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What the hell is going on here?


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Originally posted by andreautick

Also, practice just walking up to women and talking to them. A lot of women expect men to talk to them first. Try it, you'd be surprised. I know I, and a lot of my friends, have a rule that we'll go on a first date with any guy who makes the effort to ask (unless he's a serial killer, rapist, etc.). And, something can blossom from that.


I've worked a public-relations job for the past 5-years part time, for extra cash (writing really makes jack ****), and I can talk to women just fine. The problem is that in order to talk to a woman, my mind is already convinced that there's no way in hell that she would ever be interested in me, and there's absolutely no pressure trying to make myself look appealing/attractive to her.


When talking to women I would consider dating... wow... totally different situation; I turn into a bumbling fool.

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This woman is trouble. Don't put any stock into her.


Your best bet is to ask her if she wants to be friends. Then you move on. You can keep her on the backburner if you want, but as it is, you're putting too much energy into a dead end.


The more women you meet, the more confident you get. Play the phone game with this chick if you want to, but don't keep her as your only option.


I'm a late bloomer myself, but I find that the more I get out, the more often opportunity presents itself. There will be more women. When you find the girl who is right for you, you will KNOW she is right for you. If you're still guessing after a month, she's probably the wrong one.

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Okay everyone, I'm back with more updates. (I can hear everyone groaning in pain now! HAH!)




Anyway, it turns out she's been working like 60 hours a week at her job, and being the holiday season and all, she just never had any time for anything. Shopping for christmas presents for her family is understandably a little more important than going out with some guy she met at a mall, right? (At least I think that's reasonable).



Anyway, I bought a cellphone last week, and she left me voicemail on christmas telling me that she's going to be a lot less busy from now on. This is a wonderful sign to me; she's never once left a message on my houses' answering machine (which 4 people will hear), but the minute she gets my personal voicemail she goes ahead and leaves me a message; this says to me that she's just a little shy, right?


Regardless, I'm still a bit suspicious, so I decided to perform a little test; I stopped calling/texting her on christmas; just to see if she'll call without me prompting her to.



To my wonderful surprise, she *did* call me, at 11am yesterday morning. This is good news, I think; she told me that she's been rearranging her schedule so that she's not up till 5am anymore, etc. Anyway, she said she might be going home to her family to celebrate a late christmas (she didn't go home for christmas, got suckered into working a few 12-hour days last week); but if not, she'd like to do something with me in the afternoon of New Years Day.


She said she'd call me today, didn't specify a time, and I didn't either. I know I should have, and I really wanted to tease her a little about how she never calls when she says she will, but I forgot at the time (her call completely surprised me!), so we left off with that.


However, if experience serves me, she'll probably end up forgetting to call today.




If she doesn't call by 11pm, what should I do? Should I continue to not call/text her? Should I give her a ring at 11 and leave no message? Should I leave a message telling her I'm disappointed?


I really hate playing games; I feel like I should call her at 11 if she doesn't call. Any opinions?

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I had hoped for some advice, but I guess no one's willing or able to tackle such a ****ed-up issue :D


Anyway, I'm going to go for a walk and then give her a ring a little after 11, but I won't leave a message; just want to let her know that I was thinking about her.



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Damn, I hope I'm not too late.


Don't call her. If she says she'll call and doesn't, well that's her loss and you can take that as your queue to never have contact with this woman again (as the last 4 pages of this thread has been telling you!!!)


Honestly, it almost seems like a game she is playing with you, and you are carrying on with us in this thread. She wants to test you to see how far you'll go, and you're testing us to see how far we'll go.. :p

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Originally posted by sarah12

Damn, I hope I'm not too late.


Don't call her. If she says she'll call and doesn't, well that's her loss and you can take that as your queue to never have contact with this woman again (as the last 4 pages of this thread has been telling you!!!)


Honestly, it almost seems like a game she is playing with you, and you are carrying on with us in this thread. She wants to test you to see how far you'll go, and you're testing us to see how far we'll go.. :p



I called and she picked up; we talked for a bit (20 min or so).



She says now that her work asked her to work wed+thur, and she said she'll do it, so she won't be able to go out this week either now. Basically she's working for 7 days in a row now, 10-12 hour shifts each day.


She spent about two minutes telling me that she still definitely wants to go out, and like a fool, I believed her. I really ought to have told her "Actions speak louder than words, madame. Your mouth is saying yes but you are saying no in the loudest possible manner", but I'm just too damn timid to take such a tone with anyone. *sigh*


Said she'd call the next morning... and I know you can guess that she didn't. I've resolved to not call her anymore. Hopefully this time I can last longer than 3 days keeping my promise... heh.



I am such a weak person :rolleyes:

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