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Dating a short guy-How does it feel?


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When he gets old, he'll be even shorter. Old people shrink. And on days when he has bad posture, he'll look shorter too. Just letting OP know so she'll get even more paranoid about his height. :laugh:


As a shrinking person myself, I'll just add that she'll lose height as well. Maybe even faster than he does!


Now, I'm off to my inversion table. :laugh:

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Short is all objective though. If I'm six feet tall, a 5'5 man might be a little short for me. But in my case I'm 5'4 so a 5'5 man sounds perfect. I've always liked the shorter guys. I like being able to look right into their eyes at their level when we kiss. I like the way my arms feel right around his neck as opposed to having to crane my head up to kiss him and having to bury my head in his chest because I can't get to his shoulders.


Not to mention they usually know how to throw that dick into you. ;)

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Short is all objective though. If I'm six feet tall, a 5'5 man might be a little short for me. But in my case I'm 5'4 so a 5'5 man sounds perfect. I've always liked the shorter guys. I like being able to look right into their eyes at their level when we kiss. I like the way my arms feel right around his neck as opposed to having to crane my head up to kiss him and having to bury my head in his chest because I can't get to his shoulders.


Not to mention they usually know how to throw that dick into you. ;)


K.K. I cant stop about our kiss since then !!! we were standing on the beach and my face was just close to his & i am in love with it hehehe

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when he gets old, he'll be even shorter. Old people shrink. And on days when he has bad posture, he'll look shorter too. Just letting op know so she'll get even more paranoid about his height. :laugh:


oh **** :)

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Honestly.....I feel for this guy. I think HE could do better.


And I'm 5'10" so I actually have a REASON to care about height.


Well you are not the one that is dating a 5.3 ft guy arent you & conflicted between his very nice character & attitude and his physical appearance ? :p

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Well you are not the one that is dating a 5.3 ft guy arent you & conflicted between his very nice character & attitude and his physical appearance ? :p


It's shallow when you're short yourself. End of story. Grow up or let this man find a WOMAN who will appreciate him.

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It's shallow when you're short yourself. End of story. Grow up or let this man find a WOMAN who will appreciate him.


I ammm appreciating himm !!!hes one of the kindest and a very good kisser as well haha

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I have a good friend who is MUCH Taller than her husband and she said height makes no difference when you are laying down.

I, however, was always attracted to tall men. I'm 5'3" and my husband is 6'2".

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i have a good friend who is much taller than her husband and she said height makes no difference when you are laying down.


yethhh this !!

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Honestly.....I feel for this guy. I think HE could do better.


And I'm 5'10" so I actually have a REASON to care about height.


It's shallow when you're short yourself. End of story. Grow up or let this man find a WOMAN who will appreciate him.


OP's posts sound bad, but in reality, 80% of women (maybe more) STRONGLY prefer a guy that is a good amount taller, no matter their height and what they have going on.


I have a girlfriend, but sometimes for kicks I surf Match.com with a blank profile.


Even women with crappy photos, no profile, or a butchered English language profile, no income, and sometimes several kids require a guy 5 inches taller or 6 foot minimum. A lot of them don't have any other requirements except for height.


It's pretty much the absolute last thing most women will compromise on which is ... pretty amazing if you think about it. (Race is probably second).


Strange world we live in...

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Height has a certain double standard about it. When you're short, the world thinks you're cute. Women can use it to their advantage, most men can't but a small percentage can.


I'm 5'10" and no one ever thinks of me as being cute in that way. When I used to wear these certain boots with heels on them I was about 6 ft. I've been with my share of men who were shorter than me, but I just think most people are shorter than me. The ones I've been with who were shorter, looking back, were intimidated by it. Then again, I've had a bad track record of picking men who are/were insecure to begin with, take it out on me and others around them. Did my height have something to do with it? I think it bothered them more than me honestly.

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This height thing is so peculiar to me. I am short (5'6) and have dated plenty of women who are taller than myself. I am currently dating a woman who is 5'7. I've dated women as tall as 5'10. Okay, it's only an inch difference, but as difficult as dating already is, I find some ladies simply obsessed with it. I have seen far too many profiles of women wanting men at least 4-6 inches taller than themselves b/c 'I like to wear 4-inch heals.' Code for, 'I date taller men.'


I ask myself, what makes these ladies less concerned with height than many others? They also want someone who they feel can protect them. It is clearly not a 'biological' need. Anyway, I do fine in the dating realm and I am never deterred to contact or date a woman taller than myself. I'll shut up now.

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This height thing is so peculiar to me. I am short (5'6) and have dated plenty of women who are taller than myself. I am currently dating a woman who is 5'7. I've dated women as tall as 5'10. Okay, it's only an inch difference, but as difficult as dating already is, I find some ladies simply obsessed with it. I have seen far too many profiles of women wanting men at least 4-6 inches taller than themselves b/c 'I like to wear 4-inch heals.' Code for, 'I date taller men.'


I ask myself, what makes these ladies less concerned with height than many others? They also want someone who they feel can protect them. It is clearly not a 'biological' need. Anyway, I do fine in the dating realm and I am never deterred to contact or date a woman taller than myself. I'll shut up now.


Ok, but everyone has their preferences, they are no more "obsessed" with tall men than men who only date busty blondes or Asian women, or tall model types...etc. are.

What is actually wrong with a woman wanting a taller man?

YOU are ultra sensitive as you know that particular preference excludes YOU, in the same way any preference voiced will exclude other groups.


Is it similarly "wrong" for some men to be "obsessed" with blondes, or for some men to be "obsessed" with petite women, or for some men to be "obsessed" with big breasts or for some men to be "obsessed" with thin women... etc. etc.?


All preferences naturally exclude those who do not meet the criteria, height is just another preference.

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This height thing is so peculiar to me. I am short (5'6) and have dated plenty of women who are taller than myself. I am currently dating a woman who is 5'7. I've dated women as tall as 5'10. Okay, it's only an inch difference, but as difficult as dating already is, I find some ladies simply obsessed with it. I have seen far too many profiles of women wanting men at least 4-6 inches taller than themselves b/c 'I like to wear 4-inch heals.' Code for, 'I date taller men.'


I ask myself, what makes these ladies less concerned with height than many others? They also want someone who they feel can protect them. It is clearly not a 'biological' need. Anyway, I do fine in the dating realm and I am never deterred to contact or date a woman taller than myself. I'll shut up now.


From my experience with OLD sites, as a 5'6" guy, you might have access to only 20-30% of the women on there (and that's before screening for your OTHER stuff, like photos, income, profile, etc :lmao:).


But I think the good thing is that 20-30% is going to be a mix of some really cute and good women. From what I have seen, the women who will accept shorter men is random. I do even remember from high school some of the shortest guys hot the hottest girls.


I said it before, but I'm really shocked that they don't have a reverse search dating site where short guys can input their height and come up with a list of women who accept that height. Because men do most of the messaging, that works a lot better.

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Ok, but everyone has their preferences, they are no more "obsessed" with tall men than men who only date busty blondes or Asian women, or tall model types...etc. are.

What is actually wrong with a woman wanting a taller man?

YOU are ultra sensitive as you know that particular preference excludes YOU, in the same way any preference voiced will exclude other groups.


Is it similarly "wrong" for some men to be "obsessed" with blondes, or for some men to be "obsessed" with petite women, or for some men to be "obsessed" with big breasts or for some men to be "obsessed" with thin women... etc. etc.?


All preferences naturally exclude those who do not meet the criteria, height is just another preference.


The difference is that there are maybe 5% of men who will ONLY date blondes. MAYBE. That sounds high. I've never met a man who only dates blondes.


Let's say you were blonde haired and 80% of men would not date men with blonde hair. They pass you up on the basis of your hair even though you'd click perfectly and be a perfect match.


Well ... you'd have something to say about it. Or maybe you wouldn't.


And let's say for argument's sake, you're a little person, a dwarf. Now, the % of women who would date you goes down to 5%. Probably much less. But still ... is that a good thing?

Edited by JuneJulySeptember
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Let's say you were blonde haired and 80% of men would not date men with blonde hair. They pass you up on the basis of your hair even though you'd click perfectly and be a perfect match.


This "clicking and being the perfect match" is what many say but it is not true if the person has some trait, that the other person does not like.

It doesn't matter what it is, blond haired or being short, having a long neck or a big nose, a bad temper or an annoying mannerism...


If the person is not comfortable dating that person as they do not find them attractive, then they are NOT the perfect match are they?

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Ok, but everyone has their preferences, they are no more "obsessed" with tall men than men who only date busty blondes or Asian women, or tall model types...etc. are.

What is actually wrong with a woman wanting a taller man?

YOU are ultra sensitive as you know that particular preference excludes YOU, in the same way any preference voiced will exclude other groups.


Is it similarly "wrong" for some men to be "obsessed" with blondes, or for some men to be "obsessed" with petite women, or for some men to be "obsessed" with big breasts or for some men to be "obsessed" with thin women... etc. etc.?


All preferences naturally exclude those who do not meet the criteria, height is just another preference.


I understand it's a preference. My use of obsessed is for the ladies out there who place it as one of the top two criteria AND 6+ inches taller themselves. Sheesh. I find especially interesting when shorter women want to date someone a foot or taller than themselves. Anyway, every woman I've dated who didn't have issues with height seem to be more progressive and in tune with what they really want in a relationship. Oh, well.

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I understand it's a preference. My use of obsessed is for the ladies out there who place it as one of the top two criteria AND 6+ inches taller themselves. Sheesh. I find especially interesting when shorter women want to date someone a foot or taller than themselves. Anyway, every woman I've dated who didn't have issues with height seem to be more progressive and in tune with what they really want in a relationship. Oh, well.


Shorter women do not want to be seen as short any more than men do. When standing up, they get ignored in conversations, talked over and sometimes even treated like kids.

Many, many short women wear huge heels as the norm, so they are taken seriously and can actually engage in conversations.

So although many women like heels, short women need their heels, it makes them of a "normal" size.

So when looking for a man, he needs to be at least equal if not 6" taller than her in her heels. Heels to a shorter woman are not a fashion accessory, they are part of who she is.

So the 5'0 woman with heels is at least 5'4 and if we add on 6" to look "right", she is looking for a man 5'10 and above.

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I understand it's a preference. My use of obsessed is for the ladies out there who place it as one of the top two criteria AND 6+ inches taller themselves. Sheesh. I find especially interesting when shorter women want to date someone a foot or taller than themselves. Anyway, every woman I've dated who didn't have issues with height seem to be more progressive and in tune with what they really want in a relationship. Oh, well.


Yea, it really makes you appreciate what you have sometimes.


I mean, I'm not saying my GF is perfect for me in every way, but she's a great person and she is a knockout.


And then I know that if I go back on Match.com, and I'm already rejected before I even get started by the majority of women. She's never even brought up my height once, and we've dating almost 2 years. She must be f@cked up in the head or something.

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Moderation merged two threads by the starter on a similar topic and we'll leave it in Dating as long as it's about member's personal dating experiences, or opinions on the starter's particular dating experience.


General rhetoric about height in dating has a very very long consolidated thread that we'll be happy to bring right to the top of the forum and merge such posts into. Thanks!

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I just respected him more when i asked him to bring elevator shoes & shoes' lifts & did not take this personally and told me sure if this bothers you when you when wear heals i will order those. He did 3 days ago from amazon. This guy is just amazing :)))

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I just respected him more when i asked him to bring elevator shoes & shoes' lifts & did not take this personally and told me sure if this bothers you when you when wear heals i will order those. He did 3 days ago from amazon. This guy is just amazing :)))


:lmao: ............................

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Yea, it really makes you appreciate what you have sometimes.


I mean, I'm not saying my GF is perfect for me in every way, but she's a great person and she is a knockout.


And then I know that if I go back on Match.com, and I'm already rejected before I even get started by the majority of women. She's never even brought up my height once, and we've dating almost 2 years. She must be f@cked up in the head or something.


She can't be that bad. You have been dating for 2-years, you would have seen cray cray by now, no?;)

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Height is one of those weird things that I don't think there is an equivalent to with men because it's so extreme for reasons I don't understand....


I'd say maybe weight, but women are picky about that too...


Men are always said to be the shallow ones, but I think unless there is some offset (ie he is wealthy or famous) women are moreso. I watched a seminar on matchmaking and it said that men in general are way less discerning physically than women. They have a "wood bang" and "would not bang" and the majority of women fall under the former lol. They rate women higher than women rate men based on looks. So a woman would rate a guy a 3 and a man would rate the same guy a 6. They both rated women similarly.



I will admit as a tallish(5'6) woman, I would prefer not to date a man shorter than me. If everything else was good enough I doubt it would be a deal breaker though . Interestingly, I'm not into men way taller either. My sweetspot is a few inches taller, as they usually have the build I like and no awkwardness in positioning lol

Edited by Cookiesandough
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