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alcohol and cocaine addiction

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The next time you go out, drink will seem really appealing.

The next time you get drunk, cocaine will seem appealing.

You'll wake up the next morning not believing you gave in, when you were so adamant that you wouldn't.


If you want to stop, you must change your lifestyle completely. There is hope however - you do not have to live in such a one dimensional linear fashion. Life does exist beyond going out and getting smashed (I think, although its getting harder to see it). Realise that all the people who do it are escaping problems of their own - it's an entire culture based on mental health issues and an inability to properly deal with negative emotions.


If you've ever experienced a weekend out in England, you probably have a idea of how disturbing it is.


Its a shame that the pathetically linear nature of Western culture obligates people to participate in this communal self-destruction.


Anyone ever told you were being a stick in the mud because you weren't getting drunk like them?

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