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Why do I feel worse?

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.. i think we both need to get laid and play some sports.


You've got that right. I freaking have lived on this website since I joined :lmao:


It has definitely helped me though. So that's always a plus.

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You've got that right. I freaking have lived on this website since I joined :lmao:


It has definitely helped me though. So that's always a plus.


Ha me too. I'm going to miss you man. Bro hug..not too close. :laugh::o


Ill get over it though.. we can go LC lol

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lol the dream I had last night could be very telling. (I like to think it is)


I was going to her house, for some reason I had the keys to get in and we were supposed to hang out. BUT she was nowhere to be found! I was texting her like crazy asking where she was with no answer and eventually was so upset that I left. So she wasn't actually in the dream, but it was about her.


Thoughts? lol I laid in bed a bit too long thinking of her this morning so I had to get up.



Yeah, your subconscious is struggling with letting go. The dreams do happen sometimes, but the more time in NC and the more distance you put into this. They'll start to go away.

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I think I'm slipping into indifference again. Hope this lasts more than a day or so. The whole thing is beginning to seem so long ago. I'm sure ill be torn up again in few hours and back to normal...so all is good. lol :o

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Yeah, your subconscious is struggling with letting go. The dreams do happen sometimes, but the more time in NC and the more distance you put into this. They'll start to go away.


That's what I figured it was. The dreams have been different though. Before I went strict NC (or as soon as I went NC) the dreams were us together on dates being happy. Then I actually had a dream about blocking her number a few days before I actually went ahead and did it. I had dreams where we were telling each other how much we hate each other. Dreams where she is pretty much telling me she's not into me anymore. and then last night.

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That's what I figured it was. The dreams have been different though. Before I went strict NC (or as soon as I went NC) the dreams were us together on dates being happy. Then I actually had a dream about blocking her number a few days before I actually went ahead and did it. I had dreams where we were telling each other how much we hate each other. Dreams where she is pretty much telling me she's not into me anymore. and then last night.



Natural progression I guess... Dude, you're the pysch major, not my field of study!

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That's true. That could be a reason why I'm a little fascinated by this whole "moving on" and "getting over" someone process. The amount of mindf*cks and the way we interpret things is ridiculous.


I've had my head in books for the past 3 hours and needed a break. Oh well, it's better than thinking of her. I give myself enough time to do that lol.

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Like I said man.. it takes time.


My counsellors yday told me it usually takes a full calendar year with all the holidays, birthdays etc.. taking place for our body and mind to realize the new life we must live.


Have you SEEN your school counselling center?


I will admit I'd NEVER share info before. But boy.. I went in and it's all anonymous and confidential. But i felt so good after and my counsellor gave me TONS of good feedback. Even how to impress girls and what things I am NOT doing to get girls to see me as I am etc.. about the break up. It's free counselling at my school if you're a student.


I'd advise you try it out sometime. It will def help you man!

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My counsellors yday told me it usually takes a full calendar year with all the holidays, birthdays etc.. taking place for our body and mind to realize the new life we must live.


I actually thought of this too and agree with it. I feel like I'll have to live a whole year without her, to realize what it's like without her in my life. God knows I'll think of her the day we got together, the day we broke up, proms, birthdays, etc. Not looking forward to it at all... Now I miss her again. lol

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I actually thought of this too and agree with it. I feel like I'll have to live a whole year without her, to realize what it's like without her in my life. God knows I'll think of her the day we got together, the day we broke up, proms, birthdays, etc. Not looking forward to it at all... Now I miss her again. lol

yeah but when the calendar years ends.. and 2014 comes.. trust me you'll have gone through it well! today is my ex's bday and it's the 1st time I wasn't there with her at midnight wishing her a happy bday or spending today with her. So it's odd with me right now.


I'm gonna go in a bit to the gym and let it out a bit.


I guess the next one that will hurt is my anniversary in a month and my birthday in 3 months. And then our BU in the summer. If I can make it past this next summer.. I think I will have healed well enough to go through all the events without her!

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Another rough patch. I just cried twice for some reason and want to tell her "I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong" and that "I still love her"


God I am such a freaking mess right now..

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Another rough patch. I just cried twice for some reason and want to tell her "I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong" and that "I still love her"


God I am such a freaking mess right now..


Every time you cry and let out what was built up you heal more. I always feel much better after a good cry and more recovered in the days after. This is a good thing. Your moving forward not backward.

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It definitely doesn't feel like that. Yesterday I felt like doing stuff, now I don't feel like doing anything. The only thing I want right now is her. Her and all of her problems. I want her so freaking bad and she's gone and never coming back. I just want to text her and oovoo with her and gahhh I'm gonna cry again. This is the worst I've been in a while..


I have that friend's birthday party on Sunday and now I don't even feel like going.

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It definitely doesn't feel like that. Yesterday I felt like doing stuff, now I don't feel like doing anything. The only thing I want right now is her. Her and all of her problems. I want her so freaking bad and she's gone and never coming back. I just want to text her and oovoo with her and gahhh I'm gonna cry again. This is the worst I've been in a while..


I have that friend's birthday party on Sunday and now I don't even feel like going.


I felt like that the other day. Like a deep deep sense of loss and despair..like mourning a death. I even cried a little for the 1st time in forever. Then all of the sudden i was fine. It is the roller coaster. You'll be off it soon. Cry get it all out..then bye bye as puzzled said to me. Then go for a run then to Starbucks and look at some girls.

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I just miss her and everything about her so much right now. I'd give anything to get her back and yes I know she's a cheating witch. I want to check up on her but I won't. I'm feeling guilty. Like it was MY fault she cheated on me. If only I was better, she wouldn't have left me for him. Tonight sucks...

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It's cuz its the weekend and there is downtime. That's when it hits. It wasn't you. Try to look forward to your party.


Stopped at the grocery store on way home and saw my ex's ex in there. She looked like a rag. Not sure if he's with her or not but I could care less. They could have each other if they are....Im going for better...and so should you!

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Simon Phoenix
i know i should want better but i don't, i just want her :(


she cheated on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Have you guys every wondered if ..Lets say for example


Simon, NA , Lost1 , Chi Town, and me got together for a beer. Would it be weird. Would we even have anything to talk about? Would we be like strangers even after having shared our deepest thoughts ect. We are all different ages and different stages in our lives. Would it matter...hmmm. Hell NA cant even get a beer at a bar yet. Would we all still be giving NA advise and handing him shooters and beers. Lol Weird though. But here we are all in the same boat.


I wonder how often people on LS have ever met up to talk in person. Guess im bored and mind is wandering. Didn't head out tonight.

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Simon Phoenix
Have you guys every wondered if ..Lets say for example


Simon, NA , Lost1 , Chi Town, and me got together for a beer. Would it be weird. Would we even have anything to talk about? Would we be like strangers even after having shared our deepest thoughts ect. We are all different ages and different stages in our lives. Would it matter...hmmm. Hell NA cant even get a beer at a bar yet. Would we all still be giving NA advise and handing him shooters and beers. Lol Weird though. But here we are all in the same boat.


I wonder how often people on LS have ever met up to talk in person. Guess im bored and mind is wandering. Didn't head out tonight.


I'd talk sports, make random, inappropriate observations and ogle females. And laugh at na trying to sneak drinks at the bar.

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Have you guys every wondered if ..Lets say for example


Simon, NA , Lost1 , Chi Town, and me got together for a beer. Would it be weird. Would we even have anything to talk about? Would we be like strangers even after having shared our deepest thoughts ect. We are all different ages and different stages in our lives. Would it matter...hmmm. Hell NA cant even get a beer at a bar yet. Would we all still be giving NA advise and handing him shooters and beers. Lol Weird though. But here we are all in the same boat.


I wonder how often people on LS have ever met up to talk in person. Guess im bored and mind is wandering. Didn't head out tonight.


You are bringing imagination to a whole new level hahaha not saying it's not possible, it's just weird lol

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You are bringing imagination to a whole new level hahaha not saying it's not possible, it's just weird lol


Hey th90. What are you doing here? Lol welcome to the party ! :) now we can buy you shooters too! Youll be our wing girl. (Meaning you make us look more attractive by having a female in our group). We need to get NA laid to get him out of his funk.


Well you know me I'm one weird dude! I mean I'm sorta cool..but weird too. Im letting out my inner geek :)


Dr. Th90 can administer medical attention to NA if he passes out. Lmao. Dont worry well monitor you for your allergy to alcohol. I hear repeated exposure reduces symptons.

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You are bringing imagination to a whole new level hahaha not saying it's not possible, it's just weird lol


Yes well keep and eye out for you!

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