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quankanne's Journal

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so ...

the first of my inheritance came in, per my dad's VA life insurance policy.   I told my sister I cashed it all in for $1 bills so I could run over to the big city and blow it all on Chippendale floozies, instead of paying bills.   I wonder if she'll help me get a dirty rumor started about that, just for the hell of it.



my baby's back!

just found out that the boy arrived safely in South Texas, on leave 18 days from the war in Iraq.   Thank you Jesus for safe delivery!




well, the doctor said the old man has at most, two months to live, but she'd be happy to see him make it to Easter.   complete renal failure (diabetes) and black lung disease (Agent Orange). How much crappier could it get?   surprisingly enough, he's taking it all into stride, and I have to admire him for that. It's as if he knows he's got certain things to take care of, to whip into shape, then he's free to go after the next big adventure. Of course, he's been ready since my mother died, so d




there two kinds of people in the world. Those who give. And those who expect others to give, while they stand by watching …



gah! families

I hate my family sometimes ...   my dad's health is crappy so me and my oldest sister have planned to go down there next week and spend 10 days power cleaning his house and generally trying to set up things so it's easier on him (one checking account instead of five, automatic bill pay on the accounts that offer it, etc).   I'm grateful that she's offering to do this because when my mother died, I felt like I didn't have support from any of my siblings (though to be fair Big Sis would do wha



high anxiety

am starting to freak out with the latest health "update" from my father – he thinks he's got two years left to live, but if we kids are correct in thinking he's got incredibly low function in his kidneys, we'll be lucky to see him make his birthday in July.   what really sucks is wondering how we're going to handle things when his child bride is banned from entering the country until this summer, because she lied on her visa application. Do we pretend she doesn't exist and just go along getting




i'm such a crappy friend – I've been so caught up with our busy work season that was completely blindsided by discovering that one of my best guy friends has found someone he's proposed to



welcome aboard!

I feel like such a dumbass ... got this nifty computer for Christmas, but have no idea how to update the warranty online. Am I hopeless or what? :laugh:



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