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kitten chick

If you know you need to pick up your exercise then go for it. For me, getting to the gym and changed into my gym clothes is half the battle so I try to force myself to do that instead of forcing myself to work out. It actually works much better for me.


I had been eating between 1100 and 1200 and I'm actually eating between 1300 and 1500 now. So I guess I'm adding between 100-400 per day. Fitday is a good tracking site but it doesn't track two essentials that I think are important being Fiber and Sugar. It also doesn't differentiate between simple and complex carbs so eating 100 calories of white bread is no different than eating 100 calories of leafy greens. But it's good to keep you in line if you're eating too much or too little. I've been fluctuating between 133.5 and 135 for months now. I'm thinking my weight has stabilized here and there's not much I can do to change it. Could possibly be the same for you if you've tried everything already?

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If you know you need to pick up your exercise then go for it. For me, getting to the gym and changed into my gym clothes is half the battle so I try to force myself to do that instead of forcing myself to work out. It actually works much better for me.


I had been eating between 1100 and 1200 and I'm actually eating between 1300 and 1500 now. So I guess I'm adding between 100-400 per day. Fitday is a good tracking site but it doesn't track two essentials that I think are important being Fiber and Sugar. It also doesn't differentiate between simple and complex carbs so eating 100 calories of white bread is no different than eating 100 calories of leafy greens. But it's good to keep you in line if you're eating too much or too little. I've been fluctuating between 133.5 and 135 for months now. I'm thinking my weight has stabilized here and there's not much I can do to change it. Could possibly be the same for you if you've tried everything already?


I think I just need to pick it up more because 6 months go I was 145 and then I just piled it on so fast I thought I was pregnant. I thinking I should give up my glass of wine with dinner as much as I hate too.


But my weight has always been so messed up I was anorexic in HS 90-100lbs at 5'4" than I got pregant and had to gain 50 lbs than I lost 25lbs than in college i went up to 180 than down to 150 than up to 165 than down to 145. now up again.


I think all that has scewed me up not to mention I have insulin reistance due to a hormornal imbalance. But i know I can lose it again but it might be harder now.

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kitten chick

I also had rapid weight gain. Hormones SUCK!!! I honestly believe that is the reason I can't lose weight. In two months time during the fall I gained 12 lbs and my diet and exercise didn't change. Rapid weight gain is usually caused by a medical condition, not because of diet and exercise.


I've had the same yo-yo problems because of my medication changes over the years. My doctor actually told me that I'm getting too much exercise. :confused: I don't even know how that's possible especially since I'm sitting behind a desk for 10 hours a day. They all tell you you're eating too much or too little or exercising too much or too little. I wish they would come up with a standardized response at least. :laugh:

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