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Does breast size matter?

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Shallow is realism. Being a realist doesn't make me hypocritical, nor does it mean that I would "dump" a man i love because of his height. Both the height and the breast size are part of the shallow nature of humans; but as humans we have the choice whether to act on it like that or not. If I was really in love with someone but he was tall, I would do my best to overlook the height issue because the other qualities are so wonderful. As I said, I'm not into tall guys, but if I just so happened to get with a tall guy who was great in every other aspect, I'd be strong and stick with him.





While you might not dump a man because of his height; would you even go out with one who doesn't meet your requirements? What if, God forbid, he was below 5'7?


As the OP pointed out, he fell in love with his GF eventhough she had very small breasts. They didn't suddenly shrinks when they were dating.


and 12 inches - however glorious that may be - isn't very realistic, so I'll opt for 8-10.

Uh, what are you talking about here?

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While you might not dump a man because of his height; would you even go out with one who doesn't meet your requirements? What if, God forbid, he was below 5'7?


As the OP pointed out, he fell in love with his GF eventhough she had very small breasts. They didn't suddenly shrinks when they were dating.



Uh, what are you talking about here?


Well let's put a scenario forward; let's say I met this guy online. And we chatted for ages and there was lots of great conversation and sexual chemistry. And he had a really beautiful face and a great sized penis. And let's say we met up and had a few drinks and we had sex and more great conversation. And he was 5'6 or 5'7. Errrrrrm, would I not date him because of that? Don't think so. I'm willing to put aside my preferences if the good outweigh the bad.


The 8-10 was referring to penis length - though as previously stated, girth is just as important, even more so actually.

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Well let's put a scenario forward; let's say I met this guy online. And we chatted for ages and there was lots of great conversation and sexual chemistry. And he had a really beautiful face and a great sized penis. And let's say we met up and had a few drinks and we had sex and more great conversation. And he was 5'6 or 5'7. Errrrrrm, would I not date him because of that? Don't think so. I'm willing to put aside my preferences if the good outweigh the bad.

Interesting how you make up a scenario where you didn't actually see the guy until after you've gotten to know him first online.


Which tells me, if you met him in person first and you realized how tall he was, would you have ever gotten that far with him?

The 8-10 was referring to penis length - though as previously stated, girth is just as important, even more so actually.

Heh, I hope you are aware that guys who are 8"+ are basically rare freaks of nature. Less than 2% of men are that big.


The vast majority of men are between 5 and 7. Girth is just under 5. Odds are anybody who says his penis is 8 or bigger is lying to you.

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Interesting how you make up a scenario where you didn't actually see the guy until after you've gotten to know him first online.


Which tells me, if you met him in person first and you realized how tall he was, would you have ever gotten that far with him?


Heh, I hope you are aware that guys who are 8"+ are basically rare freaks of nature. Less than 2% of men are that big.


The vast majority of men are between 5 and 7. Girth is just under 5. Odds are anybody who says his penis is 8 or bigger is lying to you.


It depends on a lot of factors. If he has "the scent" then that outweighs his unattractive height. For example, the guy at work who I'm currently mildly interested in is around 6ft. However, I'd still like to sleep with him, chat to him, etc.


I won't lie, I like it big. I can't enjoy sex as much with a man with a small one than one with a big one. That's just how I am. Same as the guy who can't get turned on by small breasts.


But that's just sexually. If it were a case of a relationship, it'd be a different matter.

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It depends on a lot of factors. If he has "the scent" then that outweighs his unattractive height. For example, the guy at work who I'm currently mildly interested in is around 6ft. However, I'd still like to sleep with him, chat to him, etc.

Ah, but I wasn't talking about a taller guy.


The vast majority of women are attracted to tall men. So you wanting to sleep with the guy at work even though you think he is "too tall" is irrelevant. I'm talking about guys who are 5'8 or shorter.

I won't lie, I like it big. I can't enjoy sex as much with a man with a small one than one with a big one. That's just how I am. Same as the guy who can't get turned on by small breasts.


But that's just sexually. If it were a case of a relationship, it'd be a different matter.

From what you said earlier, it sounds like you don't know what big actually means. Guys who are in the 8-10 range basically don't exist. Unless you do porn, I highly doubt you've ever been with a guy that big.
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Ah, but I wasn't talking about a taller guy.


The vast majority of women are attracted to tall men. So you wanting to sleep with the guy at work even though you think he is "too tall" is irrelevant. I'm talking about guys who are 5'8 or shorter.

From what you said earlier, it sounds like you don't know what big actually means. Guys who are in the 8-10 range basically don't exist. Unless you do porn, I highly doubt you've ever been with a guy that big.


It's not irrelevant because earlier on in this thread, and elsewhere, I stated my preference is guys who are 5'9-5'11 and I rarely like anything above 6ft because I am not attracted to taller guys. But perhaps I'm not making myself clear? Sexually, I have these requirements, though in special cases I'll make exceptions. Relationships are a different story, where I'm more willing to bend the rules with the physical attributes to make way for others.


Guys who are 8-10 DO exist. I once had one (only one, who was that big) and he was still the best I ever had. In fact, I still see him from time to time.

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Eh, I'm tired of this. You only keep focusing on the tall thing.


I get it that you'd refuse to date a guy whose 5'8 or shorter and you don't want to admit it. Because doing so would be admitting that you're shallow.

Edited by somedude81
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Eh, I'm tired of this. You only keep focusing on the tall thing.


I get it that you'd refuse to date a guy whose 5'8 or shorter and you don't want to admit it. Because doing so would be admitting that you're shallow.


Right :rolleyes:

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Nothing wrong with having preferences. You know what you want. For me personally, I prefer a nice, lean girl with C's. I have also been with girls that are in shape and a nice 36B, those are fun as well.


Anything bigger than a C on a toned, in shape girl starts to look sloppy. Just my opinion.

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Odds are pretty good that she already knows he finds her, um, deficient from the waist up.


If I were in a relationship like this, and it was obvious he found some of my parts unattractive, I would end it. I've gotten very picky as I've gotten older. I don't settle for lovers who can't take care of all my parts.

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OP, please try to take the insecurity in this thread with a grain of salt. Your issue is valid, however guilt-ridden it may be.


My best comparison from my own experience is dating an overweight guy. I didn't like it, I've never liked it. It's never changed for me. However, you are able to choose to get around it if you wish. It won't go away though. You simply have to decide how important it is to you. Is it worth moving on.


It very well may be, because if you consider that the truth may slip out in the future and do more damage because of the dishonesty, getting out now may be the best option. You can also try the ballsy route which is to tell the truth. There is an art to this of course, but it is possible. Overall I'd say though, most people can only accept so much reality..


My vote is to appreciate your own self-awareness and honesty. I strongly expect that your gf will not handle the truth well. You can give her the opportunity, or you can bow out graciously. Or you can accept that she isn't your dream woman and that is ok.


Just for ****s and giggles I'll add for the crowd:

I've dated a guy who was 2 inches shorter than me (guestimating) and he was great in bed. Complexes can do wonders for a person's 'determination'. And I'm only 5'4"

I've also dated 2 guys who had very small assets. I was fine with it, it was different. It made anal sex appealing.

I've also dated a guy who was hung like a goddamn horse and he was just kinda like 'i let my penis do all the work'.

Positives and negatives, people are different. And yes, some things are less desirable. People need to get their heads out of the clouds about everyone being perfect just the way they are. No, we aren't, but having flaws is just ****ing fine.

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  • 11 months later...

hi recently i've noticed one of my breasts is slightly smaller than the other.

its not that visible if you stare too much and compare them or you probably cup them you may notice,


is it normal? my friend says no human body part is exactly the same size...


im really worried..:(

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Completely normal.

My fantastic right one is slightly bigger than my fantastic left one.

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One of mine is bigger than the other too. I wouldn't worry if I were you, but you should call your doctor to put your mind at ease.

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If you want to know if one is truly larger than the other, I'll be happy to lend a hand.

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Your friend is right, so try not to worry.


Compare your feet. I'm sure one foot is slightly different in size or shape than your other foot. Same with your eyes if you look closely. It's completely normal.


My left boob is ever so slightly bigger than my right boob. Sometimes when PMS hits me, the left boob is more noticeable (to me only, I've asked my husband if he can tell and he can't)..

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My wife's left boob spills over her bra a tad while the right one is a tad smaller in it. Perfectly normal.


However, when she has her boob job this month it should even things out. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now if you really want to get nuerotic, pay attention to if your partner only plays with the bigger one!!


I'm just kidding around it's totally normal.

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  • 10 months later...

Ok, I feel a bit vulnerable and awkward asking this question, but please, please be as honest as possible with your answer.


How important is breast size when it comes to how interested you would be in seriously dating a girl (like as a potential girlfriend)... not talking about one night stands here.


If she was considered pretty or cute, had a nice personality, a nice figure in other respects...like not overweight, nice legs, etc.


In all honesty I am an A+ (meaning not completely flat but a little less than a handful). The reason I am so bothered is that growing up (I have all sisters) most of them constantly teased me about my breast size to the point I dread even wearing a bathing suite, as the teasing just got worse. Ironically, two of them had had breast implants ... one is naturally endowed, and she is actually the one sister who never made fun of me! So strangely, it is other women that have been the meanest about it. I do ware an enhancement bra that enhances me a little so my clothes fit better... and once the boyfriend saw me in the real, it never seemed to be a complete deal breaker for them (except for one). I always wondered if it really bothered them or wished I was bigger and they were just too nice to say something. Or whether or not they thought it made me less sexy. I never could bring myself to ask. And I would never allow myself to show my deep insecurity about it as I think that would be such a turn off to them.


I have lately been considering getting breast implants to be more like a B+ or small C just so I can feel more sexy. But I really struggle with the idea of it.. Because at the same time, I don't want something synthetic inside of me. So guys, be honest, would you rather her me smaller but natural or bigger (but they were implants).


Please be honest (but gentle). I know the question sounds shallow, but it seems society puts so much emphasis that that is what guys want, but sometimes I wonder ... is it REALLY true.. do you really care THAT much? Or are my sisters full of s _ _ t?

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Some woman here a while ago made the ridiculous comparison of men's height and women's breast size. In other words, we all have our preferences.


The difference is that height for most women is an absolute deal breaker.


For most men, the preference of breast size is just that, a preference.


There is no bigger boob guy than me, yet almost all the women I have dated have been as flat as you, and it never bothered me one bit.

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OP, as long as you have an awesome face, why should you care about your small boob size? You won't be complaining when you get older and realize they're not big enough to sag.

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If she was considered pretty or cute, had a nice personality, a nice figure in other respects...like not overweight, nice legs, etc.


Then, to me, it wouldn't matter. I'm more of a legs person than a boobs person anyway.


In all honesty I am an A+ (meaning not completely flat but a little less than a handful).




But if you're not happy then me liking them won't help, and to be honest I'd rather date someone who was happy with her body than someone unhappy about her body, no matter how great her legs are. (I'm really not saying that changing your boobs will make you happier, though, before you or anyone else jumps to the wrong conclusion.)

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