will be happy because YOU deserve that. You knew I couldn't do that because you threatened to expose secrets that I told you, but this little gal has nothing to lose.


I am so glad I got rid of you.


My kids are glad too.


I will recover, I always do. SO F*ck you.

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Please, let me do this NC thing. Don't talk to me, don't approach me. When I ask a question and there are many people in the room, I don't want you to answer. L..., I don't want to be your friend. I can't be your friend. I want you entirely, I want you to love me again, and us to be together again. But that won't happen, however much I hope for it. So if I can't have your love, you can't have my friendship.

After what you did to me, the way you lied and betrayed me, I feel no friendship towards you. You jumped into another guy's bed, this very guy I had serious doubts about but didn't tell you so as not to appear jealous and immature. Today you are joyful and happy, uncaring, but I am not. So don't try to spread your joy to me. What you did is not a thing of the past I can forgive you for and move on. Each second you pass with C...... devastates me. L...., I gave you everything, confided in you as I never had in anyone before. And you took it all away, just like that. You didn't even have the courage and decency to tell me the truth. Why is it that I had to be the one to push you into saying you wanted a breakup? Why did you lie when I asked you if you had someone else in mind? Then, when it was obvious to all, yet again you refused to tell me. I had to pry, ask you directly because I wanted to know the truth more than anything. When I asked you if you had counted on telling me, you answered "yes, tomorrow. Or maybe the day after." "Or maybe never?" "humm... maybe..." Why couldn't you act like a grownup person then? You're 21, not 14 anymore! I thought we both shared this fascination for children's games and TV shows, but while for me it is because I refuse to let the child in me die, it seems that for you the child never grew up. L..., I love you so much. But you won't come back, so please, please, please leave me alone. I need to heal from the wound you dealt me, yet you constantly revive it, and dig deeper. L..., I want to move on now, let me go. Ignore me as I'm ignoring you. I will not be your friend.

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There were times that i wanted just run to you ..bend on my knees in front of u...there were times i wanted u to see how much u r losing by letting me go...there were times i used to prepare the speeches for u if i bump into u..there were times i kept asking myself why not meeeee, why not...but now when i finally see u i simply have nothing to say :-) because i know u dont deserve me :-) not even my friendship :-)

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Wow, I'm surprised you even picked up.


Since it seems lately you've been too busy for life really. Sleeping fifteen hours a day. What happened to your school? And Work? I mean, I know that you usually don't take the Winter classes, but you still should be working. Right? Or did you quit, or better yet, fired? Fired seems more like it. Ouch. That sucks.


But, of course since we broke up, it's given you plenty of enough time to try and reel in some online girl who doesn't know the real you. Hasn't read the endless logs of you cussing me out, calling my cellphone twenty times a day, going as far as calling my mother to try and get her to tell me to talk to you. You're so sick in that way. Sure, don't get me wrong, I deserved some of that treatment because I'll admit, I was young and stupid. And, quite frankly you were my first "boyfriend". So, I might have pushed some unnecessary buttons along the way.


Assuming you did get fired, you sure are enjoying life now. I mean, it must be nice to live under your parents roof, knowing they'll feed you, pay for your gas money, and help pay for college. Please, tell me how you managed that one. Because it seems to me that you don't have any future plans on changing your life the way it is. I mean, you're back behind your monitor, parking your large bum on your chair, ruining your eyesight even more than how it already was. Is this the perfect life for you? I highly doubt it. Especially since I knew *the* real M.


...But, you wouldn't care about how I feel anymore, right? Of course not. I mean, when I tried to apologize when we fought that evening, I figured I would see you the next day to apologize more. Because, quite frankly, I hated us mad at each other. I knew we could never have a relationship again, but we could have at least swung for a friendship. I knew so much about you, and you knew so much about me. So, what on God's green earth made you completely vanish from me, when you have NEVER done that before? Normally you get lonely, and after me apologizing, you come back to me, and we're happy about. Yet, this time, you're acting like a teenager girl. So annoying and ... prissy about it. I get it, you're mad. You don't have to be playing this whole "let's ignore her, but still stalk her blogs."


Ooh... my bad. I let my little secret out. Whoops. But, it's not MY secret, it's more along the lines of your dirty little secret. I have a visitor tracker on my blog site. You may be smarter than me with computers, but you're not so much in this case. Every. Day, M. You visit it... EVERY DAY. And, more than once! I mean, the first times were like, "Alright, whatever. He's checking up on me, probably to see how I was doing." but, after that you started to become more of a frequent visitor. What did you find so interesting? I mean, I purposely don't blog to my hearts content because I know you're just dying to read it. To be apart of my life, yet not having the responsibility to let me be apart of yours? I mean, honestly. What the heck has gotten into you? You have never been this way. I want to know who said something to make you act like this.


Probably that forum you promised me you would never join after we got banned, huh? Well, you forget something: I still have friends who are admins there. :) They hook me up with logs. I heard you tried to go for another girl before this newest fling. Yet, oh no! Someone told her about you before you got a chance to strike. Sneaky little snake, you. Oh, I also heard that the person who showed me those logs, plans on visiting her this summer. Not you!


The new girl? Good luck with her. Seeing how she's a year younger than I am. You must like them young, because I do believe when we were dating, you got in trouble because I was underage by the forum. But, that won't stop you. As long as you've got a picture to touch yourself with at night, you'll be happy. Yet, I feel sorry for her. You actually don't love her, do you? I have direct logs to prove that too. (You really need to be careful who you talk to, because they supply me with logs.) Something along the lines of, "Oh, I have no intentions of going back on another LDR. But, I just want to make her love me before she loves you. :D" Ouch. Playing with her heart? That's something you've never done before. Shame that you're starting to hang out with SOME one who makes you act this way. We used to have so much fun together, well, at least I thought.


Valentine's day must have sucked. Between not leaving your computer except to eat and use the restroom; to not having a girlfriend. I mean, you could never send your wanting-to-be-new-fling any candy because...whoops, she's anorexic! Good luck with that too. Since, if you couldn't handle me during my distressed days, imagine someone who doesn't even like to eat because she's convinced she's fat everyday. I mean, do you NOT want to fall in love with her, because you still have feelings for me? Is that why you read my blogs? To try and see if a friendship is worth it again, but at the same time, you pull the same trick you did last time: "Oh, I could never really be her friend because the whole time I was thinking about you." Eh, we'll see. Or will we?


So M, with all your problems, I give you a gift. The worlds smallest violin for your troubles: tiniest-violin.jpg At last, you'll have some sad music playing in the background when you tell them your stories.


Sorry you didn't enjoy my friends either. I mean, curse me for having real life friends and all. Sure, I had a lot of online friends too. But you were horribly jealous that the only times I got to talk to them, were when we were fighting, or when you were at work. Shame, because I realize what I missed out on. And, too bad I couldn't figure out how to juggle both you and my friendships. Oh waiiit... now I remember why! Because you talked on the phone with me for about ten hours a day. Silly me for trying to forget.


And yet, in mist of all my ranting, do you know what sucks the most? The fact that if you were to call me right now, and ask me to forgive you. I would. I mean, that's all it would take. I haven't talked to you in over five months, and yet one simple phone call would be all it takes. I'll even settle for an IM. And, I can't blame you for this part. I should be blaming myself. I haven't decided if I honestly still love you, or am I just missing my best friend, and missing the endless phone conversations we had about life? Sigh. I don't have the answers to any question I can create in my head. Mainly because I don't want to think of something, knowing I'll never get any answers from you.


So, congrats M. After all these fights about me, after everything I've done wrong. You win. I'm still wrapped around your finger, even though you try to forget I ever existed.

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drove down the wrong street last night and saw your car parked. i guess it's not so much of a surprise at this point, but it still hurt. i wonder if you parked out of the way out of courtesy or cowardice, or if it just makes it a little bit more exciting to still sneak around.


does it feel awkward to you, being across the street from me, sleeping a stone's throw from where you slept for three years? did you acknowledge the betrayal to his roommate, to all the people who knew us as friend, all the people who'd see us together, who knew you and I had just broken up? or do you just pretend it's normal, a nonevent, something natural and insignificant? do people ever ask you? do you like the fact that people assume the two of you were cheating all along? does it bother you at all that those people think the two of you are a joke, that they recognize how indecent it is. i think maybe you do. i think it feeds something for you, a need for attention, some kind of twisted desperation for noteriety.


do you ever think about all the things you used to say about him to me? do you ever get flashes of the things that came out of your mouth - "he'll be happy when he figures out he's gay," or "oh my god, look at his arms, he's like a girl, it's so disgusting," when you leave his apartment do you smell like rotten milk the way he does? does the smell ever get to you while you're together in his bed? do you cringe at the things he says, the idiocy? i used to. it used to bother me that i was friends with someone who was so unintelligent. but then, our friendship had a utility, and i guess yours does too. just different.


but what i'm really curious about is, do you feel like your life is playing on repeat, just playing a different version of yourself? isn't it too close? i don't understand how you can ever get comfortable with that. you just traded down to a smaller, younger, dumber model. you just went across the street. when you go see his band, do you remember that i was aked to join first, that he was a second choice, that if i hadn't turned it down it could've just as easily been me and the two of you would have to find something else to do witht he evening? how often does it occur to you that the two of you would've never met if not at my house? that those nights he was here, you and I slept next to one another? i guess i just wonder if you have any decency at all. i wonder what happened to you, how people can change so much for the worse.


i feel anger and regret and frustration, but mostly i feel so sad for you, so sad for the person who's gone, the beautiful girl, and sad for the person you are now, so ugly.

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Hola Idiot?


I just want you to know how much I think you are a scumbag. I think you suck and are a poor excuse for being a man. You let your children suffer, while you post around with stupid women. Does your girlfriend know that we ****ed in Decemeber (with a condom of course!). Does she know that you call me every morning when you leave for work and you often ask me what kind of panties I am wearing? Does she know that I often have to reject you. I really hate you fpr ****ing up my life. I absolutely hate your family, especially your brother...they have not had the sense to steer you in the right direction. I am angry, bitter, and hurt right now, but God will not give me more than I can bare.. I can't wait for the day when we never have to see oneanother...yeah and go on and have other children...let them replace the ones you hav enow..because my children are not going to need your stinking, short, non shower taking stupid ass.

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What the hell is wrong with you? Get a grip on yourself, you can't do something so stupid! You've known him for 6 months, dated not even a month, and you're talking about moving in with him? I wish I could see the two of you when you'll tell him you don't have the same feelings for him as before, that you want to be just friends now, and that, btw, you'll probably be seeing someone else in a few days. Or better yet, let him do that to you. So you can understand what it feels like to be betrayed and tossed away like nothing. Grow up!

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ugh, today was so hard. i don't know why, maybe because it's the weekend, maybe because i can't believe you haven't called me in almost a week. i was sooooo close to calling you today, and just seeing if you wanted to hang out. that's what worked the other time, made you realize that you were missing so much of me. but i think this is the right thing, i shouldn't have to be the one to call you. i'll wait until you call me, because i know you will. you need space. i get that. i talked to your sis the other day, she put things in perspective a bit by saying she broke up with her hubby lots of times before they married, because she needed to be sure she was with the right person. i am hoping that that's what we turn into, because i know that neither of us has ever been as happy as we are when we're together, and i don't want to lose that because of your stubbornness.

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F.U. I can't believe you've done this to us. Yeah, I made mistakes, but I've owned up to them and I'm setting about to make things right.


You instead choose to lord them over me and won't even CONSIDER any time of reconciliation for "6-12 months". What the F is that?! You talk about needing your time and space to find out who you are. You talk about not being into the whole bar scene anymore. You talk about not wanting to date anyone for a while. LIES. LIES. LIES.


Since we've been broken up, you've been out drinking a ton, dating other guys and LYING about it to me. You get the audacity to get mad at ME for taking down pictures of you/us in my house because I've "moved on" already and you're the one DATING other people!!


If you really think you want to consider something in however many months, do you think it's a good idea to be treating someone the way you're treating me? You want me to hate you?


You seem perfectly willing to throw away everything. Our past, the relationships with family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and everything. I know you're young, but it's just not every day you find what we had.


The grass is NOT always greener.


I will always hate it when you say "it just shouldn't be this hard". Bull *hit. Relationships are hard. They require work. If you love someone, you put in the work, and the time and effort. You don't just cut and run.


Maybe you did me a favor. Lord knows what would have happened in a few months....you probably saved me thousands on a ring.


So while you're out drowning your liver, compromising yourself both by how you treat people and who you give yourself to physically, I'll be changing too. But I'm going to try to grow. I'm going to change myself for the better. God willing you'll come back in 6 months and see a very different man than you left.


I do hope this is a very short phase and you'll snap out of it. I hope you change and grow for the better as well so we can consider giving it another shot. In reality, I am very scared for you. You have so many good things going for you but are headed down a path that will only lead to disappointment and heartbreak.


I do love you. But I feel that if/when our paths cross again it will be very difficult. I hope you find what you're looking for.

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Miss you and the baby hun :( We talked last week about the situation with the baby...not sure what's going on with that but hope you guys are well. Still love you both the same and hope you feel the same again some day. Remembering the times we had, even just 3 months ago where things were fun. Wish you felt the want to call me over like before and do whatever. Know you said nothing is serious with this new guy but every day I think about how you don't think of me the same, basically replacing me.


Hoping you are missing me still, as you kept telling me last month. This month sucks and I know you are under enormous amounts of stress. I'm still here if you want support...unless you are seeking it elsewhere. We had our fights but you know our relationship was the best we've both ever had. If we didn't even split when we did a couple months ago I'm sure I wouldn't have bounced back and concentrated on my life like I am now. In some ways I'm happy, can't believe I said that, about what happened. For the simple fact that it was a huge wake up call for me. I do want us to work on things for the future though and I'm not sure if that will ever be possible in your eyes...oh how I long for you to just call me to hang out w/ you two.


Hoping you are missing me and if you think of me during the day it's all good thoughts about us and the baby together, oh how I miss her. She would always have the biggest smile on her face when I came over. Does she still say,"where's RyRy?"...hurts thinking about you both bonding with this new guy, even if nothing is serious. Wonder if she will forget me? Your words were,"you're the only dad she's ever known" and I got to think of her as my own over the years. *sigh* Been there since she was 6 months old and I haven't seen the either of you for a month.


Please remember how times we had, neither of us had a connection with another like we had w/ each other. I will wait for the day you contact me to get together and hopefully you'll see the guy you first met, with some added goodness :p

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Hi X,


I don't have much experience at this but it occurs to me that if you want to do the "being friends" thing with someone you break up with, making the effort to get in touch every once in a while might help - your call!


Anyway, hope life is good. I hope your new laptop is as fun to be with as the legal studies you dumped me for. I bet they're a real comfort when things get tough and you need someone to hold you.


By the way, those beige trousers make you look like middle management on a weekend break. Just thought you should know.


(Please take me back, I still love you and this is such a waste darling :()


LC xxxxx

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Hello ######,


I will be there with the truck in a few hours - thanks for admitting that you will only be there because this is one more f'ing thing that you have to be in control over. I can't even have my 2 hours of NC while I move the last bit of my crap out of your life.


Please don't talk to me about your life while I am there - I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT!!!


I am already resolved to not let you bitch and nag at me anymore, so for your sake, don't even think about it.


I don't need to hear about how bad this has been on you because you were not even interested in getting help fixing it. Your constant control and anger turned me into a jerk that you finally fell out of love with, so just show some dignity and watch me leave as a happier man.


I don't need to hear your crap about how many single women there are at your age and how hard it will be to move on - you have a guy in waiting and would already be over at his house on your knees if you didn't have to wait a couple of months to save face in front of your daughter. Have fun f'ing up his life like you tried to f-up mine...sorry, but I was just smart and stubborn enough to fight back when I felt it was necessary. Go to him or find somebody without my self-respect and just turn him into a house-boy - don't waste your time on a real man, because he will eventually sicken as I did and will probably do worse sabotage than I did at the end this crap you tried to pass off as a relationship.


If ######## is not ready to take you in right now, have fun being single! Keep your f'ing laundry list of crap that I wouldn't do for you (only because you nagged me every second of every day) with you at all times.


* Forget the fact that I gave 110 % of my heart and soul to your daughter during our 5 years together.

* Forget that I gave up most contact with all of my friends to make myself available for your circle of friends so we could be a family.

* Forget that I spent every spare minute of our first 18 months in the house fixing it up the way YOU wanted it to look...make sure the new guy is a handyman, electrician, plumber and can build a fence.

* Forget that I made you look beautiful out on the dance floor ... I'm sure the new guy will have taken time off of his trade skills to take some dance lessons.

* Forget that I was prepared to let your beeyotch mom move in with us when it became necessary - I'm sure the new guy that fits your list will be dying to get bossed around his own house by two naggy women.

* Forget about the coffee and treats in the mornings - he won't mind going out in the rain so you and your mom can sit in the dry living room and talk about his shortcomings.

* Forget that I tried to work extra hard on my career so you could eventually retire, but at the same time had to listen to complaints about working too many extra hours - the new guy won't at all be confused or frustrated about that one.

* Forget about the wild and great sex we had in the beginning of our relationship (pre-nagging era) - any guy that has the kind of money you need to retire on will most likely be shopping for a newer hotter model.

* While yer at it, you might as well forget about a friendship with me in the future - it is nice to pay it lip-service now, but after a few months of NC with you, I don't think there will be anything about your life (other than your daughter) that I will need to be a part of.

* Forget about getting therapy - you are not the kind of person that would respond to it, so save the money to take care of your mom when she gets old.

* Forget it all - just keep your stupid list of qualities close by and just stay confused about why guys aren't breaking down your doors to sign up for the next punk detail



Forget as you will be forgotten - see ya beeyotch, have a nice life without me and remember not to stay in touch...especially for the next six months!

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If you want to be with me, then all you have to do is feel that you want to be with me, tell me you want to be with me, and show me that you want to be with me. And then we'll meet and talk and be together. It doesn't have to be so hard. We can have so much fun together! Just open up yourself to me. I won't hurt you.


How can this be such a hard decision? Why do you have to keep your distance when you know how much you like me and how much you could love me? Is there really no time left in your life for me? You have work, the gym, your dog? And you have to keep your house clean? I hope you enjoy your clean house in 20 years' time when you're sitting in it in front of the TV all alone.


I can't call you. You know how I feel. You have to make the first move and tell me that you want me to be part of your life and that you want to be part of mine. Not just as friends, but as a couple. What are you waiting for!?!?!


Stupid cell phone. Hate it when it's silent.

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Never is such a huge word, but I worry we'll never be friends. I even have nightmares about it, searching for you in my sleep. Or else finding you, but knowing I'm forgotten. Will we, Wesley? Who will you be in 3 years? It's all I want: to have you in my life.


It's almost ironic how much I've learned from losing you. About what it takes to be together. I understand now what you wanted. It sounds perfect. I wish I trusted you enough, trusted MYSELF enough, back then, go have gone along with it. To have known it was what I wanted. I lost so much trying to conform us to something neither of us were meant, or wanted, to have. (How annoying I must have been.)


In my gut I know what has to happen before we can be friends. I have to finish what I set out to do as early as 6th grade. I won't say what it is, but I feel my life will come together once it is done. Until then, I'm just a phony.


Maybe that's irrational. But the only way I can see myself contacting you, is with the news of my success. And I don't think you can look down on me, then. You know how important it is to me. You just never believed I would do it.

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hey Jake, f##kbag,

Id ask how you're doing, but to be honest, I really don't care.

I want to thank you though, for sleeping with her that day. And how stupid you were for giving me your keys. But hey, seeing her flabby white ass bouncing around was the clearest message I ever got. And in some twisted way, the best message I ever got.

Did you have to jack off to your gay magazines after her too? Ha. Of course you did.

That day I learned what a great of a person I truly am. I learned just what a catch I am, and how I had always been better than you, reguardless of what you said.


GREAT news, I'm dating and living with N now. I know how much you always loathed our friendship and how he respected the female gender. Guess what else? He holds my hand and walks next to me in public, he doesn't make me look at the ground 5 paces behind him. Other women (and pretty men) don't cause his head to turn. He also tells me he loves me and kisses me in public. He doesn't physically restrain me when I prove him wrong. And the best part of all, he doesn't need pictures of men to get off.


You taught me alot in our 2 years, most of all you taught me how to avoid things like you. I know what I want and dont want, better than ever.

Let me just leave you with a little bit of advice though: use lots of lube when you take it in the butt






theres millions of things I want to say to you, but cant think of anything that will sound good.

You truly were my first love, and longest relationship to date. You were also the one of kindest hearts I've ever known. You loved me more than I ever asked for and you deserve nothing less for yourself.

Im sorry I wasnt that person. Im sorry you ever thought you weren't good enough. Im sorry I ripped your heart out, and Im sorry I didn't want to mend it.

Im very happy to see that a couple years later you are in a happy relationship. I truly wish you all the best and hope that one day you will be thankful for what we had and not wish it never happened..




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Dear B;


I am truly sorry for all the hell I put you through. I have realized after the 2 1/2 year separation and now divorce what a controlling immature bitch I was to you. i know I have appoligized to you and you to me over this time period. I always thought I was right. When we met, I was 21 you were 23, you had a happy, carefree life. You fell in love with me. I was and still incapable of giving love. It dawned on me that all this time I thought I was so giving, when I was the selfish one. We were together for 15 years and I turned you into a cynical prick. No wonder your walls are so guarded. I will live with this forever. I wanted you to love me and that is all I cared about. No matter how hard you tried it was never good enough. I am truly sorry. I am working on myself to become a better person and know that in my own way, I did love you and always will....

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To My Donkey:


I hope you are having an enjoyable birthday today. I know how you always looked forward to your birthday "week". I am just sad I had to miss it and can no longer share in your life.


Happy Birthday! I hope you are getting everything you wish for.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear R,


For what it is worth (and I know it isn't worth much to you), I am sorry. I am sorry that I left you without telling you ahead of time. I am sorry that I was unable to talk to you after the break up.


It's because I was broken. I had lost my job. I had lost my cat. I thought I had lost you as well. You told me you didn't know whether or not you still loved me -- and that you were having "buyer's remorse" about our marriage.


I was sick and scared and depressed. I couldn't live at your house anymore. So I moved back to my fortress of solitude -- the only place where I felt safe enough to rebuild my life.


I haven't seen you since 2005 (and that was while we were at court to settle our divorce) -- and yet, sometimes I still miss you because we had been for so long.


I am somewhat happy now. I have a job I love. I have a horde of students who make me smile. I have decent co-workers.


But I'm still lonely without your quirkiness in my life. You were there adding humor and goofiness to my life for so long that there's still an empty spot for you.


I wish there was a way I could tell you this and I wish I could apologize to you. I guess there is. But I don't think you want to hear from me.





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I still love you! I hope you are doing well. I know its been a rough relationship. Lots of things have changed since. I hope you still have me inside of you because i care about you dearly. We may not be bfs and gfs but we can still kick it someday. Are you studying for your mid term this weekend. I know you birthday is close. Hope you have a wonderful bday!

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just got home from the club. I was really happy and confident when i was in this social scene. You know me, always out doing something exciting. I still care about you so much. I remember just two months ago you were with me and i was trying to comfort you while you were crying bc your father passed away. I feel your pain. Truely love you C. Good night muah!

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hey baby,


Miss you so much right now, yet i hate you at the same time?! it's been nearly 5 weeks apart and we've argued and texted, with me saying i love you, then saying i hate you when you don't say it back!.. you must think i'm a right loser, you must think that i'm mad.


I can't believe staying in with your flat mate smoking weed and playing Wii is more fun than hanging with me, i can't believe that you've let him take my place..


I treated you like a princess, i put up with your crap, i'm the one who should be angry, i'm the one that should have dumped you!.. but i'm the one who loved you, only to get nothing back.. only rejected for a life of weed!


Still miss you though, Damn!

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