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I'm an emotional wreck right now!!

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Cora I am so relieved that you got some more answers to even further help you get past this. I wish for you that they would have come sooner and that you didn't have to go through this mess of a situation, but what's done is done and now you can move on. You're a wonderful woman and a man like that is not worthy of your love. Keep on moving on and smile! We love you.

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Cora I had been following your story for quite a while. Just wanted to say that I think you are such a strong woman and I'm sure you will find someone who will appreciate you for all your awesome qualities. As painful as this was, just take it as a experience and know that it only brings you a step closer to finding The One. Best of luck!!

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Cora, I'm really glad you are rid of him. I don't think someone like that would ever be faithful. I feel sorry for his fiance' because he will probably stray again.


Hang in there, there is a good guy for you out there who will treat you like gold. You just have to meet some real rats to appreciate the good one you finally end up with.

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Gosh Cora, what a nightmare this guy has put you through! I couldn't read and not post, because I know how it feels to be dumped by being ignored - you worry that the person is sick or dead, and you check your email every five minutes, and call again and again even though you never receive a reply, and you think the worst because you cannot understand how this guy who you loved and trusted could simply be ignoring you. I don't understand why someone would put another person through this - they must be a real coward to be incapable of saying "This isn't working for me, goodbye". Any decent human being with an ounce of respect for another would do that.


I read back through your earlier threads, and it sounds like he's been flaky for a while, and you've been putting up with it and hoping that things will improve. If I'd responded to your other threads I would have said "sorry, he's just not that into you", because if a man wants to talk to you, he will. It's easy to make excuses for why he wasn't frequently in touch with you lately, but the truth is that anyone can spare a minute to send a text, and if he doesn't do it it's because he doesn't want to. It sounds like he was happy to use you for an ego boost while it was all long-distance and secret, but as soon as it threatened to get real and interrupt his cosy relationship with his girlfriend he very quickly vanished off the face of the earth - it's no coincidence that he disappeared around the time you were finally planning to travel to meet him. I know you probably feel that you lack closure because you never got to meet him, but I think that's for the best - imagine how much worse you'd feel if he used you for sex before dumping you in this cruel way.


I'm sorry that this happened and glad that you eventually got some sort of closure, even if you had to get it via his girlfriend rather than from the man himself. He has been lying to you all along, and you're bound to feel cheated and hurt, because you thought he was for real and you genuinely loved him. You're bound to be grieving now that he has vanished from your life, just the same as you would be if he'd suddenly been taken from you in another way such as by a car crash. At least you can comfort yourself with the fact that you had a lucky escape from a very bad man, and you can look forward to meeting someone better who will give you the love and attention that you deserve.


If you're honest with yourself, although you loved him he wasn't really a very good boyfriend, was he? Please DO NOT settle for this sort of behaviour from a man ever again; you need to have some self respect and insist on being treated like a princess, which is no less than you deserve. I've seen your profile pic and you're a very pretty girl, and probably well educated too considering you're at school; you can do a LOT better than this loser, and when you're ready to move on you can have your pick of nice guys :)


Big hug sweetie, hope you're feeling a bit better by now.

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