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ok i have this friend.... and shes drop dead gorgous... and shes coplaining about all the guys checking her out... but i then i have NO guys cheacking me out... im not fat but im not skinny im average... i dont se why guys dont like me....:o:(

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She complains about guys checking her out not as complaints, but that's how she shows off to you. That's how she satisfies her insecurities. If one day men stops checking her out, she'll be calling up plastic surgeons. Wait a decade or so, it'll happen.


It doesn't mean guys don't like you. Maybe they're just checking out your friend instead.


Women very rarely hit up on me. Compared to some of the playa guys I know, they can stand in a room and fart, and any women that smell the fart would hand over their phone numbers. But that doesn't mean I'm not viable in the dating arena and I should give up.


It's not a big deal. If you compete with your friend at an area that's her strength, you'll lose. You do your thing, I'm sure you have qualities that will attract a different set of men.


But if you must play the "attention from men" game, show a lot of skin when you dress, and act ultra flirty, like a lot of touching, laugh at their dumb jokes, get real close to them when you talk, and press your boobs against their arms...etc. That always works. And later you can always claim you're just a naturally friendly person and it didn't mean anything.

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thanx... maby ill try that... she has guys slowing down to check her out... then she says ist not her falt. i couldnt live with out her but its starting to annoy me... i know how you feel... and the fart thing is weird but is i got you point its. most women i know dont give a crap about the person just how they look. i guess the right guy will come along eventualy. everyone and a Mr. Right dont they?

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You probably don't know how to flirt or something. Also maybe the guys who check you out are really smooth about it. Like if I want to check a girl out, but I don't want them to know about it I'll be like a nija about it (very stealthy.) its also easier to notice people checking some one else out then when they are checking you out

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wtf... i know how to flirt... maby it is easyer to notice other people... but they slow down and drive back and forth...???

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most girls dont have guys driving back and forth to get a look at them, and those guys dont really sound like the people you want to be getting attention from. You remind of this one time I was in a walmart parking lot and some girl said really loud to her friend, "I'm just so sick and tired of it, The next guy who even comes and talks to me I will go out with even if hes really ugly"

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I think you'll be fine, you probably attract a different kind of guy than your friend (which is a good thing in my opinion). You're friend is obviously happy that she sees herself as eye candy while I reckon you go a bit deeper than that, and you'll find someone eventually, and I bet guys are checking you out too, just they ain't as obvious about it!


Oh and also when I'm hanging out with female friends and they are saying "look that girl is checking you out" and I reply "no way, I don't see it!" etc, I'm really bad with signals unless they are really obvious...maybe you too can't spot some signs? I don't know...

Edited by KidEternity
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most girls dont have guys driving back and forth to get a look at them, and those guys dont really sound like the people you want to be getting attention from. You remind of this one time I was in a walmart parking lot and some girl said really loud to her friend, "I'm just so sick and tired of it, The next guy who even comes and talks to me I will go out with even if hes really ugly"


So did you go talk to her?:laugh:

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I have to find the appearance attractive, I personaly would only want to date a girl I thought of as being hot. Doesn't necesarily have to be a super model for me to consider them hot though

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Maybe you just haven't come across the right guy?


I am male and I don't only look at how she looks - as long as the girl is not obese then thats not an issue, I don't like chatty "stuck in high-school" girls tho - I prefer less words with more meaning.

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ok, guys what makes you walk up to a girl and start talking to her.... or on the internet.... how do you decide to get to know the person farther????????:o;):cool: =/

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Don't worry you'll eventually find someone.. maybe she gets a lot of looks but that doesn't mean nobody is looking at YOU...


It's funny that you post that because that is what my friends (female) say when they go out with me..


I know people will say I'm bragging.. but it's the truth.. men look at me a lot.. and I know it.. they flirt.. smile... wink... and I love it.. ;)


My friend last year used to joke about it.. and say things like: 'Hey guys, yoohooo.. I'm here too'...waving her hand.. lol (she's single and on the 'cruise')... and when we go to bars (the few times we went).. she always say that I'm the 'lure' to bait men to our table.. lol She can't complain because she can get all the men she wants too...


This year, it was my first vacation with my bestest friend.. (she's married, so not interested).. she said at one point: 'Geezz I think I'll put you in a cage, like in a circus, and charge each man that look at you.. I'd get rich'...


I have to say that it's very flattering for me but I know that, in my case, my friends don't really mind. They find that amusing.


My only advice, if it really bothers you, stay away from her... It's not her fault, you just have to deal with it, but like I say it doesn't mean that no one is looking at you.

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I generally don't talk to people unless I have something to get from them, so my suggestion is don't look too active, make it seem like your easy to approach.

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White Flower
She complains about guys checking her out not as complaints, but that's how she shows off to you. That's how she satisfies her insecurities.
So true. You can smell BS when you see it. Kudos for you!
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White Flower

My only advice, if it really bothers you, stay away from her... It's not her fault, you just have to deal with it, but like I say it doesn't mean that no one is looking at you.

Lizzie, you enjoy the flattery that comes your way and that is great. This girl's friend pretends not to enjoy it so she can make her, the OP, feel inadequate. She needs to humble herself a bit or be put in her place.


I'd ask her to grow up or quit hanging out with her. You could always tell her to just enjoy all the compliments. After all, you do! (And make it sound believable;))

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Lizzie, you enjoy the flattery that comes your way and that is great. This girl's friend pretends not to enjoy it so she can make her, the OP, feel inadequate. She needs to humble herself a bit or be put in her place.


I'd ask her to grow up or quit hanging out with her. You could always tell her to just enjoy all the compliments. After all, you do! (And make it sound believable;))


Oops.. you're right.. I forgot that part..


I think she's immature... and pretend it gets on her nerves.. yeah right.. that's BS.. she enjoys it.. who doesn't?


I am not sure though that she says that to make the OP inadequate.. I would rather think that SHE is uncomfortable since she gets all the attention and feels kind of sorry for her friend.. and she is just awkward about the way she is handling it. :o


On my last vacation, all week, my friend just couldn't believe how much I got it by young guys and how much 'looks' I was getting.. lots of MMs BTW.. I don't know if she was 'thinking' loud because she felt uncomfortable.. I know she has big issues with her weight.. but I also know that Dominicans loooove big women.... I told her and I was telling her when a Dominican was looking at her.. and she liked that. ;)

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On my last vacation, all week, my friend just couldn't believe how much I got it by young guys and how much 'looks' I was getting.. lots of MMs BTW..


...the "Lizzie, they're looking at you show!"


Rucy! I'm hoooome!

Edited by Curmudgeon
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thanx... i cant stop handing out with her... shes like my best friend. we tell each other everything. well i will defidently find someone besides shes leaving to germany so...

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thanx... i cant stop handing out with her... shes like my best friend. we tell each other everything. well i will defidently find someone besides shes leaving to germany so...


Well I'm sure she wasn't doing that to hurt you.. I think she was uncomfortable getting all that attention while you weren't getting any.. and it was her way to 'vent' it out.. awkward..maybe but still.. maybe she doesn't know how to handle it. :o

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