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How did everybody do?


Did you meet you goals?


What are your goals for the up coming week?


I stayed the same weight 173 :(


But I did meet my goals I walked three times this week for 20 minutes.


My goal for next week is to keep walking and start drinking water while cutting out soda and sugery drinks.

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Congrats to you hotgurl you making the effort and you might not notice a change at first ..Most of the time i go how my clothes fit!!

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Good job Hotgurl :) Are you going to step it up to 30 minutes now?


My weight stayed the same, maybe down half a pound? It's really negligible. I went to the gym only 3 times, wish I had been able to do more. I had family in over the weekend so it was hard to get there. I'm going tonight. My goal was to bump up from 2-3 times a week to 3-5 times a week so I'm on the border. I'm going to try harder this week. :)

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I gained weight. 146 this morning. I didn't meet my goal of restraint. Now I'm headed off to a funeral, and I know I won't be able to watch what I eat, my family thrives on big family meals. I'm very frustrated. :(

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131 today.... which is rad.... it is one lb less then when I weighed on Monday, but I think a lot of that is from things other than fat like I ate a lot over the weekend and then didn't eat much the last few days... but still, my goal is to be solidly 130 by the end of the month and 120 by summer....


I went to the gym 3 times last week since I had people over all weekend and didn't make it, and 1 time this week so far... I am going again today... I wish I went every day, but I am doing alright... wow, wish I was still in as good of shape as when I was marathon training this summer, though.... I guess another goal is to add weight training to my cardio... I have a great program that gives me weight workouts from activtrax.com but I don't do them as often as I should...

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Good job Hotgurl :) Are you going to step it up to 30 minutes now?


My weight stayed the same, maybe down half a pound? It's really negligible. I went to the gym only 3 times, wish I had been able to do more. I had family in over the weekend so it was hard to get there. I'm going tonight. My goal was to bump up from 2-3 times a week to 3-5 times a week so I'm on the border. I'm going to try harder this week. :)


I think I'll keep it at 20 mintues for now.


As far as motivation. I have problem with it so that is why I started this thread.

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I started a new thread but I stayed the same and am feeling discouraged and lacking motivation so any tips would help.

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I started a new thread but I stayed the same and am feeling discouraged and lacking motivation so any tips would help.



lets keep one thread please.


as for motivation, just stay at it....it takes awhile for some bodies to start lossing wieght.

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I feel so exhausted latly I didn't even meet my goals and just want to go to bed. blah!

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This morning I weighed in at 218, about 2 pounds from last week. Everyone seems to be talking about daily variations in weight. I have seen mine as high as 220 and as low as 216 throughout the week.


Don't feel discouraged if you weight doesn't appear to go down. I have had a problem with wanting results right away and I sometimes think that it isn't worth it when I don't see progress. While my weight hasn't gone down as quickly as I hope I am already noticing that I have a lot more energy than I did before I started working out. I am assuming that this extra energy is helping to burn more fat and increase my metabolism.


Try to remember that lossing weight is not something that happens over night but builds as you continue to work out and concentrate on your health. I'm sure by the end of the month if everybody keeps working like they are, they will notice big changes in weight, health, and energy levels.


Keep up the good work!

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I gained 1 lb. Sigh. But these last two weeks have been very difficult. Let's see, of the last 14 days, I've been out of town 9 days, and am out of town until Saturday night again. Sigh. After this trip I don't have any more scheduled that are longer than two days.

Can you diet for 5 out of 7 days and still lose weight?

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I'm on the South Beach diet and lost 6# last week.


I didn't weigh in this week yet, but I know I've lost some more because my jeans are actually not tight.


Yes you can lose weight dieting 5 out of 7 days as long as you don't go nuts on the 2 days off.


I'm finally figuring out at age 45 that I can't eat like a teenager anymore. So I'm primarily devoted to a real lifestyle change.


What's helped me more than anything else has been one fabulous spouse who cooks the food on the South Beach diet, which is really pretty good.

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I don't know about Atkins.


Mostly it's about watching carbs and sugar. The first two weeks, meat and veggies and some cheese and that's about it. There are also decent snacks that help you when you wanna cheat--like fudgicles and pistachios.

The first three days are hard. Then it's like all the gunk is out of your system and you start to feel energetic.


The second week is just boring. But there are some good recipes in the book, which I recommend you buy. The swordfish kabobs are fabulous!


Then you're into Phase Two and get bread and fruit back.


It's expensive buying all the meat and fresh produce, especially in winter, but it's not that much more since you're also not buying junk food (my downfall). I find I don't miss the junk anymore, though, because I'm eating so well.

Having someone cook or the time to cook is also necessary.


My daughter went from a size 10 to a size 4, which is now too loose on her. She's petite anyway, but it was good because it taught her how to eat, which she wasn't learning well from my out of control habits.


I recommend it. I think it's a diet I can stay on for life.

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I don't know about Atkins.


Mostly it's about watching carbs and sugar. The first two weeks, meat and veggies and some cheese and that's about it. There are also decent snacks that help you when you wanna cheat--like fudgicles and pistachios.

The first three days are hard. Then it's like all the gunk is out of your system and you start to feel energetic.


The second week is just boring. But there are some good recipes in the book, which I recommend you buy. The swordfish kabobs are fabulous!


Then you're into Phase Two and get bread and fruit back.


It's expensive buying all the meat and fresh produce, especially in winter, but it's not that much more since you're also not buying junk food (my downfall). I find I don't miss the junk anymore, though, because I'm eating so well.

Having someone cook or the time to cook is also necessary.


My daughter went from a size 10 to a size 4, which is now too loose on her. She's petite anyway, but it was good because it taught her how to eat, which she wasn't learning well from my out of control habits.


I recommend it. I think it's a diet I can stay on for life.


Do you have any tips for the SB diet I want to do it and have the book but am having trouble sticking too it esp with brekfast food & lunch I am so used to having sandwiches.


I need to do a low carb diet because I have insulin resistance and that makes everything so much harder.

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I'm not on a specific diet but I've definitely changed my eating habits this past month or so and I've lost 7 pounds and feel really good.


The trick? Soup. I eat soup as a meal once a day, usually at lunch time. It's great to get the extra liquid and can actually make you feel quite full but not heavy. Very healthy and now I can't live a day without a good soup fix!

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Yeah, I love sandwiches for lunch, too. Never liked soup, dunnno why. Guess I'm soupist.:D


Planning ahead seems to be key. I'm also home right now, which helps. But for lunch, I grabbed a can of tuna and a cucumber, a knife, fork, and canopener and golden balsamic vinegar and ran out the door to a meeting, and I had a great lunch--better than the sandwiches.


I have insulin resistance, too. Thick sliced turkey with a slice of cheese rolled up dabbed in a bit of mustard--great and fast snack.


Leftover chicken tossed into one of those bagged salad greens with some feta cheese--yum!


Mostly, it's about planning ahead. That's really key, and this involves a lifestyle change that's as important as working exercise in (which y'all have me beat on!). It's hard to completely retool your life this way, huh?


But we can do it! Yeah! Go us!

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I missed weigh in yesterday :( My weight hasn't changed much but I was able to squeeze into my size 2 pants today :bunny: (I think they're cut big though :laugh: ). I have to admit that I've increased my medication without telling my dr because he's been booked since October. In January I decided enough was enough and I did it myself. Just as my dose being too low contributed to my rapid weight gain, the higher dose is probably contributing to some weight loss.


I don't buy into these diets, South Beach, Atkins, etc. I believe in eating a healthy balanced diet with portion control. I do try to steer clear of pure sugars. I'm human though and I fall off the wagon at times. :o

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I spoke to my doctor and she said the rapid weight gain is due to the steriods i've been taking.


Becoming I have pcos which is why I have insulin resitance bit I don't have a lot of info on it. Do you know any good resources

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Actually, the South Beach diet book has all that info in it at the beginning. Explains it all to you.


What's pcos?

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poly cystic ovarian syndrome.


It effects your hormones & endrocrine system as well as how you process insulin.


I don't ovulate on my own. I have not enough progestorone and too much testorone


it also causes infertiliy, diabetes, endrometrios, ovarain cancer(rare) ovarain cysts, heart diases, belly fat, acne, depression, excess hair, insulin resistance. fun fun stuff

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