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Never thought I would be doing this


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It is a self-esteem problem? Surely it is.


Then why not try therapy? Just for yourself? Surely the real problem will not go away with a fantasy weekend. You gotta work on you as well. And working on you is not distracting yourself the from hard work you have to do by indulging in a fantasy.


willing to go to therapy to work on you?

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You'd be surprised how trivial it will all seem when you see the sadness creep across your wife's face and and the utter shock and disappointment at the man you've become towards her upon finding out. Really sad.

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Therapy? Not sure if I want to, or want or need to spend the money. it is all about what I am not getting, love and affection. A therapist is going to fill this void?


Even if this weekend happens and is a bust, or never happens again, it has awakened me to the fact that I deserve to be loved and given affection, as does everyone in a committed relationship. It is a basic fundamental need that anyone "in love" should be able to give effortlessly.


It has convinced me that I do not want to live a life void of this and, as another poster put so politely, "masturbating in the shower." Do I think telling my wife what I am about to do will sway her? Probably not. I have told her that this lack of affection and sex will lead to me eventually finding it somewhere else. I don't think she believes that. Have we talked about this in depth? No. But when I was trying to get us into therapy and trying to show her that I need to feel something, besides the friendship of a roommate, it just wasn't taken seriously.


And again, I am talking about long hugs, kisses, being the one to first say "I love you," calling once in a while, when I am working a long 14 hour day just to say hi, basic signs of affection, not her waiting at home with something sexy on, waiting to service my every need. It is about sex too, but I would say sex is only about 30-40% of the total equation.

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Sorry most of this reply is way off base. She is not looking for a sugar daddy. She comes from a professional family that lives in a house that costs twice what mine does. She has offered to pay some expenses for this trip. I told her thanks but it was not necessary. She has known I was married from the first week we met, almost 3 years ago.


I go to lunch with a lot of people, male and female. I have had lunch with other women, who I thought were attractive. That is not cheating.


The only part of your reply that makes sense is the part about fallout and I am thinking a lot about that.


Did you read your reply?

"HER FAMILY lives in a house that costs twice what mine does" This home does not belong to her. It belongs to her parents.


I can't tell you the countless men I've watched with women that are in the same age difference as you & this woman. I live in a community where these young girls come from money. Their parents have very affluant lives.

These girls are at an impressionable age. Whether they are considered adults or not. You are an older man paying her so much attention.:love:


One specific person I know -(he's 48 - she's 25 at the time) He had female friends that he would lunch with or have drinks with.(Wife of course never suspected a thing) One girl took special interest in him. He said the same things you did. Wife isn't paying attention, won't have sex, yadda yadda yadda. So he & this girl became closer. Would hang out more & more often until one day his business went belly up because of the economy. Where do you think this girl is now? She is nowhere to be found. OH & the wife eventually did find out thru a friend. She looked at his giving other women money & spending time with them as cheating. Whether sex happened or not she'll never know. They are divorced.


I think you're being naive.

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Therapy? Not sure if I want to, or want or need to spend the money. it is all about what I am not getting, love and affection. A therapist is going to fill this void?


Even if this weekend happens and is a bust, or never happens again, it has awakened me to the fact that I deserve to be loved and given affection, as does everyone in a committed relationship. It is a basic fundamental need that anyone "in love" should be able to give effortlessly.



A therapist does not fill the void - you do. YOU. The therapist walks you through it. Don't you understand this?


I'm 28 and even I know that a marriage and love is WORK and it can be tough. Things are not always so effortless and it's hard to sustain for years on end. Doesn't mean it's an excuse to stop showing affection but it takes its toll.


I am saying this not as an attack and forgive me for being quite inarticulate about it but I feel like I'm talking to a little boy that doesn't understand that ultimately your happiness comes from you and a weekend does not equal LOVE or companionship. This will not solve your problems and your self esteem issues will be waiting for you when you get back.

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and don't forget, you may end up causing the new girl a lot of pain as well ( just take a look over at the "other men/ other women" forum and you'll see some stories about the other side of the hurt and pain affairs can cause


Are you absolutely sure that you have exhausted all your other options ?


What I get from his side is that at the end of the day he just doesn't really care. He's frustrated and just wants to indulge because he feels he deserves it. I think the desire is so great to feel "loved" that it overrides everything else. I'm sure he knows his wife deserves honesty but he doesn't want to deal with it. He most likely doesn't want to deal with therapy either.


It seems like it's a completely hedonistic feed of ego and right now, in his life and where he is at with himself personally, is all that matters.

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Do I think telling my wife what I am about to do will sway her? Probably not. I have told her that this lack of affection and sex will lead to me eventually finding it somewhere else.


With this information maybe your wife doesn't care one way or the other. If that's the case then maybe you do deserve to just have fun with this. Seems shes already aware it may happen so she really can't hardly flip out if she finds out.

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With this information maybe your wife doesn't care one way or the other. If that's the case then maybe you do deserve to just have fun with this. Seems shes already aware it may happen so she really can't hardly flip out if she finds out.


But then why the heck stay together?! Being in a marriage that both people are not happy in is straight up TOXIC. Not to mention...will always taint the relationships you maintain on the side. Instead of affairs these people could just be having relationships with someone post-divorce.



Suck up the scary pain of asking for a divorce or go to therapy it will be minimal compared to the relief you feel when you're out of a bad marriage and can do what's best for you (with integrity and honesty)

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[COLOR=#0000aa]The part of the brain that inhibits risky behavior does not fully develop until age 25.[/COLOR]

A National Institutes of Health study suggests that the region of the brain that inhibits risky behavior is not fully formed until age 25, a finding with implications for a host of policies, including the nation's driving laws.

"We'd thought the highest levels of physical and brain maturity were reached by age 18, maybe earlier --
this threw us," said Jay Giedd, a pediatric psychiatrist leading the study, which released its first results in April. That makes adolescence "a dangerous time, when it should be the best."

So that is why teenagers are so reckless. Hardly comforting news. You can know this and they will still be reckless after all.



You are old enough to know better, she is not. You can fool yourself thinking you are all that but this very young adult doesn't know any better and as far as I'm concerned you are taking advantage of someone who doesn't know any better.


You talk kind about your wife yet you can't be honest with her? You have no idea what the after effect will be. This girl may go back and inform your wife...or maybe her boyfriend and you will be alone.


Maybe you are not all that and that is the reason along with a medical condition that your wife doesn't want to have sex with you. Are you well manicured? Do you take care of yourself? Or are you a creature of habit and come home, put your things by the door, change your clothes and stare at the tv for the night? Your wife may be bored with you.


I am the one that made the comment about not having things in common. There is a twenty year span of life that you have experienced that she has not and sometimes life lessons are taught. This poor girl hasn't had but a few years to live as an adult. Do her a favor and be a good man and NOT take advantage of her. This is just my two cents.

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since you say you can't be honest with your wife... i suggest divorce whether you sleep with this young gal or not.


if there isn't honesty in a relationship - you have nothing anyway. there is no foundation to build upon. it's an illusion - at best - based upon half truths or omissions. that is essentially nothing. so, there you have it - your marriage has now been reduced to nothing since you aren't willing to be honest and open to expressing what your truth is.


best to let nothing go - so you have a chance to have something rather than nothing.

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I am a Wayward Spouse. I had a short affair with another man who was not my husband. I did it because I thought I "deserved it" and even though my H and I "got along great," things were not perfect. There were physical issues, communication issues, all of that. I thought I'd tried to talk to him, told myself I tried everything I could, and this choice was my last resort. Because I deserved some happiness, right? Right?


It was by far and away the worst choice I ever made. My H found out, and I will never forget the look of hate on his face. I will never forget the pain I saw him in, the anger, the hurt, all because of a stupid and selfish and low choice I made. Having my ego stroked and some validation from another man was NOT WORTH IT.


I started therapy. And it WAS worth the money, because the therapist didn't fill my voids, but she helped me see HOW TO FILL THE VOIDS MYSELF. I was the one with the problems, not my H. I was the one with the issues, not the marriage. While my H isn't the angel of perfection, he did NOT deserve what I did to him. That was ALL ON ME. And if you go through with this, that will be ALL ON YOU.


I'm sorry, but you're story makes me so angry because it hits so close to home. I said the same things to myself, wanted the same things for myself. (Because it was all about me.) And I even know my little rant here won't change your mind because nothing changed mine once I'd decided to pursue another guy. But I can hope at least.


So good luck, have your fantasy weekend if you really want to, but seriously, take a look in the mirror, meet your eyes, and think about it.

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I started therapy. And it WAS worth the money, because the therapist didn't fill my voids, but she helped me see HOW TO FILL THE VOIDS MYSELF. I was the one with the problems, not my H.


Amen mah dear.

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since you say you can't be honest with your wife... i suggest divorce whether you sleep with this young gal or not.


if there isn't honesty in a relationship - you have nothing anyway. there is no foundation to build upon. it's an illusion - at best - based upon half truths or omissions. that is essentially nothing. so, there you have it - your marriage has now been reduced to nothing since you aren't willing to be honest and open to expressing what your truth is.


best to let nothing go - so you have a chance to have something rather than nothing.


Thing is, he HAS the "best" of two worlds now, because he lets his W live the illusion of an honest marriage by depriving her of the truth, his truth. For him it's all good. He gets to choose, she doesn't, because she's being misled. Why would he change that? He's doing fine. It won't last, but right now he's doing just fine. If he gives the W all details and the truth, like he definitely should but definitely won't do, she might make a decision he won't like. Why give her that option BEFORE he has even explored the new and interesting? Would it be fair to give her a decent choice? Sure. Is he man enough to give her a decent choice before the situation gets out of hand? No WAY! He's in control and makes HIS choices based on what's good for HIM. Duh.

What else is new in affair-land? Getting old.

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Your last post, in my opinion, is the most well thought out and best advice I have received. Thank you. I do disagree that I used my wife as an "emotional pivot to gain the affection of another woman." I never lied, misled, played a sympathy "woe is me" card, or have even talked about my situation at home with my friend. I do not call her "the other woman" yet, since no physical activity has occurred.


I am on the fence as to whether becoming close friends with someone of the opposite sex and sharing feelings with them is cheating. Am I close to cheating? Yes. Have I yet? I do not fully agree.


I have shared personal feelings and deep thought with a best friend, who is a guy I have known for 30 years and that is not considered cheating. I have not talked to him about this, though. think women invented the term "emotional friend" and feel they deserve all the attention, all the emotion and every drop of everything. That is what I get from a few posters in this forum.


I am only at my current place because of all the frustration, resulting from years of trying to solve this problem. I am not sure I understand the "challenge" part. There was no challenge. I don't think either of us (myself or my friend) would have imagined being in this position six months ago. It was just a friendship, where feelings began to develop. I was not looking for this, or trying to find a "challange" or "conquest." I could do that easily and could have years ago. This is much deeper and different.


The story of her boyfriend? I do not know, just as she really does not yet know the details of my home life.


If I do move on and my wife's medical problems clear up, I would be happy for her. I really do not think her problems are psychosomatic. I would still be hurt by losing the longest relationship I have ever had, but perhaps that is what it will take for both of us to truly be happy?


I have talked about this problem until I am just so sick of getting essentially no reply. It is a self-esteem problem? Surely it is. At home I feel unwanted and uncared about. I want to tell my wife about what is happening, but don't know if I can before this trip. I have told her many time that this could likely lead to divorce and she really doesn't give a serious reply. She just says I need to mellow out and we move on.


I just do not want the drama at this time. For once I just want to get away and shut out the world. Still not sure which direction I will go yet, this forum has got me thinking a lot about it and offered some perspectives I had not thought about. I do not like being twisted in these different directions.


Foggy, I feel a vibe that really you have been a patient man but within this you have become re-programmed because of lack of affection. In short, because you have been a patient man you feel that you can rationalise a lot of stuff that is shouting WARNING, WARNING, WARNING ... right in front of you. Most notably, you are now in a position where you are missing out key options.


Mainly -


a. Ok, even if married you do not have to put up with a lack of affection. You can leave and if you want, not even give an explanation.


b. Your actions have consequences that can be long term.


Sir, you have shared aspects of your marriage with an outsider who is willing to assist you in keeping your Wife in the dark about your TRUE feelings. Beware of anyone who is willing to assist in the keeping of a secret. I mean, as a grown man, why should you keep anything a secret? .. Erm.. because it has consequences you want to keep at bay.


This is not being a man.


Regardless of whatever you feel about spirituality, you do seem to have some sort of moral code and must know that the keeping of secrets begets much misery once the secret is out.


Even if you were to move out as you work it all out, this would be sufficient. To cheat on your wife is wrong. Be a man and face up to the hurt that you feel. Stop burying this today.


Remember back to when you were single. This person has bought you these feelings and this maybe a blessing in disguise for all I know; I do believe very strongly that with holding sex is a form of control. What you do with this opportunity will be key to really finding out something new about yourself. You don't have to actually go through the door because sex is on offer... WTF? Sex is a form of communication. Do you just want to come in her? Do you want to love her? Affairs are wrong because your options after the event are based not on your response only. Suppose her boyfriend comes and smacks you in the mouth two days later? Suppose this person who you find all this intimacy with changes, just like your wife? What then? It has happened once, why are you behaving like a 22 year old will not change?


Life is about learning from experiences. You have not learned what you need yet from the experience with your wife, so why start something afresh? Well, it is not even afresh.. it is an inbetween state, just like what you have right now with your Wife.


No, Sir, you are attempting to give over probably more than what this 22 year old (Gosh, my daughter is 22 soon) even knows about. :eek:


Sir, live true. Take the consequences on the chin, not on your backside. If you have been truly patient and long suffering, life will regard you with peace of mind, love and kindness. If you want to bypass all of this and 'get some ass'.. you have let yourself down after all you have done with not previously cheating.


Be a man.


You know, my Hubby went through a good few years of being denied sex by his ex and she cheated on him in the end.. (****ing bitch, can't stand her) You know what his last words were to her? He said to her after she refused counselling, 'I am going to get someone better than you'. The blonde bitch hates me because of those words. I came along 18 months later after he had sorted out the financial and emotional mess of his divorce and he has simply never been happier. Me too.. We are hitting 12 years marriage this year.. and we are still madly in love and all that.. :bunny:


Think hard about your happy ending Sir. I can assure you that sex hasn't changed since you last got some. :lmao:


You have to look at yourself objectively here, not with hot sex in the distance fast approaching. Factually, you have shared an aspect of yourself with another woman which has given her the green light to agree to come with you and share a room away from home. You have cheated already by cultivating this process.


You being a patient man is about to change to becoming a cheating man. Find out what the history of this young one is. You may be damaging her as well as just not loving her in a way that is honourable.


Please, take care,

Eve x

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I am a Wayward Spouse. I had a short affair with another man who was not my husband. I did it because I thought I "deserved it" and even though my H and I "got along great," things were not perfect. There were physical issues, communication issues, all of that. I thought I'd tried to talk to him, told myself I tried everything I could, and this choice was my last resort. Because I deserved some happiness, right? Right?


It was by far and away the worst choice I ever made. My H found out, and I will never forget the look of hate on his face. I will never forget the pain I saw him in, the anger, the hurt, all because of a stupid and selfish and low choice I made. Having my ego stroked and some validation from another man was NOT WORTH IT.


I started therapy. And it WAS worth the money, because the therapist didn't fill my voids, but she helped me see HOW TO FILL THE VOIDS MYSELF. I was the one with the problems, not my H. I was the one with the issues, not the marriage. While my H isn't the angel of perfection, he did NOT deserve what I did to him. That was ALL ON ME. And if you go through with this, that will be ALL ON YOU.


I'm sorry, but you're story makes me so angry because it hits so close to home. I said the same things to myself, wanted the same things for myself. (Because it was all about me.) And I even know my little rant here won't change your mind because nothing changed mine once I'd decided to pursue another guy. But I can hope at least.


So good luck, have your fantasy weekend if you really want to, but seriously, take a look in the mirror, meet your eyes, and think about it.


I'm also a WS. I had a brief EA, which my spouse did not find out about, but if he did find out about it, I have no doubt I would have been met with the same look of hatred.


Although I did not seek counselling, I knew that I was the only one to blame for it. Since the EA ended, I have been actively working on the relationship with my spouse, my children but mostly my attitude about life in general. I am the only one responsible for my actions, and I have to learn to stop blaming others for life's dissatisfactions. I had had counselling in the past which had not proven itself useful. But I am using things my therapist told me back when, which I only now fully understand what she meant at the time.


To the OP... don't do it. It is NOT worth it. The temptation is very very very high, but please do resist.

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What you want is pure fantasy and will never turn out like you have built it up in your head. I was involved with a MM for a few months and everything you have talked about- we had. The awesome connection, the emotional closeness, the amazing sex. But it is just a fantasy built on the secrecy that an affair creates. Obviously this 22 year old wants to have sex with you-she would not be going away with you and staying in your room otherwise. You are currently having an emotional affair (feelings for someone other than your wife) right now. I think she is attached to you and wants to see how far you will take it.


it really that wrong to want a fantasy-like weekend getaway, without someone who not only is very smart (a recent college grad), has a great personality, and enjoys my company? We have talked about FWB relationships before and she knows I am married, so I doubt she is making any long-term plans for a relationship with me, although the upcoming weekend could push either one of us in that direction.


This part of your story stuck out to me. It seems you want one or a few casual weekends where you can act out your fantasy and get those needs your wife is failing to meet, met by a hot 22 year old that you feel close to. I have to WARN you that this girl probably wants more than a one night fling. She is probably attached to you and likes you and if you have sex she may grow closer and start to have feelings that she wants you to leave your wife. My MM and didn't start out with an emotional attachement. We had sex right away and the sexual connection was amazing. We started spending more time together and just naturally developed a very strong emotional connection as well. After three weeks he told me he was in love with me (affairs create crazy feelings) and I fell for him hard because he treated me better than anyone ever had. I was his "feel good" and he treated me well so he wouldn't lose that. We became attached, addicted to each other. Spend so much time together and he was somewhat like you. He and his wife's sex life had dwindled, he tried to spark it up with different things, she wasn't interested in him or attracted to him. She didn't show him affection and he met me (a younger woman) who couldn't keep her hands off him. In the beginning I never wanted him to leave his wife but then he suggested it and thats all I wanted from then on.


I fell for him hard and he even left his wife for me after she found out. We stupidly thought we'd have the perfect life together, however he was torn because his wife wanted him back no matter what and was so hurt and destroyed. The guilt ate him alive and I left him because I couldn't handle it all. I miss him every day and I hate that I ever got involved. So it doesn't end pretty. Its not like you will have this wonderful weekend and then go back to your wife and be happy. This girl may want more than you think. Yes she knows you are married but she is also assuming you are not happy and do not want to be married since you are willing to cheat with her. I second the "don't do it!" It will feel good at first but you will regret it in the end.

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Please take a moment to put all of this on the scales.


Then step back, and look at the balance.Take your time, take it all in.


Look at it it from every possible angle.



You are considering risking your wife's very capacity for trust itself,her emotional well-being, her physical and mental health----


For a fantasy weekend??


If your wife finds out you lied and cheated, the devastation could affect her permanently.A betrayal of that magnitude, perpetrated by the one person she trusts more than anyone----She may never be the same again.


For a fantasy weekend?




Are you really willing to make your wife pay that price? So you can get your ya-ya's? For a weekend?On a gamble?



Because the truth is, the betrayed party pays the highest price.

Your wife will have to pay for your fun on the side.

Your wife will have to pay for your inability to be honest with her.

Your wife will pay for your calculated deception.And strategic omissions of truth.


The act of deception might very well kill her heart.

She will feel shock, despair, humiliation, disbelief, anxiety, rage,self-recrimination,embarassment.


She will feel ambushed---blindsided.


She will lose sleep.


She will be haunted by intrusive mind movies that parade across her vision when she lays in bed at night.These can last for a few years.

She will be wondering just how much of her life with you has been a lie.


She will wonder if every kind word or gesture on your part ,since the beginning of the affair was simply a ruse to manipulate her into complacency.


Again, for a fantasy weekend?


Put it on the scales...................


You would make your wife pay for your weekend of pleasure, with years of pain?:confused:

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Personally, I think he's already cheated on her.

Secret lunches - These lunches with her can hardly qualify as work related considering his feelings for this other woman.

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6 X's in 4 Years and no kids!!!!!! The fact he has accepted this and lived through it I feel nothing but sadness for him. What a cruel uncaring spouse to basically laugh at him, mock him and make him feel selfish/childish because he wants sex and intimacy in a marriage.


To me his lack of action is pretty pathetic.


That being said, if the OW was over 30 I'd slap him on the back and tell him to enjoy himself and don't leave the room for 3 days (and I am against infidelity and would rat out any friend who cheated)......


Yes the fact she is 22 is the only issue, but nowadays, what do I know anymore (as long as not my daughter)....:laugh:;):p

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Call me Miss Mimo (instead of Cleo). I am going to tell you what your future holds.


(silence so I can get in trance)


In your near future, I see you laying in bed having "amazing" passionate BOINKING (words of BB) with someone that resembles, ummm.... someone that can be your child :confused:. You will feel sparks, chills, butterflies, an undescribable feeling. It's like a drug. Things will get intense. Then I see DARKNESS, everything will get very very very dark, all of the sudden. This will happen when your W beats the ish out of you and puts your bags on the curve. I see your finances being affected with a huge loss. Unemployment?


Ok, let me cut the clowning. Seriously... this is SOOOOOOOOOO typical. :sick: It's like they all drink from the same water.:rolleyes:


Ever heard of mid-life crisis? You are auditioning for poster-child right about now.


Do everyone a favor- Tell your W about your room accomodations, tell your 22yr old she will have to play wifey after that. We will be right here when shyte turns ugly.




You are playing serious games with your life and career. At least have bigger aspirations. An INTERN?????????????? :o

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As a man, I am honest enough to know that I would love to have a fantasy weekend with a young, very attractive girl. Isn't that every man's fantasy?


I guess. Maybe you can only impress a "young" girl. LOL! Why don't you try hooking up with a real, grown a$$ woman. A 22yr old doesn't even know how to s*ck it. (Sorry no offense to the young'ns)

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I guess. Maybe you can only impress a "young" girl. LOL! Why don't you try hooking up with a real, grown a$$ woman. A 22yr old doesn't even know how to s*ck it. (Sorry no offense to the young'ns)


And she doesn't even know herself to boot. a 22 year old does not know who they are or what they want out of life. They have to make mistakes and learn from them in order to grow.

Yea - I said it....this is her mistake. This will be a life experience for her.

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Bentnotbroken, I must say nobody's comments have angered me, but yours. Your "pious" profile picture, wording of "in gods grace" and your know-it-all attitude and assine assumptions, make me think you are the typical religious hypocrite.


I am being completely sincere. I have no reason to lie to a forum of strangers.


Anonymously sincere to a bunch of strangers... ok, let's try this on your W. Thank you.:)


And please do not make it sound like my friend is 15, or that I am at the playground trying to con some young child into sex. She is 22. Completely an adult. Completely free to make her own decisions. Don't act like she is being led blind into this.


Umm... nah, she is not blind, she is stupid. Wasting her time on someone that they day she gets stretchmarks is going to bounce on her too.


Bentnotbroken, you are crass, judgemental, and typical for most people that outwardly push their religion to people. While I very much appreciate the advice I have got from all others in this forum, I wish you would just go read your bible, tell yourself how great you are, and refrain from commenting further in this thread. In all reality, people like you make me want to vomit.


Ditto! :) I share the sentiment. It is disgusting.:sick:

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I guess. Maybe you can only impress a "young" girl. LOL! Why don't you try hooking up with a real, grown a$$ woman. A 22yr old doesn't even know how to s*ck it. (Sorry no offense to the young'ns)


Seriously... you are TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, my Hubby practically runs to the bedroom at night because he knows he is going to get it GOOOOOOOOD.. not even like before.. :cool: Some different **** is going to go down..


Sorry OP, I don't mean to be disrespectful.. but MIMS post is PISS FUNNY! Couldn't resist!


Take care,

Eve x

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