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mea_M's Journal

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A journey back in time...



A place where everybody knew my name. A place I could be little old Mea. A thank you for LS. For lessons learned and hardships overcome through my own strength, the support of others here. To come back stronger, wiser and with a deeper appreciation for everything in life is a wonderful feeling! Thank you people. Thank you.:love:

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Glad to see you were able to gain something from LS.


At times, this place is truly fantastic.

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Agree. I sure did gain something. At such a strange time in my life LS was very helpful. Thanks for reading.

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You're intirely welcome!

I kind of like it around this water cooler myself - only arrived a short time ago. I rather like reading as much common sense and the courage to express it, as I find here.

It keeps the writer in me alive and kickin'. (and I suppose - the 'me' in the writer, too...)

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