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My boss is going to be pisssssssed!

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read faster by james gleick.


he explains that the things you log are the irrevelevant ones. it is the things you miss.


you have to log what seems insignificant. the document episode is a good example. why did you make acopy and when? does she have a histroy of losing the original and needinga copy? how many times have you made sure she has what she wants because she has not been prepared?


those are the things that speak beyond incident. it is about her behaviours. there are patterns in people's workstyles that make them do the things they do.


grabbing you was a manifestation of a frustration that happened without you. she just used you as a board.


if your work was our client we would be investigating her beyond her behaviours. the document thing implies information leaks and holes in productivity.


just document the simple things first. her scheduledown to the minute. your schedule and have them side by side when it is time for review. and not yuor schedule going forward. it is a rewind. like what you did all day and how long it took. and what she said she was doing.


8am meeting with this person. 822 phone call to that person. 155 left the office. 216 returned with no latte for me butan ice cream and a new outfit for her. etc etc etc.


it is the pattern you are trying to capture. the behaviours are already in evidence. and DO NOT tell anyone unless you are asked about it. No one is going to be upset if you are smart enough to protect yourself. the most important thing here.

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You should log any instructions that she gives to you, conversations (good bad or ugly), body language anything that can explain how she acts around you and what she says to you. Log that you arrived at such and such a time this morning and you said good morning - log her responce to you....did she put her eyes up? did she acknowledge you? You know, that sort of stuff and also the thing that you must do.... YOU continue to be the same employee that you were before any of this happened.


Do not give her any amunition. You work for a much higher power than who she is......the same signature is on both your paychecks right?




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If it ever comes down to it you will look better (in front of your superiors) by bringing out your Log and reading directly from the pages.


The Pen is Mightier than the sword.

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