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Current approach to science is wrong and undermines the authority of the word of God

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The problem of evidence is it is tied up in the 5 senses (mentioned earlier in this thread). What happens to "evidence" if I reduce your experience to that of just smelling? (hint: you'll end up living in a tent near McDonalds)

I'm not following. By tangible I mean non-literary, non-sophistic. The evidence for many unintuitive scientific claims isn't tangible in the 5-senses sense but through factual, reproducible layers of measuring we can always arrive at the same conclusion. Mathematics isn't tangible in your interpretation of the word either, yet it's a lot more precise and reliable in its predictions than any religion. A lot more people base their daily decisions on the correctness of mathematical theories than on the correctness of any given religion. Religion is an unsubstantiated theory of everything and far too many of its adherents want to bully outsiders into subscribing to it as well or descend into chaos and never come back.


Beautiful. What makes good, good if we're nothing more than animals?

I have yet to see all the animals who are as bad as many of my fellow humans. And how is goodness related to whether its manufacturer is human or not? A dolphin saving a surfer isn't doing good?

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