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September 2020 Updates to LS

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Please, please, please go back to the former layout! All of the info in that right hand column is distracting and not relevant to the current thread, and it makes the main content column tiny-tiny. The main content, the posts, should not be getting squeezed out by extraneous stuff. The former layout was nice. No reason to make such a drastic change. It's not an improvement.

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5 minutes ago, salparadise said:

Please, please, please go back to the former layout! All of the info in that right hand column is distracting and not relevant to the current thread, and it makes the main content column tiny-tiny. The main content, the posts, should not be getting squeezed out by extraneous stuff. The former layout was nice. No reason to make such a drastic change. It's not an improvement.

We agree! Oops! That was supposed to be turned off, and we've fixed it. Thanks for the heads up!

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2 minutes ago, Paul said:

We agree! Oops! That was supposed to be turned off, and we've fixed it. Thanks for the heads up!

Whew! Thank you!

Looks like we're sporting a new style or skin or whatever... I see fonts changes and lots of subtle changes in colors and the rendering of elements. It's probably all good but I'm really sensitive to stuff like this... hope it doesn't affect my sleep. 🤩

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There's no ability to edit a post with the new update.  I hope that can be returned.  I'd like to see the time allowed to edit made longer also.

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Yeah man, I type fast, I don't really look at the keyboard or at the screen when I'm typing, and I got an old keyboard that often doesn't register the words as I'm pressing the keys, not to mention the keyboard is set-up for a language other than American English, which makes it hard to get my posts just right on the first try.  I miss how it was before.

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2 minutes ago, Azincourt said:

Yeah man, I type fast, I don't really look at the keyboard or at the screen when I'm typing, and I got an old keyboard that often doesn't register the words as I'm pressing the keys, not to mention the keyboard is set-up for a language other than American English, which makes it hard to get my posts just right on the first try.  I miss how it was before.

I type terribly.  Hunt and peck guy.  I make tons of mistakes and relied on the edit feature.  And when I use my phone instead of my laptop the auto correct would spastic.  It would change Piddy to Pussy for example.  It has a mind of it's own.  

"O may have to hore a f***ll time editor."

The line above is an example of my typing skills. ^^^^ lol  That's supposed to say,  "I may have to hire a full time editor."

Also, assuming they bring it back, I hope they can add a little more time to edit the post.  15 minutes wasn't enough for this typing challenged poster. haha

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I meant "would go spastic."  Not "would spastic." lol  If they don't bring back the edit feature I'm going to have to make a separate post to help people interpret my original post. 🥴

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1 hour ago, Piddy said:

There's no ability to edit a post with the new update.  I hope that can be returned.  I'd like to see the time allowed to edit made longer also.

I’ll not bring up the obvious thing about certain groups not being able to see the forest for the trees, ;) I’ll just say look to the right, Piddles. Look to the right. 

In the 3 little red dots, you will find your edit function. 

Unfortunately, you will also find a ‘share’ function within the red dots on someone else’s post. When we signed up here, we did so under the understanding of anonymity. I don’t think any of us really want our posts or PM’s shared to Facebook or Pinterest. 

Not cool!  




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8 minutes ago, K.K. said:

I’ll not bring up the obvious thing about certain groups not being able to see the forest for the trees, ;) I’ll just say look to the right, Piddles. Look to the right. 

In the 3 little red dots, you will find your edit function. 

Unfortunately, you will also find a ‘share’ function within the red dots on someone else’s post. When we signed up here, we did so under the understanding of anonymity. I don’t think any of us really want our posts or PM’s shared to Facebook or Pinterest. 

Not cool!  




Thanks KK

I found it just as I saw your post.  Piddles is funny. 🤣  Yeah, I have a hard time looking to the right. haha  You a wise guy with seeing the forest from the trees. lol

Yeah, not a Facebook or Pinterest guy.  I know you're not a fan of lol and haha.  So I tried to limit them.  :)

Edited by Piddy
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context: I run with jscript off.

before update if I read all the threads in a forum, the forum's title was no longer bolded when I returned to the index. after update it stays bolded. makes it hard/impossible to know at a glance if there are any new posts

before update replies by the OP had an extra dark line to identify them. after update no dark line. being able to pick out posts by the OP WAS helpful when skimming a topic

LOL - but I'm a dinosaur and I'd prefer going back to the software in use prior to the November update.

Also - even MORE whitespace to have to scroll past now. When my kids were 2 y/o, reading them Dr Seuss with one sentence to a page was okay. Now i prefer something as print-dense as War and Peace.

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I know but now there’s a ‘share’ to Facebook Pinterest etc. where anyone could share our posts. 

You know how those Facebook warriors are. Or if you don’t, they’re relentless on finding out exactly who you are if you say the wrong thing. The ‘wrong thing’ being anything they don’t agree with. 

I don’t think that’s cool regardless of which side anyone’s on. It’s a privacy breach. 

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15 minutes ago, Piddy said:

I type terribly.  Hunt and peck guy.  I make tons of mistakes and relied on the edit feature.  And when I use my phone instead of my laptop the auto correct would spastic.  It would change Piddy to Pussy for example.  It has a mind of it's own.  

"O may have to hore a f***ll time editor."

The line above is an example of my typing skills. ^^^^ lol  That's supposed to say,  "I may have to hire a full time editor."

Also, assuming they bring it back, I hope they can add a little more time to edit the post.  15 minutes wasn't enough for this typing challenged poster. haha


Yeah, it doesn't help either that it's 115F under the shade, and my air conditioner is broke, my fingers are slipping off the keyboard keys all the time.

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[i] test[/i] 

We have to use the italic symbol now instead of just doing that ^ Bummer! 

Edited by K.K.
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3 hours ago, Piddy said:

There's no ability to edit a post with the new update.  I hope that can be returned.  I'd like to see the time allowed to edit made longer also.

A bunch of links have been put into the ellipsis menu on the right corner of posts. Things like flag, share, edit, etc. are all under here now.

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1 hour ago, K.K. said:

Unfortunately, you will also find a ‘share’ function within the red dots on someone else’s post. When we signed up here, we did so under the understanding of anonymity. I don’t think any of us really want our posts or PM’s shared to Facebook or Pinterest. 

That link was one of the few that was always in the ellipsis menu. :) It's a handy tool to let you copy and paste a link to a post directly, though anyone could do so without those buttons. Such is the nature of the web.

Yet, we do remind all to be mindful of the footprint they leave here. Please check out our guide to Staying Safe on LoveShack.org to learn more about maintaining your privacy and anonymity.

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19 minutes ago, Happy Lemming said:


What happened to the thread welcoming Elissa (the new moderator in training)?

I was hoping she'd pop in and say "Hello".

Another errant setting! Our hamster overlords were incorrectly set to create a new thread every time a new member account is created, and make it look as if I posted it.

We threatened to take away their pellets, and changed the locks on the cages. 🐹 

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9 minutes ago, Paul said:

Our hamster overlords were incorrectly set to create a new thread every time a new member account is created, and make it look as if I posted it.

We threatened to take away their pellets, and changed the locks on the cages. 🐹 

Shame on my rodent brothers...

Glad you put them "back in their place"!!

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Do you have access to the specific .css file that allows you to modify the forum background color?

The forum layout's for sure gotten a lot better over the years, however it'd be nice to have multiple options for color that you can toggle on/off.

Just a thought is all :) 

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4 hours ago, K.K. said:

I know but now there’s a ‘share’ to Facebook Pinterest etc. where anyone could share our posts. 

You know how those Facebook warriors are. Or if you don’t, they’re relentless on finding out exactly who you are if you say the wrong thing. The ‘wrong thing’ being anything they don’t agree with. 

I don’t think that’s cool regardless of which side anyone’s on. It’s a privacy breach. 

Those links were on the old forum, I'm sure of it. I wasn't keen on it at the time, and had actually forgotten until I saw this thread. 

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Well the last time I tried to make a link, it was in moderation for days. So I thought it was new to the upgrade. Either way, it can only be a good thing. 

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I liked having the original poster flag on the avatars; hope we can bring that one back. It can help in longer threads...

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