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My plan on how to make myself more attractive to women

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As for improvements, as asked:


Aside from being clean and hopefully in shape, you should always set your focus on body language and your mindset. For body language, the important parts should be: smiling, eye contact and general body language (shoulders back, head up, chest out, belly in). Always being in the middle of the action can be pretty useful too.

As for the mindset, well, I guess that was discussed a lot already.

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lots of dicks and jerks fail with women....

Most are ugly...


Good looking jerks get the poosie

Good looking shy guys get the poosie..


Imo comes down to looks....

Personality comes second...


Looks get you in the door....


Good looks can't hurt, thats a given. But it doesn't come down to looks in my experience. Frankly it comes down to swagger with the ladies :)


But there is no magic button. Be clean, wear nice stuff that fits, get a hair cut, shave or if you don't want to then at least trim the growth, go to the gym - you don't have to get "big", but losing a few pounds around your bellybutton along with creating a definable bicep bulge isn't going to hurt your chances.

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Tall, good-looking guys do not have women throwing themselves at them all of the time. I have seen this from personal experience. Some guys have this happen to them. But then I've seen short, ugly men with hot intelligent women. I've also seen short, ugly men with fat ugly, mean women. I have seen short men, who have pretty faces, with good looking and bad looking girls. I have seen the same sort of combinations with tall men. With good looking men. Every rule has an exception. You don't have to be exceptional to be an exception, but you do have to do something different. People like quirk. Most are afraid of it. But the people who do like it, well, you'll see.

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Think about it this way:


For eons women have faced the possibility of getting pregnant to a guy who does not have "the goods" so to speak. He is a pushover and wont be "a man" and provide for her, protect her and can handle her as a woman and not be destablised. In short a "nice" guy who cares too much about what she thinks is not a confident man, leader and provider for her. She would be left raising a kid without the proper support.


I think you have the right idea with getting active, getting out there and doing things although do it for the right reasons. Part of being attractive is being who you are as a man independant of what other people think about you. Sure physical attractiveness is great but I think that decent women would agree that they would put a higher emphasis on who you are inside as being attractive, or more specifically how they FEEL with you as a guage for you atractiveness...


Just be a dude, get out there and have fun. In time you will meet someone suited for you. I read somewhere once that it is like archery, with every shot at the target you get closer to the center.


Good luck. Have fun.

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Fine line between confident and arrogant as i've found... you'll need some experience and it also varies between person to person so go out there and explore!

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