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Once I get it, I don't want it anymore..

mr.dream merchant

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Another thread where blatantly wrong behavior while in a relationship is excused because of gender. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/showthread.php?t=294669


And people wonder why some men want to defend the OP.


Some of the responses are absolutely ridiculous in that thread. I can't even remember if any female posters defended the OP and said he was right to be concerned but there were a few women trying to put the blame on the OP. :mad::mad:

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He is just as bad as they are but why are they not condemned? Why are women who treat men like crap looked at as heroes or victims on here?


What is it you want, Woggle? Women to wake up and smell the coffee when it comes to the horrible, gut-wrenching, soul-destroying abuse their sisters commit, or for more men to dish the same sh*t sandwiches as they do?


Do I think there's a bias that assumes women are victims and men are abusers by default? Yes. Do I think that bias is harmful and enabling abuse by women? Yes. Does it mean I want men to abuse women? No.


If you ever have a daughter or a niece, will you be just the same as you are here if (Heaven forfend) she ends up being chewed up and spat out by Mr Wet Dream Merchant here? Will you be telling her, "Well, some of your friends are skanks"?


The problem is abuse, not women, not men. If you want to reduce it, to help another soul not have to suffer the indignities you have, go and teach young men about asserting their selves in clear, strong, non-threatening ways.


You're defending bad behaviour by pointing out more bad behaviour like a rioter saying "I stole the TV cos there were loads of other people stealing stuff, your honour" and you expect the judge to say, "Fair enough, you have a point, go set light to an ambulance or whatever is the vogue these days, you cheeky young scamp"?


I mean, don't you even get a hint of doubt that your eye for an eye via complete strangers approach is not working, has never worked and will never work?

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What is it you want ? Women to wake up and smell the coffee when it comes to the horrible, gut-wrenching, soul-destroying abuse their sisters commit ?


This is what I want.

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Funny that a thread which started out as a boasting session about treating women as disposable should end in an angsting session about how cruel women are. I had no idea that expressing disapproval about people who treat other human beings as disposable was such an abusive action.


Or is it only abusive when the person expressing disapproval is female?

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What is it you want, Woggle? Women to wake up and smell the coffee when it comes to the horrible, gut-wrenching, soul-destroying abuse their sisters commit, or for more men to dish the same sh*t sandwiches as they do?


Do I think there's a bias that assumes women are victims and men are abusers by default? Yes. Do I think that bias is harmful and enabling abuse by women? Yes. Does it mean I want men to abuse women? No.


If you ever have a daughter or a niece, will you be just the same as you are here if (Heaven forfend) she ends up being chewed up and spat out by Mr Wet Dream Merchant here? Will you be telling her, "Well, some of your friends are skanks"?


The problem is abuse, not women, not men. If you want to reduce it, to help another soul not have to suffer the indignities you have, go and teach young men about asserting their selves in clear, strong, non-threatening ways.


You're defending bad behaviour by pointing out more bad behaviour like a rioter saying "I stole the TV cos there were loads of other people stealing stuff, your honour" and you expect the judge to say, "Fair enough, you have a point, go set light to an ambulance or whatever is the vogue these days, you cheeky young scamp"?


I mean, don't you even get a hint of doubt that your eye for an eye via complete strangers approach is not working, has never worked and will never work?


What we might want individually should have no bearing on our opinions involving people outside of our family.


And yes if I thought my daughter's friends were skanks, I'd say so.


We need people to ridicule and condemn people regardless of gender if they are in the wrong, I don't see that happening on this forum.

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What we might want individually should have no bearing on our opinions involving people outside of our family.


And yes if I thought my daughter's friends were skanks, I'd say so.


We need people to ridicule and condemn people regardless of gender if they are in the wrong, I don't see that happening on this forum.


It happens. Just look out for the 30 page long threads with a padlock at the end of them.

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I don't want men to abuse women but I don't want it the other way around either. It seems that too many women have a goose for gander mentality when it comes to women that mistreat and abuse men. I doubt that these women would be cheering these actions in the name of girl power if it happened to their son.

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We need people to ridicule and condemn people regardless of gender if they are in the wrong, I don't see that happening on this forum.



??? Have you read this thread?


Though I can't say I agree that we need to ridicule and condemn people who are in the wrong. Even though I succumb to the urge to do that, I don't believe it is a right or useful approach.


Next will we be putting them in stocks and hurling rotten veggies at their heads?


Oh, alright. I'll go for it if we can start with Mr. Wet Dream Merchant.

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mr.dream merchant

Lol. Now we're calling my mother a whore huh? You guys are really reaching now. This topic is about me and the women I deal with, my mother has little to do with this so I'd appreciate it if you kept her out of the topic of discussion. I've given enough praise to my mother on these boards over time, surely one of my *dearest* fans can pull up my history since they're so keen on tracking my every move.


Now then, onto the more important issue at hand. Verbally abusing women? Physically abusing women? How do you people figure? As I mentioned several times now, these women want to be ****ed. I'm only doing them a favor. And they come back for more obviously because the sex is great. These things keep slapping Mme.Chaucer, sally4sara, and zengirl in the face, probably very much so a reminiscent time in their past at a college dorm party or in a rest stop bathroom.


I'm actually going into work early because one of these ladies wants to give me special treatment in my car...lmao....what am I supposed to ****ing do? Say no? Ha!

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Or is it only abusive when the person expressing disapproval is female?


If a woman expresses disapproval of anything done by a man, it's known as "shaming." Something new I've learned here on LoveShack!


We wimmins better zip our lips when it comes to communicating with the menfolk, unless we are able to confine ourselves to praise.

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I'm actually going into work early because one of these ladies wants to give me special treatment in my car...lmao....what am I supposed to ****ing do? Say no? Ha!


Ha! is right. More like, your mommy's going to drive you to high school early because one of your teachers is giving you a chance to make up that remedial math test you flunked last week.


Good luck!

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mr.dream merchant

It's hilarious to say the LEAST that a couple of these women on these boards run around screaming about gender equality, double standards, and blah blah blah (insert butt hurt feminazi bull**** here)..and preach on and on about the female sexuality. So here I am, with a sexually liberal group of women, giving these women what they want. I don't take it from them, I don't persuade them (lol I do charm them though!), I don't lie to them. It's straight up good and honest sexual fun. Stuff that these local ***** preach about here. So finally when a woman out there somewhere is enjoying that sexual freedom, in this case with me, now the male involved (me) is a user and abuser? Mannnnnnn, shut the **** up.


And to the bitch that called or even suggested my mom was a whore, lol...my mom is 10 times the sophisticated and classy woman that all you HOPE to be. You want to know why I look down on all these bimbos out here? Because they lack alot. They lack the mental strength, the determination, ambition, class, self respect, smarts, and sense of humor that my mother has. So yeah, get mad at my mom...because she's shown me how a real woman is supposed to be. Until I get my hands on a woman who's actually worth the stress, money, time and energy..I'll continue to play the field. Complete and utter disrespect to insult someone's mother. Tasteless.

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mr.dream merchant
Ha! is right. More like, your mommy's going to drive you to high school early because one of your teachers is giving you a chance to make up that remedial math test you flunked last week.


Good luck!


Why don't you just swallow me already? You haven't come up for air yet and it's been almost a year. #Get.off.my.nuts.


Lol you know, I've always wondered what you, sally4sara and zengirl look like. I promise you're all overweight and under a 6/10. Don't hate me, just look in the mirror.

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I want to ask you of society constantly tells you that you deserved the bad experiences you had even if you never did anything wrong to a man. How do you think it feels for me when I have done nothing but treat women well before my divorce but then get told I deserve it because it is now payback time for men? Whenever I read a woman praising female cheating or in general treating men like crap it is like I am reliving that whole experience. Have most men in general been supportive of you? Most women I have dealt with have not been supportive of me but in fact seem to get a kick out of a man being treat that way.


I don't want to be aligned with these people but at the end of the day they would have my back much more than the people telling me I need to change.


Woggle, you're trapping yourself in your own cage again. Why can't you just call gross things gross, regardless of gender? Is that really so hard?


No one here is praising female cheating. Why are you connecting the two things in your mind? If a thread has someone praising a woman for cheating or treating a man badly, certainly, say that they're being gross! But that's irrelevant here. I've got no use for MDM --- he's a sleezeball and likely a lying troll, whatever --- but you're really disappointing me at present. I thought you were doing so much better lately.

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Disenchantedly Yours
To the bitch that called or even suggested my mom was a whore, lol...my mom is 10 times the sophisticated and classy woman that all you HOPE to be. You want to know why I look down on all these bimbos out here? Because they lack alot. They lack the mental strength, the determination, ambition, class, self respect, smarts, and sense of humor that my mother has


But you're behaving the SAME EXACT way these girls are. So then one can only logically conclude that what you say about these girls also applies to you. *Shrug*. Again, you are engaging in the same actions these girls are. You are not better then them.



So yeah, get mad at my mom...because she's shown me how a real woman is supposed to be. Until I get my hands on a woman who's actually worth the stress, money, time and energy..I'll continue to play the field. Complete and utter disrespect to insult someone's mother. Tasteless.


Truth be told, why should anyone on the board have respect for your mother? Because she gave birth to you? Women give birth everyday. To better men then what you've showcased.


Sorry but no one here automatically gets "mommy respect" just because their mommy had them.


And I find it completely erroneous for you to get outraged over a lack of respect and insults when that's all you've shown for the women who are sorry enough to have you.


Lastly, the fact that you hold these women in contempt for letting *you* touch them really shows that the real contempt is for yourself. You think these girls deserve to be called names because of all things, they slept with *you*. That's the irony. You're pretty much saying your garbage if the women who let you be with them our worthy of contempt.

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mr.dream merchant


But you're behaving the SAME EXACT way these girls are. So then one can only logically conclude that what you say about these girls also applies to you. *Shrug*. Again, you are engaging in the same actions these girls are. You are not better then them.





Truth be told, why should anyone on the board have respect for your mother? Because she gave birth to you? Women give birth everyday. To better men then what you've showcased.


Sorry but no one here automatically gets "mommy respect" just because their mommy had them.


And I find it completely erroneous for you to get outraged over a lack of respect and insults when that's all you've shown for the women who are sorry enough to have you.


Lastly, the fact that you hold these women in contempt for letting *you* touch them really shows that the real contempt is for yourself. You think these girls deserve to be called names because of all things, they slept with *you*. That's the irony. You're pretty much saying your garbage if the women who let you be with them our worthy of contempt.


Not exactly, but it was a nice reach. In actuality, these women are lucky to have me, only because they are providing a service. All I'm saying is that I will not date a woman who puts out easy. That's my preference alone to have. Deal with it kiddo. And I could give a **** about women who give birth everyday. All I ask is that you leave my mother out of it for the respect factor. If you can't understand that then obviously I stand over you.

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It's hilarious to say the LEAST that a couple of these women on these boards run around screaming about gender equality, double standards, and blah blah blah (insert butt hurt feminazi bull**** here)..and preach on and on about the female sexuality. So here I am, with a sexually liberal group of women, giving these women what they want. I don't take it from them, I don't persuade them (lol I do charm them though!), I don't lie to them. It's straight up good and honest sexual fun. Stuff that these local ***** preach about here. So finally when a woman out there somewhere is enjoying that sexual freedom, in this case with me, now the male involved (me) is a user and abuser? Mannnnnnn, shut the **** up.


And to the bitch that called or even suggested my mom was a whore, lol...my mom is 10 times the sophisticated and classy woman that all you HOPE to be. You want to know why I look down on all these bimbos out here? Because they lack alot. They lack the mental strength, the determination, ambition, class, self respect, smarts, and sense of humor that my mother has. So yeah, get mad at my mom...because she's shown me how a real woman is supposed to be. Until I get my hands on a woman who's actually worth the stress, money, time and energy..I'll continue to play the field. Complete and utter disrespect to insult someone's mother. Tasteless.


Looking back through the comments, I see that somebody did pass speculation on your mother. Those comments were as disrespectful as the comments you have made about women on this thread. I can see why you're annoyed about that, and I wouldn't condone the poster's comments.


However, her position would probably be that she doesn't give a damn about you or your mother any more than you give a damn about the women you throw out insults about. Why should she? Because a decent, respectful person wouldn't make such comments? Well, I agree with that. However, given the person you're presenting yourself as on here, you're not in much of a position to take humbrage over other people's tacky, disrespectful behaviour.


If you were more polite and respectful in the way you presented yourself on here, I'm sure you'd have witnessed other posters giving short shrift to the poster who made those derogatory comments about your mother. As it is, you've become somebody who brings shame and adverse commentary upon his mother by talking like somebody who was brought up in a zoo.

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mr.dream merchant
Looking back through the comments, I see that somebody did pass speculation on your mother. Those comments were as disrespectful as the comments you have made about women on this thread. I can see why you're annoyed about that, and I wouldn't condone the poster's comments.


However, her position would probably be that she doesn't give a damn about you or your mother any more than you give a damn about the women you throw out insults about. Why should she? Because a decent, respectful person wouldn't make such comments? Well, I agree with that. However, given the person you're presenting yourself as on here, you're not in much of a position to take humbrage over other people's tacky, disrespectful behaviour.


If you were more polite and respectful in the way you presented yourself on here, I'm sure you'd have witnessed other posters giving short shrift to the poster who made those derogatory comments about your mother. As it is, you've become somebody who brings shame and adverse commentary upon his mother by talking like somebody who was brought up in a zoo.


I get it. People on here are skeptics. All of you will never be introduced to my actual self in real life. So I can't do more to convince you that I'm not some illiterate, shameless, son of a whore. Lol. There's not much else I can say. The only women I'm insulting are the women who've been insulting me on this board my whole LS career. If you haven't noticed by now, I like to fight fire with fire....overwhelming fire. And if it weren't for Moderators watching my every move I'd use my talent in literature to sting these women probably for life. I have that ability with just my words. But as you know, I cannot. So just use your imagination, and think of every vulgar word of slander meant for women.....for those three posters. That's how I feel about them.


Back to the topic. Someone please tell me how I'm using these women, how I'm using them, lying to them. I did none of the above. These women WANT to sleep with me. You all act as if I'm taking it. I choose not to date these women. I do not want a woman who puts out easy FOR.MY.GIRLFRIEND. But I will gladly enjoy women who do put out easy while I'm single. If things start building up and I notice she's trying to attach herself to me, I will gladly put my foot down. And just to mention, I always let them know that before anything happens it is all in the name of good fun. They agree 80% of the time. So why am I being faulted for these women letting their emotions get out of control? I have no say in how they feel. They're women, they should know that they will get emotional after great sex. And they should certainly speak up knowing where I stand.


Women who put out easy? Not a problem. I'll call them a whore, slut, etc. Doesn't mean they're not a good/great person that I enjoy talking to. But that's just what they are. A trampy bimbo. It won't stop me from having fun with her. When it comes to my girlfriend, my wifey, wife, etc...she has to be classy. That's the only way I'll take her serious. I will not, no scratch that, cannot commit to a woman who's easy and has been with lots of men sexually. I can't. I could be 2-5 years into the relationship and she finally tells me her #. If I don't like it, you'll hear the keys then the door then the ignition to my car and finally, me peeling out. I refuse to be that guy. You know the one I'm talking about. The sucker who's in love with the woman who was everyone's girl. No siree bob.

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LS Career :laugh: Career?!?:lmao:


I haven't been in this thread for pages and pages and he is still coming out his mouth with my name? Must have a crush. :sick: I'm starting to think he makes up these threads just for, I guess since he keeps going on about us, me and two other female posters. Meh; he'll get over us eventually.


Sting away with your words laddie! What an over blown sense of self you've got there thinking you will be someone anyone will remember. Hey! At least you got a dream right? A dweam to one day hurt my feewings. I bet you piss in your breakfast every morning and then run to the mirror just to see the look on that stupid jackoff's face don't you. :laugh:

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LS Career :laugh: Career?!?:lmao:


I haven't been in this thread for pages and pages and he is still coming out his mouth with my name? Must have a crush. :sick: I'm starting to think he makes up these threads just for, I guess since he keeps going on about us, me and two other female posters. Meh; he'll get over us eventually.


Sting away with your words laddie! What an over blown sense of self you've got there thinking you will be someone anyone will remember. Hey! At least you got a dream right? A dweam to one day hurt my feewings. I bet you piss in your breakfast every morning and then run to the mirror just to see the look on that stupid jackoff's face don't you. :laugh:


It's pretty weird, I agree. I don't get his weird obsession with us. He can dare to dream the impossible dream, though.


Apparently our words "sting," or he wouldn't give two ****s, but I seriously cannot imagine MDM "stinging" me with his words. It's all kind of sad. But mostly just funny. :lmao:


This thread is as close as I come to watching Jersey Shore. :)

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??? Have you read this thread?


Though I can't say I agree that we need to ridicule and condemn people who are in the wrong. Even though I succumb to the urge to do that, I don't believe it is a right or useful approach.


Next will we be putting them in stocks and hurling rotten veggies at their heads?


Oh, alright. I'll go for it if we can start with Mr. Wet Dream Merchant.




By ridicule I mean let people know when they're in the wrong instead of justifying it or saying it's their choice.


I've read bits of this thread, haven't really paid attention to be honest but I remember posting that the OP is at fault but if these women didn't let him take advantage, he wouldn't be able to take advantage.

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It's pretty weird, I agree. I don't get his weird obsession with us. He can dare to dream the impossible dream, though.


Apparently our words "sting," or he wouldn't give two ****s, but I seriously cannot imagine MDM "stinging" me with his words. It's all kind of sad. But mostly just funny. :lmao:


This thread is as close as I come to watching Jersey Shore. :)


Yeah we're all waking up over here, getting ready to head to NY for the Rock the Bells concert. His words are managing to get us giggling a bit before we get on the road. None of the usual, ridiculous reality shows are on right now but we do got the MDM comedy show. ;)

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I get it. People on here are skeptics. All of you will never be introduced to my actual self in real life. So I can't do more to convince you that I'm not some illiterate, shameless, son of a whore.


No, people don't know you here - so all there is to go on is who you present on this board. Maybe to some extent you enjoy trolling and stirring things up a bit....but want to keep that behaviour separate from who you actually are as a person, in real life.


If you like to troll...whether in your own name or another name, that's part of who you are. So you own it. If you decide you don't like that aspect of yourself, then you alter it. But saying "you people don't know me" isn't entirely accurate. We know that part of you that is presented here on LS. We just don't know the better aspects that you are, presumably, presenting to the girls you're talking about on this thread.



Lol. There's not much else I can say. The only women I'm insulting are the women who've been insulting me on this board my whole LS career. If you haven't noticed by now, I like to fight fire with fire....overwhelming fire. And if it weren't for Moderators watching my every move I'd use my talent in literature to sting these women probably for life. I have that ability with just my words. But as you know, I cannot. So just use your imagination, and think of every vulgar word of slander meant for women.....for those three posters. That's how I feel about them.


I haven't followed your career on LS other than catching the odd post. I only read a fraction of the threads on here at any time, so I tend to miss most of what goes on...but this thread caught my eye on account of being so long. I figured there must be a bit of interesting drama going on.


Back to the topic. Someone please tell me how I'm using these women, how I'm using them, lying to them. I did none of the above. These women WANT to sleep with me. You all act as if I'm taking it. I choose not to date these women. I do not want a woman who puts out easy


To me, as a reader of this thread, I cannot understand why any girl would have sex with you. Purely because as you say, even if you quite like a girl you will lose interest in her as soon as you've had sex (the "disposable" aspect)...and more than losing interest, it seems that you lack respect for girls who sleep with you.


What I would wonder is whether they're aware of the degree to which you disrespect women who sleep with you. You perhaps have a belief that an intelligent woman should predict that any man she sleeps with quickly will disrespect her as a result of the sex.


However, there are men out there who have sleep with women soon after they've met them, and respect them just fine. Some of them go on to have relationships with the women/end up being happily married to them. It's not a universal truth that every man loses respect for and interest in a woman after he's slept with her. Men who do tend to take that view are going to get a bad reaction from women when they express it. Just as a woman who says "I lose interest in men once I've got what I want from them" is going to be slated by men as a user/gold-digger etc.


If somebody makes these pronouncements about themselves, then they'd probably better be ready for the ensuing disapproval. The trouble is that although people always claim not to care what others think, most people do have some degree of concern....which emerges at some point in the public "shaming" process.


You've got a couple of guys backing you up and saying "MDM has done nothing wrong here....the women have no right to speak to him the way they are." However the fact remains that the way you've presented this situation has got a lot of women's backs up. Which is fun for a while, and then it gets boring or infuriating...ie when somebody starts making adverse comments about your mother.


It's the consequence of dispensing with diplomacy, telling it as it is, courting controversy to a degree and not having too much concern about what others think of you. It will tend to lead to conflict, which can be fun for a while - then wearisome when the other person persists with their opposition after you see the conflict as finished. When it gets to a point where you decide "I'm fed up with always being at loggerheads with these people" then you have to figure out the next step which is to either disengage altogether with the people you're in conflict with. Or resolve things with them.


Disengaging is usually the easiest, and probably most sensible, method on here...but resolving conflicts online can be good practice for the real world.

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That's probably what the guys in the KKK say about their fellow Klansmen.

See Woggle, now you are being compared to a klasnman for daring to question the fuzzy logic of an aging, 1970's-style feminist crusader. I sense the inevitable Hitler comparison later in this thread...

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It's pretty weird, I agree. I don't get his weird obsession with us. He can dare to dream the impossible dream, though.


Apparently our words "sting," or he wouldn't give two ****s, but I seriously cannot imagine MDM "stinging" me with his words. It's all kind of sad. But mostly just funny. :lmao:


This thread is as close as I come to watching Jersey Shore. :)


I can't help but wonder if he is just baiting some of you women. He writes a crazy post and everyone gobbles it up, and you write huge logical responses as to why he is wrong. Its seems to be almost a PUA technique. Why are you giving him so much attention if you don't like him or his posts?

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