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Some abused people do abuse



My mother used to say "not all abused people abuse" and she is right. Certainly, she and my father who were both raped as children never sexually abused me or my siblings. However, abuse comes in many forms as you probably know, and some abused people do go on to abuse.


This mantra of "not all abused people abuse" played, I believe, a significant part in my continuation of my last relationship. Because she (the ex) had been seriously sexually, emotionally and physically abused, I felt I was betraying this deeply held belief of mine if I were to call it a day and disengage.


I would not avoid a relationship with someone who has been seriously abused, but I would not give them any leeway for it. That is a major difference in me. The past is done. That applies both in the sense of not letting it hinder potential good things (e.g. not dating someone because they were abused) and not letting someone away with abuse because of their past.

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Does it worry you that both your parents were abused and you ended up being drawn to someone as an adult who was abused as well?

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It used to worry me, but then I understood it. I was defining myself by how much I helped other people. Kind of a karma thing gone wrong. I did have a fantasy of rescuing an abused woman, but then I realised I was also looking to be rescued.


At the time, she and I were at a similar place in our lives. Very few other people would put up with the ridiculous ways she and I behaved. And by being able to put up with it from each other, we got deeper down and learned a lot about ourselves.

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It is true if a child is abused in early life with end up having abuse in his behaviour and will victimize the partner blaming "they caused it".We must seek councelling and group therapy to get to the root of it and untie that long knotted uncomfortable. Only when we come to terms with it are we at peace with ourselves and can love ourselves and love others bwithout abusing them. Careful not to enact our parents abuse.

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