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I have Covid-19

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On 12/16/2020 at 2:14 PM, Watercolors said:

I just found out today via a virtual visit with a doctor. The problem is, he won't issue me the test because he said he had Covid-19, took the nasal test 3 times and all 3 times it was negative, but he knew he had it b/c blood tests later showed his body developed antibodies.

My question is: do I find a way to get the free Covid-19 test kit that my university library offers for free? Do I go onto a testing website and order a home mailed test kit?

I'm day 6 of my Covid symptoms; crushing fatigue, plus all of the cold/flu symptoms. I have my sense of smell and taste intact. But otherwise, its like Mono on steriods with the fatigue.

I'm more worried about the post-Covid-19 side effects that are long term. Those seem scary.

My symptoms we excessive fatigue, nasty nausea and abdominal pain, loss of sense of taste & smell. The diarrhea was unbearable (going like 8x per day). Zero appetite (I ate almost nothing for 5 days). Still got some symptoms almost 2 weeks later. Wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy...

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2 hours ago, alphamale said:

My symptoms we excessive fatigue, nasty nausea and abdominal pain, loss of sense of taste & smell. The diarrhea was unbearable (going like 8x per day). Zero appetite (I ate almost nothing for 5 days). Still got some symptoms almost 2 weeks later. Wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy...

Oh wow, alphamale my god. Your symptoms sound horrendous. I'm glad you made it through to the other side. Did you ever worry about your breathing or need an inhaler? How did you manage all of that diarrhea? Has your taste and smell returned yet? I wonder if/when mine will.

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7 hours ago, Watercolors said:

I got an email notification today that I will get my test results by Saturday at the latest. 

As you are day seven and had a saliva test then take a positive as being correct but if you get a negative, then I would not assume you do not have Covid-19.

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9 hours ago, alphamale said:

My symptoms we excessive fatigue, nasty nausea and abdominal pain, loss of sense of taste & smell. The diarrhea was unbearable (going like 8x per day). Zero appetite (I ate almost nothing for 5 days). Still got some symptoms almost 2 weeks later. Wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy...

I'm really truly sorry...really.

I wonder if you shared this specific info with those types that say, 99% survivability rate. "

Hey, at least alpha male survived *thumbs up* to alpha male!" Anti-masker friends (or maybe no longer) give alphamale a slap on the back and an "attaboy" for makin' it! *eyeroll*

"So what if you have diarrhea 8 times a day!  You lived to tell about it!"

I mean this completely sarcastically. I dunno, would you rather not get it, suffer like AlphaMale and others and...well, be a part of that 99%? Or...die?

Edited by QuietRiot
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9 hours ago, Watercolors said:

Oh wow, alphamale my god. Your symptoms sound horrendous. I'm glad you made it through to the other side. Did you ever worry about your breathing or need an inhaler? How did you manage all of that diarrhea? Has your taste and smell returned yet? I wonder if/when mine will.

Thanks Wc...I had no respiratory symptoms at all. My taste/smell is mostly back but my appetite is still not fully back. It’s a terrible virus 🦠 

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11 hours ago, elaine567 said:

As you are day seven and had a saliva test then take a positive as being correct but if you get a negative, then I would not assume you do not have Covid-19.

Day 8 now. Got my saliva test results via email. I'm positive for Covid-19.

9 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

I'm really truly sorry...really.

I wonder if you shared this specific info with those types that say, 99% survivability rate. "

Hey, at least alpha male survived *thumbs up* to alpha male!" Anti-masker friends (or maybe no longer) give alphamale a slap on the back and an "attaboy" for makin' it! *eyeroll*

"So what if you have diarrhea 8 times a day!  You lived to tell about it!"

I mean this completely sarcastically. I dunno, would you rather not get it, suffer like AlphaMale and others and...well, be a part of that 99%? Or...die?

Whoa what's with the vitriol?

6 hours ago, alphamale said:

Thanks Wc...I had no respiratory symptoms at all. My taste/smell is mostly back but my appetite is still not fully back. It’s a terrible virus 🦠 

Yep it is. Day 8 for me. Still have post nasal drip and the dry cough. Woke up and used my inhaler this morning at 5 am. To control my anxiety, did some breathing exercises and cleaned my little kitchen. Hoping to make it to Day 14 hospital-free.

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Ruby Slippers

Sounds like you're doing very well. That's great!

Those of you who have had it, any idea where/how you got it?

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1 minute ago, Ruby Slippers said:

Sounds like you're doing very well. That's great!

Those of you who have had it, any idea where/how you got it?

Hi Ruby,  I'm trying. The respiratory symptoms are obviously my #1 fear. I just need to make it 6 more days to Day 14 and then I will stop worrying so much.

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Just had a chance to read this! You okay WC, how you feeling today? 

I don't know if one can do anything to prevent the progression once you have it, but please take care of yourself, which I know you have been and will. 

Be thankful you didn't lose taste or smell, I have heard that particular symptom while not life threatening (unless you don't want to eat and who would when you can't taste the food you're eating) but gnarly nevertheless.

Anyway, I'm so sorry WC, please take care and feel better soon!  

PS:  If you're up to it, check in and let us know how you're doing.  xo

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52 minutes ago, poppyfields said:

Just had a chance to read this! You okay WC, how you feeling today? 

I don't know if one can do anything to prevent the progression once you have it, but please take care of yourself, which I know you have been and will. 

Be thankful you didn't lose taste or smell, I have heard that particular symptom while not life threatening (unless you don't want to eat and who would when you can't taste the food you're eating) but gnarly nevertheless.

Anyway, I'm so sorry WC, please take care and feel better soon!  

PS:  If you're up to it, check in and let us know how you're doing.  xo

Hi Poppy. Actually, I did lose my sense of taste and smell. And what a weird comment to add that it’s not life threatening. Anyway...

Day 9 and my symptoms are improving. I still have these symptoms: 

  • sinus infection
  • Nasal congestion 
  • post nasal drip that causes me to cough
  • dry cough not related to post nasal drip
  • headache
  • no sense of taste or smell 
  • Corona-somnia (it’s a studied, real response to the Corona virus; some people w/the virus get it as a symptom, some people who don’t have Covid get insomnia from the tremendous anxiety and loss of structure due to the pandemic closing everything down)
  • sneezing and water eyes
  • shortness of breath (I use my inhaler)
  • leg pain
  • dizziness (could be from dehydration who knows)

My getting Covid is proof that anyone can catch this virus. I diligently wore my mask everywhere, washed my masks every few days, and always washed my hands and wiped down my cellphone with a Clorox wipe. And, I socially distanced and only went to the grocery store, coffee shop, or to visit my mother in her nursing home. That’s it. And I still caught the virus. 

Today, I got a text from my state’s Dept of Health. The text said that I will receive a phone call from a specific phone number, where a health official will interview me about my positive Covid diagnosis, and do contract tracing with me, etc. So, I’m impressed (and intimidated by) the through follow up from state health officials with each person in my state who is a positive case. 

I’m still anxious as hell that my symptoms will nose dive and force me into the hospital. I am trying to remain positive but it’s really scary to have this virus. 

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Hey WC, just wanted to drop by to see how you are.  I seem to recall reading that Day 7 is the day for worsening symptoms, if they are going to happen. I think it is a positive sign that you are at Day 9 and not having respiratory distress.  I hope you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon. 

Are your siblings still checking in on you?  Do you have support, if you need it?

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27 minutes ago, Watercolors said:

Hi Poppy. Actually, I did lose my sense of taste and smell. And what a weird comment to add that it’s not life threatening. Anyway...

Day 9 and my symptoms are improving. I still have these symptoms: 

  • sinus infection
  • Nasal congestion 
  • post nasal drip that causes me to cough
  • dry cough not related to post nasal drip
  • headache
  • no sense of taste or smell 
  • Corona-somnia (it’s a studied, real response to the Corona virus; some people w/the virus get it as a symptom, some people who don’t have Covid get insomnia from the tremendous anxiety and loss of structure due to the pandemic closing everything down)
  • sneezing and water eyes
  • shortness of breath (I use my inhaler)
  • leg pain
  • dizziness (could be from dehydration who knows)

My getting Covid is proof that anyone can catch this virus. I diligently wore my mask everywhere, washed my masks every few days, and always washed my hands and wiped down my cellphone with a Clorox wipe. And, I socially distanced and only went to the grocery store, coffee shop, or to visit my mother in her nursing home. That’s it. And I still caught the virus. 

Today, I got a text from my state’s Dept of Health. The text said that I will receive a phone call from a specific phone number, where a health official will interview me about my positive Covid diagnosis, and do contract tracing with me, etc. So, I’m impressed (and intimidated by) the through follow up from state health officials with each person in my state who is a positive case. 

I’m still anxious as hell that my symptoms will nose dive and force me into the hospital. I am trying to remain positive but it’s really scary to have this virus. 

Oh dear, didn't mean for that comment to come off weird WC, but apologies since it did.   

Agree it's quite scary given you followed the proper protocol.  We're all still so vulnerable.

Anyway, again I'm so sorry, and prayers you get and feel better soon.  

Edited by poppyfields
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3 minutes ago, introverted1 said:

Hey WC, just wanted to drop by to see how you are.  I seem to recall reading that Day 7 is the day for worsening symptoms, if they are going to happen. I think it is a positive sign that you are at Day 9 and not having respiratory distress.  I hope you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon. 

Are your siblings still checking in on you?  Do you have support, if you need it?

Thank you introverted, I feel better after reading your post. I have this weird leg pain now that I didn’t have before I got sick. When I got sick, my entire body felt like glass and I took a lot of ibuprofen. Now I have this weird leg pain and dizziness. But my urine is clear so either I’m hydrated, or its clear because I have kidney problems? I don’t know. 

Everytime I read those First Week, Second Week symptom trajectories, my anxiety levels escalate. I hope my Day 9 of no respiratory distress means...no respiratory distress symptoms will develop anymore. That’s my biggest fear obviously. Well, and if this stupid virus has crossed into my heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, liver (I have fatty tissue liver disease so I’m scared how the virus has effected it), and will cause all sorts of “long hauler” health problems in the unforeseen future. 

The insomnia is getting to me. I try to wind down every night. But my anxiety is just rampant. I’m afraid to fall asleep in case I stop breathing. I know that sounds crazy, but I think its a Covid-anxiety manifesting. 

My siblings do check on me via FaceTime but not every day. A couple of cousins i stay in contact with asked me how I am doing. And my aunt and uncle emailed me to wish me a speedy recovery. I don’t have the kind of friends I can call every day to vent to. I labeled myself a curmudgeon for that reason.

I am going to try video counseling (can’t find any weekend hours) with the local walk-in counseling center since its free. I just need someone I can check in w/every day right now, who will help me cope with my anxiety over this. When I opened my email test result and saw “positive saliva test for Covid” I pretty much broke down. I just really wanted to have a terrible cold or flu virus. Having Covid-19 is scary as hell. My hair is already falling out, and that could be from my anemia and now it could be due to Covid too. The doctors I have spoken to via telemedicine visits don’t seem to know what to tell me. And, I can’t make an appointment at my clinic until after Christmas Eve, when that will be Day 14. 

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7 minutes ago, poppyfields said:

Oh dear, didn't mean for that comment to come off weird WC, but apologies since it did.   

Agree it's quite scary given you followed the proper protocol.  We're are all still so vulnerable.

Anyway, again I'm so sorry, and prayers you get and feel better soon.  

That’s ok. I am getting snarky Facebook messages from some people I told. So, I just assumed you meant it as a passive aggressive slight. But now that I know you didn’t, I won’t interpret your comment that way. One woman I told about my diagnosis a week ago, just responded today, telling me, “Oh sorry I just saw your message while I was taking a s—- since I’ve been so busy with freelance work, I never check my social media unless I”m in the bathroom.” This woman is always online posting on Instagram and Facebook, so her message hurt my feelings. Another person I messaged, responded, “Well, maybe this is your karma.” I blocked the person today. Some people are just a**h***s. 

Edited by Watercolors
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21 minutes ago, Watercolors said:

Another person I messaged, responded, “Well, maybe this is your karma.” I blocked.  Some people are just a**h***s. 

I understand WC, the written word can often be so ambiguous.  But no my no taste/smell comment was not a snark, I promise you.  

But omg, the bolded quote above?  That was just cruel, no excuse justifying that.  I'm glad you blocked.  

As far as you being a "curmudgeon," I dunno, we sometimes butt heads but all these posts, including mine, are a true testament to how many friends you have here, and how much we care. 

Please know that.  I hope tomorrow is better than today, and each day thereafter WC. 

((Hugs)) and I mean it.



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Not to "piggyback" onto this thread, but I didn't see a need to start my own. My dad (who I live with) tested positive for covid this week. He's been sick for about 12 days, now, but thankfully, he seemed to have it pretty mild, and he's starting to get better, it seems like. He's mainly had a mild cough, fatigue, lightheadedness, some body pains, and loss of appetite (though he said he didn't lose taste/ smell). The "worst" seemed to be last Saturday, after he went for his test, he just slept most of the day afterwards.

He still has reduced symptoms, but he seems to be getting better. I'm surprised, because neither me nor my mom have seemed to fall ill, despite being around him for the last 12 days. Particularly, my mom, because I've at least been trying to be mindful of keeping distance within the home as best I can, she's been a little less careful.

I've had some little things over the last week that I've been wondering if they're symptoms starting to show, or what. Like, I had a mild pressure headache off and on this week, and my throat has occasionally felt a little weird. But that could be attributed to things like the weather, etc. I've had some mild body aches, but those could be attributed to my having been sitting around and not getting enough movement this week. Other than that, I don't feel sick or anything.

So, I don't know if my symptoms just haven't shown up yet, or if I have it but am asymptomatic. No idea. I'm going to see if I fall ill this coming week, and if not, well, I dunno. See, I have plans with my good friend and her family for New Years eve, which is still a couple weeks away, but obviously I don't want to expose them. She already knows my situation. If I don't get sick, I'm debating on whether I should still try to go get a covid test the week of NY and make sure I test negative.

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9 minutes ago, Inflikted said:

Not to "piggyback" onto this thread, but I didn't see a need to start my own. My dad (who I live with) tested positive for covid this week. He's been sick for about 12 days, now, but thankfully, he seemed to have it pretty mild, and he's starting to get better, it seems like. He's mainly had a mild cough, fatigue, lightheadedness, some body pains, and loss of appetite (though he said he didn't lose taste/ smell). The "worst" seemed to be last Saturday, after he went for his test, he just slept most of the day afterwards.

He still has reduced symptoms, but he seems to be getting better. I'm surprised, because neither me nor my mom have seemed to fall ill, despite being around him for the last 12 days. Particularly, my mom, because I've at least been trying to be mindful of keeping distance within the home as best I can, she's been a little less careful.

I've had some little things over the last week that I've been wondering if they're symptoms starting to show, or what. Like, I had a mild pressure headache off and on this week, and my throat has occasionally felt a little weird. But that could be attributed to things like the weather, etc. I've had some mild body aches, but those could be attributed to my having been sitting around and not getting enough movement this week. Other than that, I don't feel sick or anything.

So, I don't know if my symptoms just haven't shown up yet, or if I have it but am asymptomatic. No idea. I'm going to see if I fall ill this coming week, and if not, well, I dunno. See, I have plans with my good friend and her family for New Years eve, which is still a couple weeks away, but obviously I don't want to expose them. She already knows my situation. If I don't get sick, I'm debating on whether I should still try to go get a covid test the week of NY and make sure I test negative.

Inflikted, so sorry to hear about your dad having Covid-19 too. 12 days and he still has symptoms. Ugh. I’m sorry to read that. I hope he makes a full recovery. 

Have you and your mom ordered Covid-19 test kids from your local county health dept? They are free b/c every state’s counties have prepaid for these saliva test kits that you can have mailed to your home for free. You just go to your county website, look for a link to at home test kits, fill out your information and wait to receive your saliva test kit in the mail. OR, you can also find community testing sites to drive to in your city, where you and your Mom can go, to get your free saliva Covid-19 test done. That’s what I I did on Wednesday. It only took 2 days and I got an email with my test result. I would urge you to please find a community test site that you can take your mom to, to both get tested. 

Your symptoms do sound like Covid-19 sorry to say. My first Covid-19 symptoms seemed like a regular cold to me; watery eyes, running nose, sneezing, a headache and tickley throat. But nope. All Covid-19 symptoms. Your pressure headache is Covid-19. So are the body aches. Those are all Covid-19 symptoms. 

Please just go get your saliva test done this week. You’ll have your results emailed to you in 2 days. THen you’ll know. You can just do a walk-in, so you don’t have to make an appointment. The community testing sites are held in convention centers, community centers, etc. Trust me. You’ll feel better knowing if you are negative or positive. Because then you will know what to do. 

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^ no idea unless you are tested. I had two friends boyfriend girlfriend 30s  that tested positive. They didn’t have any symptoms of besides losing sense of smell and taste for a week.

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24 minutes ago, poppyfields said:

I understand WC, the written word can often be so ambiguous.  But no my no taste/smell comment was not a snark, I promise you.  

But omg, the bolded quote above?  That was just cruel, no excuse justifying that.  I'm glad you blocked.  

As far as you being a "curmudgeon," I dunno, we sometimes butt heads but all these posts, including mine, are a true testament to how many friends you have here, and how much we care. 

Please know that.  I hope tomorrow is better than today, and each day thereafter WC. 

((Hugs)) and I mean it.



Thanks Poppy. I appreciate your candor. I tend to cycle through friendships and not due to some personality disorder. More so, because I do gig work for a living, and don’t have a stable work environment and stable employees I can socialize with. So my choices for employment imposed a lifestyle of a loner on to me, which I really really hate. Because I am not a loner and hate it. 

Yes, she was a b**** to write that to me. We went to college together and have known each other for over 20 years. What made her write such a mean statement to me, I don’t know. If she couldn’t be bothered to talk to me about what was bothering her, and snarked at me instead, I can’t be bothered with people who act like that. I just can’t. It was cruel for her to write that. The other woman is just mean - to message me that she only checks her message while pooping, which is such a blatant lie as she’s always online. What do I do to attract these types of a**h***s into my life? I’m a nice person. 

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2 minutes ago, Shortskirtslonglashes said:

^ no idea unless you are tested. I had two friends boyfriend girlfriend 30s  that tested positive. They didn’t have any symptoms of besides losing sense of smell and taste for a week.

Their only symptoms were loss of taste and smell? f***ing lucky bastards! 

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Inflikted, I'm sorry about your dad, I'm happy to hear he had a relatively mild case.

I'm sure you've heard symptoms can take up to two weeks to surface.  So you could have covid now and not even know it.

That's how and why it spread so fast, people not showing symptoms but having it, not knowing they have it, and unknowingly spreading to others.  

You may not experience any symptoms at all, or very mild and dismiss, but still have it, and spread to someone who will have symptoms, very serious symptoms.  

Given you have been directly exposed, I wouid get tested asap.  

This virus is not to be taken lightly or messed with, we all need to act responsibly.

Good luck, hope you're okay. 

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2 minutes ago, poppyfields said:

Inflikted, I'm sorry about your dad, I'm happy to hear he had a relatively mild case.

I'm sure you've heard symptoms can take up to two weeks to surface.  So you could have covid now and not even know it.

That's how and why it spread so fast, people not showing symptoms but having it, not knowing they have it, and unknowingly spreading to others.  

You may not experience any symptoms at all, but still have it, and spread to someone who will have symptoms, very serious symptoms.  . 

Given you have been directly exposed, I wouid get tested asap.  

This virus is not to taken lightly and messed with, we all need to act responsibly.

Good luck, hope you're okay. 

+1. It is not to be taken lightly at all. I followed the protocols and still caught Covid-19. So, we’re all at risk every day we leave our homes. 

Inflikted please take your mom to a community test site this weekend and get your saliva tests. 

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The question is, do I have to be scared of speaking to my state’s department of health? I’m dreading the phone call. 

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1 hour ago, Watercolors said:

The insomnia is getting to me. I try to wind down every night. But my anxiety is just rampant. I’m afraid to fall asleep in case I stop breathing. I know that sounds crazy, but I think its a Covid-anxiety manifesting. 

My siblings do check on me via FaceTime but not every day. A couple of cousins i stay in contact with asked me how I am doing. And my aunt and uncle emailed me to wish me a speedy recovery. I don’t have the kind of friends I can call every day to vent to. I labeled myself a curmudgeon for that reason.


Can someone text you hourly, just to ensure you are not in distress?  Maybe your friends and family can split it up into shifts.  This might also bring you some peace of mind, which would (hopefully) let you sleep.  Sleep is probably the best thing you can do right now.  Well, that, and staying hydrated.

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6 minutes ago, introverted1 said:

Can someone text you hourly, just to ensure you are not in distress?  Maybe your friends and family can split it up into shifts.  This might also bring you some peace of mind, which would (hopefully) let you sleep.  Sleep is probably the best thing you can do right now.  Well, that, and staying hydrated.

Well, an online counselor could. I will ask my siblings if they’d do it though. I think you’re correct in that sleep is the best thing I can do for my body and mind. I just need to figure out how to induce sleep. I think i will go on InstaCart and order some Melatonin 3mg. And start there. I have chamomile tea and mint tea as well. 

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