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Reasons for not getting Covid vaccine?

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Emilie Jolie
4 minutes ago, Ruby Slippers said:

I'm not getting it, and everyone I know personally is not getting it.

I meant around me but fair enough, Ruby Slippers. It's an individual choice, isn't it.

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4 hours ago, pepperbird2 said:

I'm listening to what my doctors recommend. They're the experts.

Indeed, but even physicians can be wrong from time to time.

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I will be getting the vaccine when I am offered it.  Having lost two immediate family members to Covid, I wouldn't want to risk not having it.  It is an individual choice and if people choose not to take it, that is up to them.  It means there is more for everyone else. If my Dad and sister had been offered it last year, they might still be with us.  The vaccine came just too late for them and now we and my sister's partner and children have to live with the sorrow of missing them.

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37 minutes ago, spiderowl said:

I will be getting the vaccine when I am offered it.  Having lost two immediate family members to Covid, I wouldn't want to risk not having it.  It is an individual choice and if people choose not to take it, that is up to them.  It means there is more for everyone else. If my Dad and sister had been offered it last year, they might still be with us.  The vaccine came just too late for them and now we and my sister's partner and children have to live with the sorrow of missing them.

Oh spiderowl, my deepest sympathies. I'm so sorry to hear you lost both your Dad and Sister, I can't imagine how difficult that must be.

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On 1/5/2021 at 12:43 AM, Ollie180 said:

I’ll share my reasons for getting the vaccine the moment it’s offered to me:

  • England announced tonight entering its second total lockdown in the last 12 months.
  • My daughters school is closed again.. she doesn’t get to see her mates, she has to do virtual learning which causes her a lot of stress, her GCSEs (end of school exams) will probably now be cancelled.
  • My fiancée is now looking at the real potential losing her job soon because everywhere is struggling for money
  • I have spent my adult life working for charities and I’m watching that money dry up and people/animals/the planet suffer.
  • I want to get married in 2021, I want my friends to be there. I want to take my daughter to Africa, to see where I used to live. I want to travel again, and go down the pub and hug my godkids.

^ I don’t really need the science! Those are the only reasons I need. If there’s even a potential chance that enough folks having the vaccine could end this, then count me in! 🤷🏼‍♂️ As far as I’m concerned, to steal the phrasing from those old WW2 posters “you’re country needs you” 🤷🏼‍♂️

I'm 100% with Ollie on this one. I've been in lockdown for weeks, and I just miss being out and around people.

Just got my first Pfizer shot yesterday. Will certainly warn you if at some point I start hungering for brains  🧟‍♂️

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On 1/5/2021 at 9:13 PM, alphamale said:

Anyone remember Thalidomide in England? They said it was ok for pregnant women. Turns out it was not...thousands of babies were born with grotesque birth defects. You can’t even begin to imagine.

Are you planning on poping out babies soon?! 

I'll get the shot. But I'm not getting into a long line, I hate lines.

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7 hours ago, josedelamuerte said:

I'm 100% with Ollie on this one. I've been in lockdown for weeks, and I just miss being out and around people.

Just got my first Pfizer shot yesterday. Will certainly warn you if at some point I start hungering for brains  🧟‍♂️

Me too. I'm getting it. The man I am talking to is in law enforcement and he wasn't going to get it but I convinced him 😊.

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I'm probably not going to get it unless I am forced to.  I don't trust modern medicine that much to begin with (see @alphamale reference above to Thalidomide).  These vaccines were rushed but they is based on science & experimentation that has been going on for 10+ years so there is that.  The professionals seem to support it so my fears are not based on science, reality or any other reliable basis.  They are just my fears.   

All of my friends in medicine have been vaccinated.  Most of my other friends & family over age 60 have gotten at least their 1st shot or are waiting for slots to open up.  

I am very troubled by the limited liability under the PREP Act afforded to the manufacturers.  They should have been protected under the risk utility analysis of basic products liability law so I question the reasoning behind giving them immunity.   that immunity makes me trust the vaccine less.  Even if the science is valid, does the immunity extend to mistakes in manufacture, meaning what happens if somebody screws up when mixing the formula to make the vaccine? 

I am also the person who always has the adverse reaction to medication.  Stuff that is just wonderful for others practically poisons me.  To that extent I'm probably on the list of people for whom this vaccine is not recommended.  

A few years ago when one of my doctors was trying to get me to go back on antidepressants & I balked we got me a DNA test that runs my DNA against known drugs.  On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being great  & 5 being don't give this medicine to this person, I got mostly 5s & 4s with only a smattering of 3s & no 1s or 2s so trying something new scares me. 


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18 hours ago, d0nnivain said:

I'm probably not going to get it unless I am forced to.  I don't trust modern medicine that much to begin with (see @alphamale reference above to Thalidomide).  These vaccines were rushed but they is based on science & experimentation that has been going on for 10+ years so there is that.  The professionals seem to support it so my fears are not based on science, reality or any other reliable basis.  They are just my fears.   

All of my friends in medicine have been vaccinated.  Most of my other friends & family over age 60 have gotten at least their 1st shot or are waiting for slots to open up.  

I am very troubled by the limited liability under the PREP Act afforded to the manufacturers.  They should have been protected under the risk utility analysis of basic products liability law so I question the reasoning behind giving them immunity.   that immunity makes me trust the vaccine less.  Even if the science is valid, does the immunity extend to mistakes in manufacture, meaning what happens if somebody screws up when mixing the formula to make the vaccine? 

I am also the person who always has the adverse reaction to medication.  Stuff that is just wonderful for others practically poisons me.  To that extent I'm probably on the list of people for whom this vaccine is not recommended.  

A few years ago when one of my doctors was trying to get me to go back on antidepressants & I balked we got me a DNA test that runs my DNA against known drugs.  On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being great  & 5 being don't give this medicine to this person, I got mostly 5s & 4s with only a smattering of 3s & no 1s or 2s so trying something new scares me. 



Although I am for the vaccines, there have been articles citing that if you tend to have allergic reactions, to other vaccines or just allergies in general, then to be wary of getting it. I have a friend that's pretty much allergic to...everything. Like potatoes even (which is kind of rare). She even has to go in for blood transfusions every so often.

Last year, I had taken a couple of shots based on my profession (required in the job).

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I’m getting the vaccine and accept that there will be risks. The best way to open the economy is to achieve herd immunity  and for me, it’s worth the risk. I have very little chance of dying from COVID given my age, but I am around people that aren’t so lucky. 

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3 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

 there have been articles citing that if you tend to have allergic reactions, to other vaccines or just allergies in general, then to be wary of getting it.

Exactly.  That's me.  

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I've been advised by my doctors to not get it. From what they say, due to the immunosupressive drugs I have to take, it might no be very effective anyway.

So far, a few thousand people in my province have been vaccinated( i think), but our covid numbers are low away. Right now, out of a population of almost one million, we have eight cases, no one in the hospital with it, all related to travel outside the province.


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4 hours ago, pepperbird2 said:

I've been advised by my doctors to not get it. From what they say, due to the immunosupressive drugs I have to take, it might no be very effective anyway.

So far, a few thousand people in my province have been vaccinated( i think), but our covid numbers are low away. Right now, out of a population of almost one million, we have eight cases, no one in the hospital with it, all related to travel outside the province.


Yes, it's best to heed their advice.

Thanks for sharing your perspective!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/3/2021 at 9:32 AM, Alpaca said:

What are the reasons for those who are not going to get the covid vaccine or are going to wait?

I'm afraid of needles? 💉😱.

Only kidding. I'm much more afraid of ventilators.🛏️

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I won't be getting it for a few reasons. 

I'm fully up to date but refuse the Gardisil shot, don't do hep b at birth (they give it just after babies are born in the US and Australia). I also don't give the infant vaccines at the ages recommender and at the same time. But otherwise my child will get all the shots SANS that HPV one. 

My reasons are anecdotal but I can't change my view.

Incompetent doctors almost killed my mother and father. Popular doctors too. I do admire and respect good doctors and we spent a fortune for a luxury private specialist to deliver my daughter and manage my pregnancy and also administer my epidural (at 8 cm so I'm not a total whimp hah). 

I know doctors have their place. But science isn't a religion. There are exceptions where things may work or may not work as studies say they do. I don't think Gates is going to chip us. I believe vaccine / virologist and the like, have good intent. But I also know first hand events that have transpired..adverse, horrible events that I simply believe occur with more regularity that studies claim in some cases. The science is solid, it's the actual results to the large scale randomised controlled trial double blind peer reviewed studies, that I believe are sometimes not entirely honest due to the companies dispersing the meds (not just vaccines). 

Don't tar all selective or non vaxers under the same brush. We aren't all raging lunatics that believe everyone is out to get us and are prepping Doomsday bunkers. 

Most of us atoll vaccinate. We just don't feel our anecdotal evidence/ life experiences match up with the data. And don't blindly follow western medicine in general yet don't think it's all bad. 

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On 1/7/2021 at 4:08 AM, Ruby Slippers said:

I'm not getting it, and everyone I know personally is not getting it.


On 12/2/2020 at 3:37 AM, Ruby Slippers said:

The pandemic has really shone a spotlight on America's decline. It was apparent before, but became much more obvious this year. Just another big empire that's squandered its many blessings and let greed, corruption, and vice take over.

I just try to make the best of my life and be an uplifter to friends, family, and people who are struggling. There's not much more one can do.


[] I'm fully vaxed aside from Gardisil. But won't be getting the Covid one. 

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I'll be getting it as soon as I'm offered it (which won't be for a while, still)

I know way too many people who've had covid, and while most had a very mild version of it, nearly 100% lost taste and smell for months (many not recovered yet), and I know quite a few who've ended up in hospital and even on ventilators. Luckily, no one I know personally has died, but many friends have lost people.

If getting the jab prevents me from catching it or from having a severe form of it, I'm having it. I trust the science and the first people being vaccinated are going to be coming up on the 1 year now, so there will be more data soon (regarding longevity of the immunity, in particular). 

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Honestly is the inconsistency by these "experts" that worries me. First there's no need to wear 2 masks, now wear 2 masks. Only two shots with pfizer, now get a 3rd one "just a booster" . Everything seems kinda rushed honestly. That being said my mother got both doses and no side effects aside from a headache. 

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8 hours ago, MrPlop said:


Honestly is the inconsistency by these "experts" that worries me. First there's no need to wear 2 masks, now wear 2 masks. Only two shots with pfizer, now get a 3rd one "just a booster" . Everything seems kinda rushed honestly. That being said my mother got both doses and no side effects aside from a headache. 

What I don't get is, people keep uttering this over and over again, and..as a result, they'd say, "Screw, it, I'm not wearing a mask, and will hang out at a crowded bar in Florida" as opposed to acting cautious instead.

Them: "I'm confused, so...I'll not wear a mask in public and throw caution to the wind"

Me: "I'll be cautious, and wear a mask in public".

Wouldn't not want to err on the side of caution?

Also, this is a NOVEL virus, meaning..."new", meaning, there will always be inconsistencies as this is an UNFOLDING situation. That's how science works. It's a real time, in process situation.

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I have a friend microbiologist who works with a team developing vaccines and I trust his judgement, he got the vaccine as he needs to work with the covid virus every day. I also have a sister-in-law that's a physician and she got it as well.

Science is now advanced enough they can work faster on vaccines. All the steps have been respected. 

Every day people smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, abuse over the counter medicines and they're never asking themselves what negative effects it has on them but they're worried about a vaccine that  has been searched and tested and administered around the world. Your cough syrup probably had 1% of that attention by searchers and people don't hesitate to use it abundantly when they're sick without one thought on long term side effects.

Edited by Gaeta
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5 hours ago, Gaeta said:

I have a friend microbiologist who works with a team developing vaccines and I trust his judgement, he got the vaccine as he needs to work with the covid virus every day. I also have a sister-in-law that's a physician and she got it as well.

Science is now advanced enough they can work faster on vaccines. All the steps have been respected. 

Every day people smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, abuse over the counter medicines and they're never asking themselves what negative effects it has on them but they're worried about a vaccine that  has been searched and tested and administered around the world. Your cough syrup probably had 1% of that attention by searchers and people don't hesitate to use it abundantly when they're sick without one thought on long term side effects.

Thank you for posting this!  So true.  I feel a bit better about it now.   Lord there is so much hype, it's enough to give a person a nervous breakdown, nevermind the side effects from the vaccine.

I'm so exhausted from it, I hope it's over soon.

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On 2/26/2021 at 5:47 AM, QuietRiot said:

What I don't get is, people keep uttering this over and over again, and..as a result, they'd say, "Screw, it, I'm not wearing a mask, and will hang out at a crowded bar in Florida" as opposed to acting cautious instead.

Them: "I'm confused, so...I'll not wear a mask in public and throw caution to the wind"

Me: "I'll be cautious, and wear a mask in public".

Wouldn't not want to err on the side of caution?

Also, this is a NOVEL virus, meaning..."new", meaning, there will always be inconsistencies as this is an UNFOLDING situation. That's how science works. It's a real time, in process situation.

I by no means will ever recommend or suggest NOT wearing a masks. Even though no mask will protect you (the virus particles are smaller than any protection you could possibly get), I think it helps reducing infection rate. What I'm trying to get at is that in times like this when all experts should be very consistent and precise in the guidelines they're setting, they are doing the opposite, second guessing themselves and failing to show some sort of credibility when they can't agree on what's best.

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59 minutes ago, MrPlop said:

I by no means will ever recommend or suggest NOT wearing a masks. Even though no mask will protect you (the virus particles are smaller than any protection you could possibly get), I think it helps reducing infection rate. What I'm trying to get at is that in times like this when all experts should be very consistent and precise in the guidelines they're setting, they are doing the opposite, second guessing themselves and failing to show some sort of credibility when they can't agree on what's best.

Of course they are 2nd guessing, this is a new thing altogether. It is the nature of the beast.

But they are doing their best. You cannot discount the scientists altogether because of this.

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