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...and so the no contact starts again. and I need !


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Hi all, After our Valentines Dinner, and all the nice things she did for me that night. She started to act all distent. I just can't trust her. I don't know if it's depression thats making her this way or she's just weaning herself away from me?


It's like I'm her fix, she comes over stays the night so that I can massage her neck, tell her everything is going to be ok, and then doesn't want to hear it.


Maybe it's just the fact that I don't trust her anymore, and I don't want to deal with the heartache anymore. Her history with me wasn't that great. I was really good to her, and she treated me like dirt. It's really heartbreaking, but after tonights conversation with her she put the nail right in the coffin.


I asked her if she was trying to wean herself away from me. there was silents for a few seconds, and then holding back the tears she said "yes, what do you want me to tell you"? and then she said " why are you acting this way"? " why are you pushing me away from you"? I said nothing at the moment. Then she said that her cell phone was going dead can I call you later. I said sure. Then with sarcasm she said will that be alright?. I said you know what don't, it sounded like she said fine, so I said fine good-bye. and just hung up. I know this sounds like 3 year old crap, but I just can't do it anymore.


Was I out of line? Did I act on emotion alone here? some advice please. For those who don't know my history with this girl you should read my past post "holy crap, You're not going to believe this" it's long but you'll know the gist of it.



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Dude, she has some issues.


Is she still in therapy? Would you two want to have a session together?

What exactly does she want? Can she even answer that?


Ballons and cakes don't acknowledge the past hurts. The old push pull game doesn't do too much good either after a while.


Can she sit and have a mature conversation with you without it spinning into an emotional tornato? If not then you are both too emotionally involved to really resolve anything.


I don't know. Sounds like the relationship wasn't that great anyway, and not looking like alot of effort is really being put forth to make a new shot at it work out.


Maybe NC and move on?

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