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My Girlfriend makes post about being unhappy but acts normal around me

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On 11/20/2023 at 6:18 AM, Jamesdixon2892 said:

I couldn’t be with the other woman! She was one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever laid eyes own but she had a fiery temper! We always argued and it just wasn’t healthy!! I did care about her and I loved her and I even told her years ago I would leave everything for her but we just couldn’t work because we had too much history…. I let her go. She asked me to stop looking at her page and I stopped. I’m giving my full attention to my current gf. She thinks I hate the other woman. I haven’t spoke to other woman in years. When she DID speak to me she was mean and said mean things because of how we ended. So I let her go. How am I wrong ? I let her go. I’m giving my all to my current gf now

Sadly current gf hates her life and coincidentally her life is with you so giving your all isn’t working

I think all this is too little too late. You’re both too broken to move past your issues. If there’s no communication there’s no point being in the relationship. Try communicating with her and open up about yourself also, don’t just interrogate or ask her what’s her deal.

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6 hours ago, Jamesdixon2892 said:

No….. she just drives me nuts. She knows how to push my buttons more than anyone. But we can never be together. So I talked crap about her to my family and my gf because I was being Childish. So they are convinced I hate her. I don’t hate her but she gets on my nerves so bad

Usually people that drive us nuts are those we also care for very much.

Especially those that know how to push our buttons because we see that as intimacy, getting close. My hunch for you is to go under that facade of hating her.

As for your girlfriend's interpretation of you hating a woman that you underneath feel close to, in an ambiguous way, tell her the truth. Don't degrade yourself. You are not childish, that you experienced a very intense, conflicting relationship with that woman and felt hurt, and that your parents and girlfriend do not understand. I am sure your girlfriend is not pleased that her boyfriend talks crap about another woman he feels attracted to.

Sounds like you've got some sort of sorting out to do with your feelings for her and how you express them, whether it's suppressed feeling or unrequited love. So why don't you do that for your girlfriend as a present and as a return gesture to us, since we are trying to sort this mess out.

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OK so lets make things better here...obviously your GF has trouble communicating to you her needs/wants/expectations...why is that? She's insecure. You say she wants attention, well give it to her. Maybe she needs you to be jealous once in awhile for her to feel special. Send her flowers while you are out of town, maybe give her some jewellery or chocolates, leave love notes. Most women want romance, so small gesture like flowers/notes can go a long way to making them feel special and happy. It's so simple to do. Try it. Don't go overboard, be subtle or she will think something is up.

Edited by smackie9
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