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Does breast size matter?

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Are you serious?? Telling us to feel comfortable with what nature gave us and at the same time, deeming anything above a C cup unacceptable (and presumably anything smaller than A cup) for many of us, nature gave us Ds, Es and beyond, sorry but your "suffocation concern" is the last thing on our minds..


Like I originally stated, women are more concerned about their breast size then men are (you're a perfect example). I did NOT say anything bigger than a 'C' cup was UNacceptable; I said it could be UNcomfortable for the women, and a I JESTED that a male could be suffocated with them. If I offended anyone I apologize.


The point I was trying to make is that WOMEN are more concerned about breast size than MEN are! MEN LOVE ALL BREASTS!










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...anything between an ‘A’ (not totally flat-chested, though) and a ‘C’ is great. Anything larger is suffocation hazard for men (lol)


You can't make these claims and then say that men love all breasts when quite clearly, you personally do not.


I mean, how stupid is this. It's like me saying all penises are amazing, provided that they are precisely 6 inches no more and no less. :rolleyes:

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From my personal experience and from conversations with friends and other men, I believe that women care way more about breast size then men. I myself prefer smaller perky breasts. I really don't know many people who like huge fake breasts.


I understand someone getting surgery to reduce massive breasts, I bet they are not easy on the rest of the body, or even to lift them a bit, but to make them bigger (maybe unless a women is completly flat chested) I really don't get it, or find the end result attractive.


This does not apply only to breasts, women are insecure about things that men don't even notice or care in the least, my wife often complains about random things in her body, especially after pregnancy, but trully to me, she is still sexy as she as always been.


It's important for women and men to feel confortable about themselfs, but in most cases is a matter of accepting oneself, people tend to focus on their flaws and blow them out of proportion. This does not mean, that, for example if a person is overweight shouldn't try to have a healthier lifestyle, but going under the knife, only should be done as a last resort.


So many women do plastic surgery and even when it goes well they appear to be all the same, like they were made in a assembly line, I love the little differences in people, even some "imperfections", diversity is great.

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From my personal experience and from conversations with friends and other men, I believe that women care way more about breast size then men. I myself prefer smaller perky breasts. I really don't know many people who like huge fake breasts.


I understand someone getting surgery to reduce massive breasts, I bet they are not easy on the rest of the body, or even to lift them a bit, but to make them bigger (maybe unless a women is completly flat chested) I really don't get it, or find the end result attractive.


This does not apply only to breasts, women are insecure about things that men don't even notice or care in the least, my wife often complains about random things in her body, especially after pregnancy, but trully to me, she is still sexy as she as always been.


It's important for women and men to feel confortable about themselfs, but in most cases is a matter of accepting oneself, people tend to focus on their flaws and blow them out of proportion. This does not mean, that, for example if a person is overweight shouldn't try to have a healthier lifestyle, but going under the knife, only should be done as a last resort.


So many women do plastic surgery and even when it goes well they appear to be all the same, like they were made in a assembly line, I love the little differences in people, even some "imperfections", diversity is great.


This post is just a reiteration of the OP's post. Meh.


By the way - cup size is highly dependent on torso width - meaning that a 32D and a 36D aren't the same cup size at all. So this whole A to C being the ideal range thing is kind of meaningless anyway.


Hey guys, here's a protip - if you really don't want women to be self-conscious about their breast sizes, feel free not to tell us what to do with them to make them more attractive to you, or to start a thread saying in one man's opinion what the ideal range is. It's really aggravating to try to tell women that they're a) thinking too much about it; but also b) here's what I think would look best, for your edification, but why do you take things so seriously, I was just joking! Although srsly, big breasts aren't attractive, especially fake ones, although flat-chested women might consider it and maybe big-breasted women should think about shaping them, and stop being so self-conscious, women!


Said with a total lack of irony. A more accurate title for the thread would be "Men and Their Breast Size Concerns".

Edited by serial muse
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a ‘C’ is great. Anything larger is suffocation hazard for men (lol)

I'm a natural 36-F.


And I can attest from my 300+ sexual partners that MANY people (men and women) like breasts larger than a C-cup without concerns for suffocation.


So there. :p:p:p

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Michelle ma Belle
You can't make these claims and then say that men love all breasts when quite clearly, you personally do not.


I mean, how stupid is this. It's like me saying all penises are amazing, provided that they are precisely 6 inches no more and no less. :rolleyes:


Sorry OP but speaking as a naturally large breasted woman even after my breast reduction at age 20, I was thinking the same thing.


You can't make a sweeping statement of acceptance then put parameters around it. It makes no sense at all.


WOMEN - just love what God gave you and if some guy can't, hasta la vista baby!!


That goes for men and their penis too :p

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Ever since I was a kid, I fantasized of women with large marshmallows smothering me, warming me up as I would quiver in my sheets.


If I suffocate, then at least I died with a smile on my face...and with honor.

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I was always opposed to fake breasts. But then I had a relationship with a woman who had fake breasts. They were amazing. Couldn't even tell they were fake. Mind=blown.

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I always thought the "more than a mouthful is a waste" thing was utter tripe, fwiw. I love em all - big, small, huge, perky, shy, enormous, tender, firm, medium, pink, chocolate, sensitive, brazen, up, down .....they're BOOBS ffs. :D

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I always thought the "more than a mouthful is a waste" thing was utter tripe, fwiw. I love em all - big, small, huge, perky, shy, enormous, tender, firm, medium, pink, chocolate, sensitive, brazen, up, down .....they're BOOBS ffs. :D



Sing it!!!

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Heh, in fact I care too little about my breasts. Last Friday while shopping I found out I've grown from a B to a C cup. Luckily there was a young girl at the store as well who had no clue at all about BHs so I was covered. :laugh:

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Lovely pair of B's here. Will never sag, and I can run marathons with little more than KT tape to keep 'em happy.



Plus ballet looks prettier with small boobs. *shrug*




just find your niche, girl. Be happy you don't have to keep your boobs in boob jail, lol.



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Id say it does....In the same way broad shoulders and a V shaped torso on a man "matters" to women..


Show a 100 men off the street pics of 2 identical women...one with A's or one with D's and probably 90+ are picking the one with D's...


But lets face it...There aren't many women that weigh 115 lb, have a fit body and a pair of natty DD's...And there aren't many guys with classic mesomorph bodies either...It reaches something primitive in us...Big strong men being seen as more virile and busty women being more fertile...



And forgive me for saying this....But just like a rail thin guy with no muscle cant really brag about his abs, a woman that's big all over really cant brag too much about her enormous breasts...It doesn't have the same impact..


Be happy, everyone...Whatever your chosen image is in life, you can rest assured that some people are going to find it irresistible...




Edited by thefooloftheyear
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I think that a person's physical attributes are quite subjective - what one person finds attractive someone else may not. Personally speaking I don't put much emphasis on the size of a woman's breasts. In fact I was once very much in love with a woman who had to have a double mastectomy due to breast cancer. I can honestly say that for me, qualities such as confidence, compassion, kindness, character, and integrity far outweigh a woman's boobs. To that end I never noticed her surgery scars and have yet to duplicate that level of attraction although I am still hopeful :)

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Unless they are causing her medical issues, no woman should worry about the size of her boobs. There are men who will love and appreciate what she has. I've found a woman with small breasts to be just as sexy as a woman with large ones.

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It is an interesting phenomenon to me, that so many women want to be judged on their personality rather than their bodies/looks, yet worry so much about their bodies/looks.


If someone doesn't give you "attention" because they prefer a different boob size, surely that is a good thing. A guy who judges you based on your body has just filtered himself out. He has done you a favour, leaving you to concentrate on the guys who actually want to get to know you rather than your mammaries.

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Michelle ma Belle
It is an interesting phenomenon to me, that so many women want to be judged on their personality rather than their bodies/looks, yet worry so much about their bodies/looks.


If someone doesn't give you "attention" because they prefer a different boob size, surely that is a good thing. A guy who judges you based on your body has just filtered himself out. He has done you a favour, leaving you to concentrate on the guys who actually want to get to know you rather than your mammaries.


Bingo!!!! :bunny:

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It is an interesting phenomenon to me, that so many women want to be judged on their personality rather than their bodies/looks, yet worry so much about their bodies/looks.


If someone doesn't give you "attention" because they prefer a different boob size, surely that is a good thing. A guy who judges you based on your body has just filtered himself out. He has done you a favour, leaving you to concentrate on the guys who actually want to get to know you rather than your mammaries.


They worry so much about it, because they know its important..Guys should be worried, as well, although women seem to be more forgiving..I say seem, but Im not even sure of that...



What you posted sounds nice and PC....but doesn't work in the real world...


Guys judge women on their bodies and looks as do women judge men...


If they didn't you wouldn't have the numerous threads on here from both genders complaining about their partners appearance/body/whatever...Or that some women never date men shorter than 6'...blah, blah..


Its completely normal and healthy to judge based on looks,,People have their physical preferences..nothing at all wrong with that...And quite frankly, first impressions are rarely going to be anything more than looks alone..


Now if someone based all of their eggs in the looks basket, then sure, it probably is going to be a letdown...But to think that someone isnt supposed to have standards is utterly ridiculous...



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Breast size doesn't matter at all to me. My wife has huge ones. I had a girlfriend once that was completely flat-chested. And other women all sizes in between. I loved them all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have small ones too and am *a little* self-conscious about them, nothing too extreme. I just wish I had bigger ones, but it's definitely not the most hated thing about my body. Anyway, I am with a guy right now (been with him for 3.5 months) whose ex, I happen to know, was huge-breasted. I sometimes wonder if he's thinking something when we have sex-- like whether it's a bit of a letdown for him. He hasn't said anything, of course, but what guy would?


I think my face is a lot prettier than hers, but she had big boobies. Nothing I can do about it.

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I have small ones too and am *a little* self-conscious about them, nothing too extreme. I just wish I had bigger ones, but it's definitely not the most hated thing about my body. Anyway, I am with a guy right now (been with him for 3.5 months) whose ex, I happen to know, was huge-breasted. I sometimes wonder if he's thinking something when we have sex-- like whether it's a bit of a letdown for him. He hasn't said anything, of course, but what guy would?


I think my face is a lot prettier than hers, but she had big boobies. Nothing I can do about it.



People who are so into self-critiques that they don't reeeeeeeeeally take the time to look around, end up missing the clear psychology that is playing-out right before their eyes.


If you take 15 completely flat-chested adult women and put them in a room, and 13 or 14 of them wear the same ruffly, loose-fitting tops every moment of every day... then the 15th one need only buck the trend, and flaunt whatever she has, to get all of the attention.


Human psychology creates that... and in the same way, the guy who was with some woman who is "huge-breasted" for some amount of time, is likely to find the woman with smaller breasts more intriguing than the woman with smaller breasts ever thinks he would.



And the more intimately you allow a partner to scrutinize you, the more variety/uniqueness that partner is likely to find, nearly always serving to boost your appeal in their eyes.

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To me, it seems women are more concerned about the size of their breasts then men are.


As a male, let me assure you anything between an ‘A’ (not totally flat-chested, though) and a ‘C’ is great. Anything larger is suffocation hazard for men (lol) and probably not too comfortable for a woman. I don’t care if they’re perky, puffy or saggy – they are all great.


Ladies, relax; be happy with what nature gave you. Use those up-lifting bras, padded bras, falsies, tape or whatever if it makes YOU feel more feminine. To a guy, if your boobs can be grasped, and all or most of it fits in his mouth, it’s perfect.


DON’T go the breast enlargement or breast reduction route unless medically necessary. Some guys, including me, find breast enhancement a ‘turn-off’. I’d rather not be fondling a sack of gel.


Now, nipples – that’s a different story!












As a woman with smallish breasts for her frame, men do care when you don't have them. I've even been asked if I were a man. A lot of men can look past the fault of having small breasts, but very few men actively prefer small breasts. A c or d is very subjective, as many women who are wearing a 34b really should be wearing a 30d/30dd. Those c's and d's are relative to the band. I'm measuring at 32d, and believe me that's not big unless a woman is petite.


Most guys are fine with fake breasts, they just don't know what fake breasts look like. Kate Uptons are most likely fake (you can see the implant). Dita von Teese's are fake, and she makes a killing and a pin up girl. Kourtney Kardashians are fake.


I'm pro fake teddies. Thank god, or i'd have to live life virtually flat chested.

Edited by hotpotato
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