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Do most women fantasize about Black Men sexually?


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The more I read these height and race threads the more I just want to kill myself. I'm some kind of genetic defect.


lol Open, at some point you have to stop caring what other people think man. Everyone has their individual preferences, but you shouldn't let that stop you from pursuing women who strike your interest. There are billions of women out there, and it follows suit that there are billions of preferences. Surely you fit some woman's preference out there.

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I'm sorry but I have a hard time believing you. You can't accept a person as just a friend, warts and all, and then reject it all for a romantic relationship based on attraction. People don't change their personalities that much and much of your criteria is based on these people being inferior to attractive, smart people.


You're basically saying that I can't have someone as just a friend and not want to f*** them? If they're just a friend, why do I have to "reject it all" in favour of a sexual relationship? I can keep my friends and still have a sexual relationship with someone else!


A romantic relationship is a sexual relationship. I don't want to have sex with someone I'm not physically attracted to, no matter how nice a person or how good a friend they are.


I can accept someone as a friend even if I'm not sexually attracted to them. I don't go around having sex with my friends, so it doesn't matter if I don't find them sexually attractive. But sexual attraction is a major component of a romantic relationship, so if you're not sexually attracted to someone then you basically can't have a relationship with them. Of course a romantic relationship also has other aspects; the person would be your friend as well as your lover, but if there's no sex then you're nothing but friends.


I'm not saying that anyone is inferior to anyone else; I'm just saying that I want a relationship with someone who I find sexually attractive. I'm sure there are other women who wouldn't find my boyfriend sexually attractive, and who would prefer other men who aren't my type. We all have our own individual preferences regarding what we find sexually attractive.

Edited by Eeyore79
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Cracker Jack

I don't think Eeyore's preferences are an issue, honestly. You prefer what you prefer. I see no reason to contest someone's preference in regards to anything in general.


Granted, I'm 1/2 Black 1/2 Portuguese, so I'm not fully black--but even if I was, it wouldn't matter. Most Black people I come into contact with would never date any Caucasian, as they openly say this most of the time when I mention how pretty a specific Caucasian girl is, who usually happen to walk by.


I find Caucasian women to be the most beautiful, though. Ha!

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I never said that only men from certain racial backgrounds are attractive. I said that I personally like fair skin, light eyes and Caucasian features. As well as liking those attributes, I also like men who are taller than me, who have hair and are not bald, who don't have hairy bodies, and who are chunky and a bit overweight rather than being all athletic and toned. I'm sure that other women have different preferences, and that's entirely up to them. It's entirely irrelevant that some of my preferences are racial and some are not - why criticise my preference for fair skin and not criticise my preference for men who have hair? You're jumping solely on the preferences which are racial, and ignoring the others.


There is a world of difference between saying you have a "preference" for certain traits and categorically excluding whole categories of people as potential mates because of their race or ethnicity. A WORLD of difference.


Are you seriously going to tell me you find Jason Alexander more attractive than Denzel Washington because Alexander has "caucasian features" while Washington has African ones? Or that you think Paul Giamatti is better looking than Djimon Hounsou? I just can't believe that. I'm sorry, but if you could not see yourself having children by men that looked like Washintgon or Hounsou, you're talking about something that goes way beyond a simple "preference."

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You're basically saying that I can't have someone as just a friend and not want to f*** them? If they're just a friend, why do I have to "reject it all" in favour of a sexual relationship? I can keep my friends and still have a sexual relationship with someone else!


A romantic relationship is a sexual relationship. I don't want to have sex with someone I'm not physically attracted to, no matter how nice a person or how good a friend they are.


I can accept someone as a friend even if I'm not sexually attracted to them. I don't go around having sex with my friends, so it doesn't matter if I don't find them sexually attractive. But sexual attraction is a major component of a romantic relationship, so if you're not sexually attracted to someone then you basically can't have a relationship with them. Of course a romantic relationship also has other aspects; the person would be your friend as well as your lover, but if there's no sex then you're nothing but friends.


I'm not saying that anyone is inferior to anyone else; I'm just saying that I want a relationship with someone who I find sexually attractive. I'm sure there are other women who wouldn't find my boyfriend sexually attractive, and who would prefer other men who aren't my type. We all have our own individual preferences regarding what we find sexually attractive.


I personally could care less who you find attractive or date. This was never an issue of who you find attractive. It was an issue of judging people based on race and other physical factors.

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I don't think Eeyore's preferences are an issue, honestly. You prefer what you prefer. I see no reason to contest someone's preference in regards to anything in general.


Forgive me, but that is EXACTLY what I don't like about the way people sometimes use the word "preference." It's a code word, or at it least can be.


If someone declares something to be a "preference," they are basically saying no one has any right to question their opinion on that particular topic. They can't help it, you see. It's just a preference.


This is the EXACT arguement business owners in the Jim Crow South used to justify their decision not to serve black customers. They weren't racists. No sir! They just "preferred" not to serve blacks. Saying "it's just a preference" is like saying "that just how I feel." It is a non-argument, a non-explanation. It's b___s___.

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Cracker Jack

Well, what's considered attractive in their POV, then. Might sound better than "preference", though I don't know if it makes that much of a difference.


I just don't believe she means to come off wrong; she's just trying to say she's only willing to build a family/future with someone similiar to her. At least that's what I think.

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Jersey Shortie
I expected more from Jersey. :(


If it makes you feel better I do find that I am attracted to middle eastern/Indian men sometimes. Like that guy from LOST, he is cute.


I will never forget this very striking couple I once saw in the train in the city. He was a very good looking tall african american man and she was a beautiful creamy skinned red head. She stood in the crook of his arms for the train ride leaning up against him the whole time and he had her tucked right under his chin. It was a moment that I had wished I had my camera for and one that is strangly imprinted in my brain because of the striking pair they made and the level of intimacy they clearly shared.


I have dated and been with black men IRL, but I don't go out of my way to fantasize about them or fetishize them sexually. Nor do I fetishize any other race, or date any one race exclusively.


Stung, well said. I don't see why anyone would want to be fetishized for their race or other physical looks.

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I don't think Eeyore's preferences are an issue, honestly. You prefer what you prefer. I see no reason to contest someone's preference in regards to anything in general.


Granted, I'm 1/2 Black 1/2 Portuguese, so I'm not fully black--but even if I was, it wouldn't matter. Most Black people I come into contact with would never date any Caucasian, as they openly say this most of the time when I mention how pretty a specific Caucasian girl is, who usually happen to walk by.


I find Caucasian women to be the most beautiful, though. Ha!


I will have to disagree my friend. All women fall second rate to Brazilian women.:love:

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The only GROUP who fantasize about Black men and the size of their dicks, are insecure, undersized white men.

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Cracker Jack

Brazilian babes also top-flight. That fact slipped my mind for a bit. Ha!

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Jersey Shortie
The only GROUP who fantasize about Black men and the size of their dicks, are insecure, undersized white men.


Ha Joe. :)

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If it makes you feel better I do find that I am attracted to middle eastern/Indian men sometimes. Like that guy from LOST, he is cute.


I will never forget this very striking couple I once saw in the train in the city. He was a very good looking tall african american man and she was a beautiful creamy skinned red head. She stood in the crook of his arms for the train ride leaning up against him the whole time and he had her tucked right under his chin. It was a moment that I had wished I had my camera for and one that is strangly imprinted in my brain because of the striking pair they made and the level of intimacy they clearly shared.


This reminded me of a couple I saw 10 or so years ago waiting for a bus in the Bronx; I was visiting my great-aunt and we were going to the natural history museum. The woman was stunning, with this cocoa skin and long braids, and the guy was really fair, with shaggy blond hair and bright blue eyes. They too were very intimate together and made an incredibly striking pair.

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The only GROUP who fantasize about Black men and the size of their dicks, are insecure, undersized white men.


Yes. All the threads about penis size show how insecure men are in that regard.

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The only GROUP who fantasize about Black men and the size of their dicks, are insecure, undersized white men.


L.O.L. :eek:

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lol at the people screaming racism at women who dont find black men attractive


Get over yourselves

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Personally I do not. If I got involved with a black man then I would fantasize about him like I would any other man of any race I'm interested in, but I don't fantasize about black men in general.

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Only certain types of black men. They want a stereotype.



And do we all only need one guess as to which stereotype that is...? :rolleyes:

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Feelin Frisky
I don't think Eeyore's preferences are an issue, honestly. You prefer what you prefer. I see no reason to contest someone's preference in regards to anything in general.


Granted, I'm 1/2 Black 1/2 Portuguese, so I'm not fully black--but even if I was, it wouldn't matter. Most Black people I come into contact with would never date any Caucasian, as they openly say this most of the time when I mention how pretty a specific Caucasian girl is, who usually happen to walk by.


I find Caucasian women to be the most beautiful, though. Ha!


I Iam caucasion and I don't want every black women to want to date me. Just 30 or 40 will do. Especially Beyonce lookin' ones.

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Often people are attracted to a certain type, and that's understandable. But by your own admission, you would dismiss anyone that is not white as a potential partner, not based on their individual qualities or compatibility, but because of the color of their skin, whether or not they have hair, whether they have a big nose or not etc. You are definitely discriminating.


Okay, fair enough - I would dismiss anyone that is not white as a potential partner, regardless of their other qualities, because I don't find dark skin and eyes attractive.


But I would also dismiss a bald man as a potential partner, regardless of his other qualities, because I don't find baldness attractive. He could be a white bald man; I still wouldn't want to date him.


I would also dismiss an obese man, a short man, a man with bad teeth, an unemployed man, a divorced man - because these are not qualities that I find attractive. Regardless of the skin colour of these men, I wouldn't want to date them.


You are basically jumping on the preference which is racial, and ignoring all the others. Why is it ok to say I'm not attracted to baldness, but it isn't ok to say I'm not attracted to dark skin?


In general, discrimination is wrong, and everyone in society should be treated equally. But when it comes to sexual attraction, we all discriminate. We are all attracted to some people and not others; we want to have sex with some people and others make us go "Ewww".

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This is the EXACT arguement business owners in the Jim Crow South used to justify their decision not to serve black customers. They weren't racists. No sir! They just "preferred" not to serve blacks.


Not wanting to serve someone in a store and not wanting to f*** them are two different things. People have a right to be served in a store, but they don't have a right to have sex with me. It seems reasonable for me to only have sex with those who I find physically attractive.

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There is a world of difference between saying you have a "preference" for certain traits and categorically excluding whole categories of people as potential mates because of their race or ethnicity. A WORLD of difference.

Well I do exclude whole categories of people as potential mates because I don't find them attractive. These categories include red haired men, men under 5ft8, obese men, bald men... and yes, dark skinned men. I don't see why my other preferences are no big deal but my preference for fair skin is a problem.


Are you seriously going to tell me you find Jason Alexander more attractive than Denzel Washington because Alexander has "caucasian features" while Washington has African ones?

Tbh I don't find either of them attractive; neither of them are really my type. They both have characteristics which I'm not attracted to; the former is fat and bald, and the latter has dark skin and eyes. I wouldn't date someone just because they were white; I have to find them attractive.

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