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Sexless Marriage - experiences, thoughts, comments very welcome

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OP, your only solution is to leave. This issue has gone too long, and is beyond being fixed. You're young, and you're wasting your life with her. I would suggest in future relationships, change your approach.

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It's long past time to move on and focus on having a good life and being a good co-parent.

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Tons of kids don't sleep through the night. My son woke up every 1.5 hours for the first nine months of his life. I still had sex with my husband literally every day, and I woulld have kept on doing that even if he hadn't become a good sleeper. Your wife doesn't seem to care about you at all. People have the energy for whatever they prioritize. Your wife doesn't prioritize you. It's as simple as that.


You don't have the marriage you think you do. You don't even know what a functional marriage is like.

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